mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 16:50:55 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 71 additions and 57 deletions
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
tableBoxHeader("Contestants", 1, 'white', '#737b9c', 'black');
tableBoxHeader( $tableHeadColor, 'black' );
tableTitle( 'Contestants', 1, $tableHeadColor );
Contestant( 'Mathieu Helie', 'matt@solarweb.hypermart.net', 'images/quakeforge12.png', 'To Be Announced');
Contestant( 'Nick Rusnov', 'nick@intus.net', 'images/qforgec1.png', 'To Be Announced');
Contestant( 'Nick Rusnov', 'nick@intus.net', 'images/qforgec2.png', 'To Be Announced');
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
<TD width="100%">
$focused = "home"; // name of focused icon
$focused = "none"; // name of focused icon
include( "parts/topmain.php" ); // Display content top table
The QuakeForge project leader, Nelson Rush, contacted lead id Software programmer, John Carmack, and asked if QuakeForge had permission to use the Quake(R) logo. John wrote back saying that id Software's CEO had said that we are not allowed to use the logo for anything related to our project.
The QuakeForge project leader, Nelson Rush, contacted lead id Software programmer, John Carmack, and asked if QuakeForge had permission to use the Quake® logo. John wrote back saying that id Software's CEO had said that we are not allowed to use the logo for anything related to our project.
As a result, QuakeForge needs a new logo. The new logo will be used on the website, t-shirts, bumper stickers, advertisements, etc. Contest ends on Feb. 29, 2000.
@ -18,45 +18,44 @@
include( "parts/topmain.php" ); // Display content top table
QuakeForge's aim is to create a long lasting project to work on developing and extending the Quake® source release (and any future releases) while maintaining backwards compatibility with the original Quake and QuakeWorld®. Our international team of developers is working hard to reach this goal, and we believe we are succeeding.
QuakeForge's aim is to create a long-lasting project to work on developing and extending the Quake® source release (and any future releases) while maintaining backwards compatibility with the original Quake and QuakeWorld®. Our international team of developers is working hard to reach this goal, and we believe we are succeeding.
<TABLE width="100%" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0">
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD colSpan="2">
// $conn = pg_connect("dbname=www user=deek");
tableBoxHeader( $tableHeadColor, 'black' );
tableTitle( 'Latest News', 1, $tableHeadColor );
// $conn = mysql_pconnect( localhost, "quake", "password" );
if ( $conn ) {
$result = pg_exec( $conn, "SET DateStyle to 'ISO'" );
$query = 'SELECT n_date, n_user, n_news FROM news_main ' .
'WHERE n_date > ( \'now\' + \'1 month ago\'::reltime )::date ' .
'ORDER BY n_date USING >';
$result = pg_exec( $conn, $query );
$numrows = pg_numrows( $result );
tableBoxHeader("Latest News", 1, 'white', '#737b9c', 'black');
if ($numrows >= 1) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) {
list($n_date, $n_user, $n_news) = pg_fetch_row($result,$i);
tableNewsItem($n_date, $n_user, $n_news);
$result = mysql_query( $query, $conn );
$numRows = mysql_num_rows( $result );
if ( $numRows > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numRows ; $i++ ) {
list( $n_date, $n_user, $n_news ) = pg_fetch_row( $result,$i );
tableNewsItem( $n_date, $n_user, $n_news );
} else {
tableNewsItem( 'Now', 'nobody', 'No current news!' );
$result = pg_close($conn);
$result = mysql_close( $conn );
} else {
tableBoxHeader("Latest News", 1, 'white', '#737b9c', 'black');
$newsItem = '<P>Thanks to Deek we now have a brand new site layout which should be much more consistent.' .
