screenshot('glsl-entalpha','GLSL Renderer with entity alpha on <a href="">Forwards Compatible</a>',240,150);
screenshot('glsl-water+fog','GLSL Renderer with fog and transparent water on <a href="">Elements</a>',240,150);
screenshot('glsl-fog','GLSL Renderer with excessive fog on the quake start map',240,150);
screenshot('marcher','Kinn\'s amazing <a href="">The Marcher Fortress</a>, with a skybox force-loaded.');
screenshot('wateralpha-0.3','The Elder World pool, with a watervised map and with r_wateralpha 0.3. If you look closely, you can see the partially fullbright texture on the nail box below.');
screenshot('dlights-quad-rocket','This one really shows off dynamic lighting and fullbrights. The player has quad damage, causing them to give off a blue dynamic light. A rocket is exploding after hitting a wall, and in the background you see the fullbrights on the exit glowing bright red.');
screenshot('conback','This shows our logo as a <a href="/files/conback.lmp.gz">conback</a> (or, <a href="/files/pakQF.pak">more conveniently</a>, works as is). Also shows ALSA sound initialisation.');