I could give a long speech full of lies, half-truths, and shameless attempts to get you to support my agenda's various components, but dammit Jim, I'm a coder not a politician!

So instead I'll just talk about what's going on with the tree so people who don't hang out on irc know what the fuck is going on for a change. Maybe Palisade or someone should see that relevant tidbits make it to the website's news page. What's here's mostly for other developers and non-novice users so I'm going to feel free to go into technical details of things the average non-coder may be confused by. Tough. =>

QuakeForge 0.1.1

It's not out yet. In fact, it's not even close to out yet because I pretty much have become the stable release manager here because like an idiot I stepped up to the plate when someone needed to in order to get 0.1.0 out the door.. First lesson: Never volunteer yourself to do a job that nobody else wants---you'll find out quick why they don't want it and you won't be able to get them to take it later. ;>

What needs to be done for QF 0.1.1:

When I'm satisfied that things are working okay, I'll call it 0.1.1 and make sure archives get made. I'll also upload Debian packages (since I do that) to potato and woody. They may not ever see potato, but I'll try since the above would really be just a bugfix release. Someone who cares will have to make rpms, win32 binaries (if that's possible in the 0.1.x tree, it may be now and not have been when the release archives were made I don't know..)

As a side note, there is talk (since so many of QF's coders are Debian users and developers) of modifying the UQuake console version string in 0.1.1 to read "QuakeForge Quack (B-Finn edition) 0.1.1" or something similar in honor of one of #debian's most memorable and amusing trolls, B-Finn who always wanted "HELP FOR PLEASE TO INSTALL QUACK"... He made it clear that he meant Quake and was obviously trolling (that, stupid beyond belief, or someone's sick idea of competition to megahal...) It probably won't happen, but then again ....

0.2 development

If you hadn't noticed, a lot is broken lately. Understatement of the entire 20th Century I realize. We've begun working on the shared object support. Linux svgalib and X11 work, sortof. X11 is being broken again because of the seperate input/video things being LAME(!) and broken anyway, but the results will be cool.

You can thank Mercury for breaking the tree with what he knew was a badly designed module solution, but he did lay the framework needed to do it right. He's also getting stuck fixing it which is of course poetic coder justice or something. ;> Currently the shared objects must be in the dir you run from--taniwha is working on a path cvar which will be searched.

Bad news: Someone broke qw's protocol. Client or server we don't know, but it's broken. Unintentionally, it will be repaired. At least, as soon as someone else fixes it or I get a working -ggi target, timestamped server console, and about an hour to work on it in.

Celebrity advice

Good gods, where to begin? If you don't know it you must have been living under a rock or something: Zoid has taken an interest in QuakeForge(!) He's asked for cvs write access and has been hanging around to answer questions, offer suggestions, and generally remind us that he thinks we're all insane. (He's right, of course..)

Here's what he's had to say so far:

We're obviously thrilled Zoid's taken such an interest in our project. We're very grateful to have him working on the project where time permits him to and for the advice he's offered to us.