'<P>In other news, the votes for the logo are still being submitted, but we should have something real soon now.';
tableNewsItem('06 Mar 2000', 'Mercury', $newsItem);
tableNewsItem( '06 Mar 2000', 'Mercury', $newsItem );
$newsItem = '<P>Knghtbrd, our release manager, has been instructed to lay off the Quack.. <=:]';
tableNewsItem('27 Feb 2000', 'Mercury', $newsItem);
tableNewsItem( '27 Feb 2000', 'Mercury', $newsItem );
$newsItem = '<P><B>QuackForge 0.1.1 has arrived!</B> tar.gz, tar.bz2, and zip source archives are available at our <A href="http://sourceforge.net/project/filelist.php?group_id=882">Downloads page</A>. Grab your copy today!';
tableNewsItem('27 Feb 2000', 'Knghtbrd', $newsItem);
tableNewsItem( '27 Feb 2000', 'Knghtbrd', $newsItem );
$newsItem = '<P>Daniel McGregor has joined the project to maintain OpenBSD support.' .
'<P>As a result of the current situation with QuakeLives, we have added a new goal: to support mod developers (such as MegaTF) more and provide 32-bit Windows executables (now that we have a qualified Windows developer working with us) for download.';
tableNewsItem('25 Feb 2000', 'Palisade', $newsItem);
tableNewsItem( '25 Feb 2000', 'Palisade', $newsItem );
@ -22,25 +22,23 @@
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD colSpan="2">
// $conn = pg_connect("dbname=www user=deek");
tableBoxHeader( $tableHeadColor, 'black' );
tableTitle( 'All News', 1, $tableHeadColor );
// $conn = mysql_pconnect( localhost, "quake", "password" );
if ( $conn ) {
$result = pg_exec( $conn, "SET DateStyle to 'ISO'" );
$query = 'SELECT n_date, n_user, n_news FROM news_main ORDER BY n_date USING >';
$result = pg_exec( $conn, $query );
$numrows = pg_numrows( $result );
tableBoxHeader("All News", 1, 'white', '#737b9c', 'black');
if ($numrows >= 1) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) {
list($n_date, $n_user, $n_news) = pg_fetch_row($result,$i);
tableNewsItem($n_date, $n_user, $n_news);
$result = mysql_query( $query, $conn );
$numRows = mysql_num_rows( $result );
if ( $numRows > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numRows ; $i++ ) {
list( $n_date, $n_user, $n_news ) = pg_fetch_row( $result,$i );
tableNewsItem( $n_date, $n_user, $n_news );
} else {
tableNewsItem( 'Now', 'nobody', 'No news!' );
$result = pg_close($conn);
$result = mysql_close( $conn );
} else {
tableBoxHeader("All News", 1, 'white', '#737b9c', 'black');
$newsItem = '<P>Thanks to Deek we now have a brand new site layout which should be much more consistent.' .
'<P>In other news, the votes for the logo are still being submitted, but we should have something real soon now.';
tableNewsItem('06 Mar 2000', 'Mercury', $newsItem);
@ -212,7 +210,7 @@
<TD colSpan="4">
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
/* Helpful constants */
$tableHeadColor = '#737b9c';
$menuHeadColor = '#737b9c';
$menuBgColor = '#4b4f66';
/* Array functions */
// Search array for data
function inArray( $needle, $haystack )
@ -68,18 +72,18 @@
echo '<A CLASS="menus" HREF="' . $url . '">' . $desc . '</A><BR>';
// Create a Menu Section header
function menuSectionHeader( $name, $fgColor , $bgColor )
function menuSectionHeader( $name, $fgColor , $bgColor, $intBgColor )
echo "\n<!-- menuSectionHeader(" . $name . ') -->';
echo '<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="3" width="100%" border=0 bgColor="' . $bgColor . '">';
echo ' <TR bgColor="' . $color . '">';
echo ' <TD align="center">';
echo ' <IMG src="/img/blank.gif" height="1" width="135" alt="" border="0"><BR>';
echo ' <SPAN class="titlebar"><FONT color="' . $fgColor . '">' . $name . '</FONT></SPAN>';
echo ' </TD>';
echo ' </TR>';
echo ' <TR align="right" bgColor="#4b4f66">';
echo ' <TD>';
echo "\n<!-- menuSectionHeader(" . $name . ') -->' .
