mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:00:45 +00:00
Nuke the members dir.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 0 additions and 400 deletions
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
<? // Preamble
$pageName = "Developers - Add News";
$focused = "home"; // Dock icon name to gets a border
$need = 'auth';
require("../parts/preamble.php"); // Load most of document
if ($newsItem) {
$user = ucfirst($userInfo[u_username]) ;
$newsItem = AddSlashes($newsItem);
$conn = mysql_connect (sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass);
if ($conn) {
$query = 'INSERT into news_main (n_date, n_user, n_news) VALUES (' .
" NOW(), '$user', '$newsItem')";
$result = mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query, $conn);
if ($result) {
$numRows = mysql_affected_rows ($conn);
if ($numRows) {
echo '<P>Your news item has been processed successfully.';
} else {
echo '<P>There was an error in your input. If you don\'t know what it is, I\'m not going to tell you.';
mysql_close ($conn);
} else {
echo 'You suck, butthead.';
} else {
tableBoxHeader(featureBgColor, tableHeadColor);
tableTitle("Add News", 1, tableHeadColor);
$date = strftime('%d %b %Y', time());
$user = ucfirst($userInfo[u_username]);
echo '<TR><TD><DL><DT><FONT SIZE=-1>Posted on ' . $date . ' by ' . $user . '</FONT></DT>' .
' <DD> ';
<FORM action="addnews.php" method="post">
<TEXTAREA name="newsItem" rows="25" cols="64"></TEXTAREA><BR>
<INPUT align="center" type="submit" value="Post"></INPUT>
<? ' . </DD>' .
require (siteHome ."/parts/postamble.php"); // Finish this sucker up
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
<? // Preamble
$pageName = "Admin - Add User";
$focused = "home"; // Dock icon name to gets a border
$need = 'auth';
require "../parts/preamble.php"; // Load most of document
if ($userInfo[u_admin] == 'Y' && $u_username) {
$u_username = AddSlashes ($u_username);
$u_fullname = AddSlashes ($u_fullname);
$u_email = AddSlashes ($u_email);
$u_password = AddSlashes ($u_password);
$u_addr1 = AddSlashes ($u_addr1);
$u_phone = AddSlashes ($u_phone);
$u_addr2 = AddSlashes ($u_addr2);
$u_country = AddSlashes ($u_country);
$u_admin = ($u_admin) ? 'Y' : 'N';
$conn = mysql_connect (sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass);
if ($conn) {
$query1 = 'INSERT into members (u_username, u_fullname, u_email, u_password, u_addr1, u_phone, u_addr2, u_country, u_admin) VALUES (' .
" '$u_username', '$u_fullname', '$u_email', ENCRYPT('$u_password', '$u_username'), '$u_addr1', '$u_phone', '$u_addr2', '$u_country', '$u_admin')";
$result = mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query1, $conn);
if ($result) {
$numRows = mysql_affected_rows ($conn);
if ($numRows) {
echo "<P>User "$u_username" added to members database successfully.";
} else {
echo '<P>There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn);
} else {
echo '<P>There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn);
$query2 = "INSERT into devel_plans (p_user, p_date, p_plan) VALUES ('$u_username', NOW(), 'None')";
$result2 = mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query2, $conn);
if ($result2) {
$numRows2 = mysql_affected_rows ($conn);
if ($numRows2) {
echo "<P>User "$u_username" added to plan dbase successfully.";
} else {
echo '<P>There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn);
} else {
echo '<P>There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn);
mysql_close ($conn);
} else {
echo 'You suck, butthead. (the SQL server could not be contacted)';
} else {
if ($userInfo[u_admin] == 'Y') {
<FORM action="adduser.php" method="post">
tableBoxHeader (featureBgColor, tableHeadColor);
tableTitle ("Required Information", 1, tableHeadColor);
<? tableHeader ('100%', featureBgColor); ?>
<TR vAlign="middle">
<TD align="right" noWrap>
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="text" name="u_username" size="12"></INPUT>
<TD align="right" noWrap>
Real Name:
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="text" name="u_fullname" size="24"></INPUT>
<TR vAlign="middle">
<TD align="right" noWrap>
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="text" name="u_email" size="12"></INPUT>
<TD align="right" noWrap>
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="password" name="u_password" size="12"></INPUT>
<? tableFooter (); ?>
tableTitle ("Requested Information", 1, tableHeadColor);
<? tableHeader ('100%', featureBgColor); ?>
<TR vAlign="middle">
<TD align="right" noWrap>
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="text" name="u_addr1" size="18"></INPUT>
<TD align="right" noWrap>
Phone #:
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="text" name="u_phone" size="18"></INPUT>
<TR vAlign="middle">
<TD align="right" noWrap>
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="text" name="u_addr2" size="18"></INPUT>
<TD align="right" noWrap>
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="text" name="u_country" size="12"></INPUT>
<? tableFooter (); ?>
tableTitle ("Special Information", 1, tableHeadColor);
<? tableHeader ('100%', featureBgColor); ?>
<TR vAlign="middle">
<TD align="right" noWrap>
Admin status?
