<? // Preamble $pageName = "Mailing Lists"; $currPage = "lists"; // Name of the page, for the menu require "parts/preamble.php"; // Load most of document function mailListLinks ($listName) { $subUrl = 'http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/'; $archiveUrl = 'http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name='; echo '[ '; echo '<A href="' . $subUrl . $listName . '">subscribe</A>'; echo ' | '; echo '<A href="' . $archiveUrl . $listName . '">archives</A>'; echo ' ]'; } ?> <P>The QuakeForge Project has several email lists, which we use to keep in touch with each other and the community. This page is a list of them (or see the <A href="http://sf.net/mail/?group_id=882">complete listing</A>). <!-- <H4>QuakeForge Announcements <? mailListLinks ('quakeforge-announce'); ?></H4> <P>From time to time, the QuakeForge team make announcements. This, along with the development list, is where they are sent. If you want to know about them, subscribe here. --> <H4>QuakeForge Bugs <? mailListLinks ('quake-bugs'); ?></H4> <!-- <H4>Quake II Bugs <? mailListLinks ('quake2-bugs'); ?></H4> <H4>Newtree Bugs <? mailListLinks ('newtree-bugs'); ?></H4> <H4>QFCC Bugs <? mailListLinks ('qfcc-bugs'); ?></H4> <H4>Forge Bugs <? mailListLinks ('forge-bugs'); ?></H4> --> <P>We hate to admit it, but even our code sometimes has bugs in it. This mailing lists is for discussing those bugs. Also, the QuakeForge bug-tracking system sends mail to this list whenever the bug database for each package is updated. <H4>QuakeForge SVN Updates <? mailListLinks ('quake-commits'); ?></H4> <!-- <H4>Quake II CVS Updates <? mailListLinks ('quake2-cvs'); ?></H4> <H4>Newtree CVS Updates <? mailListLinks ('newtree-cvs'); ?></H4> <H4>QFCC CVS Updates <? mailListLinks ('qfcc-cvs'); ?></H4> <H4>Forge CVS Updates <? mailListLinks ('forge-cvs'); ?></H4> --> <P>If you would like to get an email every time something happens in the QuakeForge CVS, subscribe to one or more of these mailing lists. Because a mail is sent out every time any file is changed, they tend to be pretty high-traffic. Each email contains a list of files changed, and what was changed. <H4>QuakeForge Development <? mailListLinks ('quake-devel'); ?></H4> <!-- <H4>Quake II Development <? mailListLinks ('quake2-devel'); ?></H4> --> <P>This are where the main development work is discussed. Tempers run high occasionally, and technical discussion is the order of the day. If you are interested in helping, have a patch, or are concerned with the direction the development is taking, this is the place you want to be. <!-- <H4>QuakeForge Project discussion <? mailListLinks ('quakeforge-project'); ?></H4> <P>This is where the overall direction of the project is, or isn't, discussed. Development is off-topic, this list is mainly for non-technical discussion. If you like watching C-SPAN, this might be a good place for you to be. <H4>QuakeForge User Discussion <? mailListLinks ('quakeforge-users'); ?></H4> <P>If you are more interested in playing the game than talking about development stuff, you want to be here. Many of the QuakeForge developers are here, and aside from our IRC channel, this is the closest thing to a tech support hotline that we have. There may also be discussion between players here. -->