// Preamble $pageName = "Admin - Delete User"; $focused = "home"; // Dock icon name to gets a border $need = 'auth'; require("../parts/preamble.php"); // Load most of document ?> if ($u_username) { need('sql'); $u_username = AddSlashes($u_username); $conn = mysql_connect (sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass); if ($conn) { $query = "DELETE FROM members WHERE u_username = '$u_username'"; $result = mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query1, $conn); if ($result) { $numRows = mysql_affected_rows ($conn); if ($numRows) { echo '
User removed from members dbase successfully.'; } else { echo '
There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn); } } else { echo '
There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn); } $query2 = "DELETE FROM devel_plans WHERE p_user = '$p_username'"; $result = mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query2, $conn); if ($result) { $numRows = mysql_affected_rows ($conn); if ($numRows) { echo '
User removed from plan dbase successfully.'; echo '
This webpage will self-destruct in 30 seconds.'; } else { echo '
There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn); } } else { echo '
There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn); } mysql_close ($conn); } else { echo 'You suck, butthead.'; } } else { ?>
} ?> require (siteHome ."/parts/postamble.php"); // Finish this sucker up ?>