<TD align="left">
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="u_admin"></INPUT>
<TD align="center">
<INPUT type="submit" value="Add User"></INPUT>
<? tableFooter (); ?>
tableBoxFooter ();
} else {
echo '<P>You are not authorized to view this page. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!';
require siteHome . "/parts/postamble.php"; // Finish this sucker up
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
<? // Preamble
$pageName = "Admin - Delete User";
$focused = "home"; // Dock icon name to get a border
$need = 'auth';
require '../parts/preamble.php'; // Load most of document
if ($userInfo[u_admin] == 'Y' && $u_username) {
need ('sql');
$u_username = AddSlashes ($u_username);
$conn = mysql_connect (sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass);
if ($conn) {
$query = "DELETE FROM members WHERE u_username = '$u_username'";
$result = mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query, $conn);
if ($result) {
$numRows = mysql_affected_rows ($conn);
if ($numRows) {
echo '<P>User removed from members dbase successfully.';
} else {
echo '<P>User was not found in members database.';
} else {
echo '<P>There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn);
$query = "DELETE FROM devel_plans WHERE p_user = '$p_username'";
$result = mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query, $conn);
if ($result) {
$numRows = mysql_affected_rows ($conn);
if ($numRows) {
echo '<P>User removed from plan dbase successfully.';
echo '<P>This webpage will self-destruct in 30 seconds.';
} else {
echo '<P>User was not found in plan database.';
} else {
echo '<P>There was an error in your input. The error was ' . mysql_error ($conn);
mysql_close ($conn);
} else {
echo '<P>You suck, butthead.';
} else {
if ($userInfo[u_admin] == 'Y') {
<FORM action="deluser.php" method="post">
<P>Good morning Mr. Phelps, who will we be eliminating today?
<P>Username: <INPUT type="text" name="u_username" size="12"></INPUT>
} else {
echo 'You are not authorized to view this page. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!';
require siteHome . '/parts/postamble.php'; // Finish this sucker up
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
<? // Preamble
$pageName = "Developer Central";
$focused = "home"; // Dock icon name to get a border
$need = 'auth';
require "../parts/preamble.php"; // Load most of document
function infoItem ($url, $desc, $longdesc)
echo '<DL>' .
' <DT><A href="' . $url . '"><STRONG>' . $desc . '</STRONG></A></DT>' .
' <DD><EM>' . $longdesc . '</EM></DD>' .
<H2>Welcome to Developer Central!</H2>
<P>This is the area for developers to post news, edit your user information,
and so on. Members with Admin-level access can modify news items and post
State of the Code items here as well.
tableHeader ("100%", "black");
<TR vAlign="top">
<TD align="left">
tableBoxHeader ("100%", "black", tableHeadColor);
tableTitle ("QuakeForge Developer Resources", 1, "black");
<TR vAlign="top">
infoItem ('addnews.php', 'Post News', 'Post new news items from here.');
infoItem ('userinfo.php', 'User Info', 'Display or change your user information; Please use this when your email address, phone number, or snailmail address changes.');
infoItem ('plan.php', 'Edit "plan"', 'Update this to notify the outside world what you\'re currently working on.');
<? tableBoxFooter () ?>
<? if ($userInfo[u_admin] == 'Y') { ?>
<TD align="right">
tableBoxHeader (featureBgColor, featureHeadColor);
tableTitle ("Administration", 1, featureHeadColor);
<TD class="featureBox" align="right">
News [ <A href="addnews.php">Add</A> | <A href="editnews.php">Edit</A> | <A href="delnews.php">Delete</A> ]<BR>
SotC [ <A href="addsotc.php">Add</A> | <A href="editsotc.php">Edit</A> | <A href="delsotc.php">Delete</A> ]<BR>
User [ <A href="adduser.php">Add</A> | <A href="edituser.php">Edit</A> | <A href="deluser.php">Delete</A> ]<BR>
<? } ?>
<? tableFooter(); ?>
require (siteHome ."/parts/postamble.php"); // Finish this sucker up
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
<? // Preamble
$pageName = "Developers - Update Plan";
$focused = "home"; // Dock icon name to gets a border
$need = 'auth';
require("../parts/preamble.php"); // Load most of document
if ($planItem) {
$user = ucfirst($userInfo[u_username]) ;
$planItem = AddSlashes($planItem);
$conn = mysql_connect (sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass);
if ($conn) {
$query = 'UPDATE devel_plans' .
" SET p_date = NOW(), p_plan = '$planItem'" .
" WHERE p_user = '$user'";
$result = mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query, $conn);
if ($result) {
$numRows = mysql_affected_rows ($conn);
if ($numRows) {
echo '<P>All is well... your plan has been updated.';
} else {
echo '<P>Hmm... that\'s not right. An error occurred.';
} else {
echo '<P>MySQL error occurred, possibly an invalid query. Bitch at Deek.';
mysql_close ($conn);
} else {
echo '<P><MySQL> You suck, butthead.';
} else {
tableBoxHeader(featureBgColor, tableHeadColor);
tableTitle("Edit Plan", 1, tableHeadColor);
$date = strftime('%d %b %Y', time());
$user = ucfirst($userInfo[u_username]);
echo '<TR><TD><DL><DT><FONT size="-1">Posted on ' . $date . ' by ' . $user . '</FONT></DT>' .
' <DD> ';
<FORM action="plan.php" method="post">
<TEXTAREA name="planItem" rows="25" cols="64"></TEXTAREA><BR>
<INPUT align="center" type="submit" value="Post"></INPUT>
<? ' . </DD>' .
require siteHome . "/parts/postamble.php"; // Finish this sucker up
Reference in a new issue