<?PHP $sitename = "The QuakeForge Project"; $pagename = "Search"; require("parts/library.php"); // Load function library include("parts/head.php"); // Load the HEAD and open BODY include("parts/topstrip.php"); // Display top strip include("parts/titletable.php"); // Display main title w/ logos ?> <TABLE width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <TR valign="top"> <?php include("parts/menu.php"); // Import left-side menus tableSpacer( 1, 9, 1, "black"); // Separate content from menus ?> <TD width="100%"> <?php $focused = "none"; // name of focused icon include( "parts/topmain.php" ); // Display content top table ?> <P> This page is still under construction. Please check back later. </TD> <?php tableSpacer( 1, 9, 1, "black"); ?> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="4"> <?php include("parts/copyright.php"); ?> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>