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			DOS/win9x/winnt files:
			For Win95/98/NT users, grab <a href="http://www.midasoft.com/ftp/mkt/mkts.zip">KoalaTerm</a> from
			Midasoft in zip form. This is a terminal (telnet style) program that
			allows you to SSH into your shell1.sourceforge.net account. Remember use
			SSH1 terminal type only when connecting.<br><br>
			There is a port of unix cvs, ssh and scp to Win9x/NT (console only) <a href="http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/winntutil.html#sshnt">here.</a>
			Grab my <a href="ftp://quake.sourceforge.net/pub/quake/files/sscp.bat">batch script</a> to make using the unix port of scp with sourceforge easier.
			You can find WinCVS and MacCVS <a href="http://www.wincvs.org/">here</a>.
			Some useful gnu tools for Win9x/NT users<a href="ftp://ftp.fe.up.pt/pub/Projectos/em96115/gnu-win32/misc/"> are here.</a>
			Cygnus GNU GCC Environment for Win32<a href="http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/"> is here</a>
			Win95/98 doesn't support SSL *at all*, no browser will work, MS might have a fix for this try their update page.