'<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="3" width="100%" border=0 bgColor="' . $bgColor . '">' .
' <TR bgColor="' . $bgColor . '">' .
' <TD align="center">' .
' <IMG src="/img/blank.gif" height="1" width="135" alt="" border="0"><BR>' .
' <SPAN class="titlebar">' . $name . '</SPAN>' .
' </TD>' .
' </TR>' .
' <TR align="right" bgColor="' . $intBgColor . '">' .
' <TD>';
// Create a Menu Section footer
function menuSectionFooter()
@ -90,17 +94,12 @@
/* Table functions */
function tableBoxHeader( $name, $cols, $fgColor, $bgColor, $intBgColor )
function tableBoxHeader( $bgColor, $intBgColor )
echo '<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="0" bgColor="' . $bgColor . '">' .
' <TR>' .
' <TD>' .
' <TABLE cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%" border="0" bgcolor="' . $intBgColor . '">' .
' <TR bgColor="' . $bgColor . '" align="center">' .
' <TD colspan="' . $cols . '">' .
' <SPAN class="titlebar">' . $name . '</SPAN>' .
' </TD>' .
' </TR>';
' <TABLE cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%" border="0" bgcolor="' . $intBgColor . '">';
function tableBoxFooter()
@ -110,6 +109,15 @@
' </TR>' .
function tableTitle($name, $cols, $bgColor)
echo ' <TR bgColor="' . $bgColor . '" align="center">' .
' <TD colspan="' . $cols . '">' .
' <SPAN class="titlebar">' . $name . '</SPAN>' .
' </TD>' .
' </TR>';
function tableHeader( $cols, $fgColor, $bgColor )
@ -130,8 +138,8 @@
function tableSpacer( $height, $width, $cols, $bgColor )
echo '<TD colSpan="' . $cols . '" width="' . $width . '" bgColor="' . $bgColor . '">';
echo ' <IMG src="/img/misc/blank.gif" height="' . $height . '" width="' . $width . '" border="0" alt="">';
echo '</TD>';
echo '<TD colSpan="' . $cols . '" width="' . $width . '" bgColor="' . $bgColor . '">' .
' <IMG src="/img/misc/blank.gif" height="' . $height . '" width="' . $width . '" border="0" alt="">' .
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
function qfMenu() {
menuSectionHeader( "QuakeForge", 'white', '#737B9C');
global $menuHeadColor, $menuBgColor;
menuSectionHeader( "QuakeForge", 'white', $menuHeadColor, $menuBgColor );
menuItemLink( "/", "Homepage" );
menuItemLink( "/news.php", "News Archive" );
menuItemLink( "http://sourceforge.net/project/filelist.php?group_id=882", "Downloads" );
@ -13,7 +15,9 @@
function develMenu() {
menuSectionHeader( "Developers", 'white', '#737B9C');
global $menuHeadColor, $menuBgColor;
menuSectionHeader( "Developers", 'white', $menuHeadColor, $menuBgColor );
menuItemLink( "http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=882", "CVS Access" );
menuItemLink( "/devtools.php", "Developer Tools" );
menuItemLink( "/progress.php", "State of the Code" );
@ -24,7 +28,9 @@
function sfMenu() {
menuSectionHeader( "SourceForge", 'white', '#737B9C');
global $menuHeadColor, $menuBgColor;
menuSectionHeader( "SourceForge", 'white', $menuHeadColor, $menuBgColor );
menuItemLink( "http://sourceforge.net/", "Homepage" );
menuItemLink( "http://sourceforge.net/snippet/", "Code Snippet Library" );
menuItemLink( "http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/", "Software Map" );
@ -36,7 +42,9 @@
function searchMenu() {
menuSectionHeader( "Search", 'white', '#737B9C');
global $menuHeadColor, $menuBgColor;
menuSectionHeader( "Search", 'white', $menuHeadColor, $menuBgColor );
echo '<CENTER><FONT size="-2">' .
'<FORM action="/search/" method="POST">' .
' <SELECT name="type_of_search">' .
Reference in a new issue