2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
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< title > QuakeForge : An Open Source Quake Development Project </ title >
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2000-02-11 06:28:49 +00:00
< a href = " contest.php " >< img src = " images/qfcontest.gif " border = " 0 " align = " absmiddle " ></ a >< img src = " images/projectnews.png " border = " 0 " align = absmiddle >
2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
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[ & nbsp ; < a href = " index.php " > about </ a >& nbsp ;]
[ & nbsp ; news & nbsp ;]
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " progress.php " > progress </ a >& nbsp ;]
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " irc.php " > irc </ a >& nbsp ;]
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " devfiles.php " > downloads </ a >& nbsp ;]
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " howto.php " > howto </ a >& nbsp ;]
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=882 " > mailing lists </ a >& nbsp ;]
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " links.php " > links </ a >& nbsp ;]
2000-01-30 03:14:34 +00:00
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " develop.php " > developers </ a >& nbsp ;]
2000-02-11 06:14:45 +00:00
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " gallery.php " > Logo Gallery </ a >& nbsp ;]
2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " mailto:palisade@quakeforge.net " > comments </ a >& nbsp ;]
2000-02-14 05:11:25 +00:00
[ & nbsp ; < a href = " credits.php " > Credits </ a >& nbsp ;]
2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
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2000-01-23 01:25:19 +00:00
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2000-02-13 18:51:07 +00:00
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< b >< font size = " +1 " >< a name = " news " > 2000 - 2 - 13 </ a ></ font ></ b >
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2000-02-14 03:32:59 +00:00
< a href = " mailto:zoid@sourceforge.net " > Zoid </ a > has joined the QuakeForge team .< br >
2000-02-14 05:11:25 +00:00
< br > Zoid has plans to clean up the mouse code .< br >
< br > Joseph Carter is working on making a target for Nelson Rush ' s tty support .< br >
< br > Matrox has graciously shipped Nelson Rush a G400 dual head , and offered 25 % for the rest of the team .< br >
< br > We just recieved the first shipment , eight cards , of sixteen voodoo 2 cards from 3 Dfx . They ' ve also promised to ship sixteen Voodoo 3 cards , and possibly Voodoo 4 and 5 cards when they are out .< br >
< br > VA Linux is going to be supplying various 3 D cards and hardware to the QuakeForge team .< br >
< br > Eric Windisch is working on water rippling .< br >
< br > The team is working on finishing up the Qw / Q1 merge .< br >
< br >< a href = " mailto:colonelpanic@sourceforge.net " > Daniel O ' Neill </ a > is integrating qstat for listing internet gamese while in - game .< br >
< br > theoddone has contributed a php < a href = " credits.php " > credits </ a > section to the website .< br >
2000-02-13 18:51:07 +00:00
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2000-02-11 07:06:48 +00:00
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2000-02-11 07:11:27 +00:00
QW / Q1 merge almost complete , thanks to the tireless efforts of Joseph Carter , Bill Currie , Loring Holden , Jeff Teunissen , and the rest of the QuakeForge team . Also , thanks to our fans for all the support , you guys are great .< br >< br >
< a href = " mailto:pontus@sourceforge.net " > Pontus Lidman </ a > is now maintaining IPV6 support .< br >< br >
< a href = " mailto:xC0000005@sourceforge.net " > Jason Nelson </ a > is now maintaining the VC ++ and win32 support .< br >< br >
< a href = " http://qsg.telefragged.com/ " > QSG </ a > has joined QuakeForge in efforts to pull the Quake development community together .< br >< br >
Phoenix from the < a href = " http://www.planetquake.com/qer/ " > QER </ a > project is redesigning the QER engine to be based off of QuakeForge and to also merge features from QER into the QuakeForge engine for mutual compatibility .< br >< br >
2000-02-11 07:06:48 +00:00
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2000-01-31 18:46:21 +00:00
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2000-02-07 06:36:29 +00:00
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2000-02-07 06:40:41 +00:00
< b >< font size = " +1 " >< a name = " news " > 2000 - 2 - 7 </ a ></ font ></ b >
2000-02-07 06:36:29 +00:00
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Check out the < a href = " contest.php " > logo contest </ a > for a new logo for QuakeForge .< br >
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2000-01-31 18:46:21 +00:00
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< b >< font size = " +1 " >< a name = " news " > 2000 - 1 - 31 </ a ></ font ></ b >
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We will be adding a mirrors section where you will find mirrors of our website and files .< br >
< br >< a href = " awpti@awpti.org " > Geoff Winans </ a > has offered to become a mirror .< br >
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2000-01-30 06:26:23 +00:00
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< b >< font size = " +1 " >< a name = " news " > 2000 - 1 - 29 </ a ></ font ></ b >
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Developers check out the < a href = " develop.php " > developer section </ a > for more information on how you can contribute .< br >
< br > Zephaniah E . Hull has resigned as Interproject Relations Specialist for QuakeLives over a violation of the GPL .< br >
2000-02-11 07:06:48 +00:00
< br > Nelson Rush has committed tty support , but it needs a target and to be debugged since it hasn ' t been tested yet .< br >
2000-01-30 06:26:23 +00:00
< br > Joseph Carter has rewritten the TODO file to be more informative .< br >
< br > Eric Windisch is currently working on the initial efforts to merge Aftershock .< br >
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2000-01-27 13:51:00 +00:00
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2000-01-27 19:03:22 +00:00
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2000-01-27 13:51:00 +00:00
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0.1 . 0 has been released ! Go to the < a href = " devfiles.php " > downloads </ a > section and grab it .< br >
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2000-01-27 04:54:24 +00:00
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pak3 ( Q3A pak file format ) support has been implemented .< br >
< br > The waterwarp bug has been fixed , set r_waterwarp 1 to use it .< br >
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3 Dfx and VA Linux have graciously offered to donate hardware , in addition VA will be supplying t - shirts and bumper stickers to the QuakeForge team . The logo on the t - shirt and stickers will not be the one you 've seen on the website so far we' ll be replacing that as soon as possible by request of id Software . Due to demand for t - shirts from outside of the core team Copyleft will be selling QuakeForge t - shirts as soon as we give them the logo .
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2000-01-23 01:13:45 +00:00
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2000-01-27 04:00:16 +00:00
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2000-01-23 01:13:45 +00:00
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2000-01-23 04:59:54 +00:00
Release 0.1 . 0 has been branched , since many bugs have popped up since we branched , we will not be releasing tonight . There is no set release date .< br >
Feature freeze is officially over .< br >
2000-01-23 03:06:57 +00:00
< br > Bill Currie has completed the RPM building scripts and Joseph Carter has completed the DEB building scripts .< br >
2000-01-23 01:13:45 +00:00
< br > Old news that should be mentioned :< br >
< br > In uquake , the chasecam cvar is now cl_chasecam just like it is in qw - client .< br >
< br > qw - client ' s crosshair 2 is now supported in uquake .< br >
< br > A new GL - renderer - only experimental crosshair 3 has been added .< br >
< br > The check for a copy of the registered pak files has been removed .< br >
< br > The GL renderer now supports fullbright textures .< br >
< br > Code to detect clients attempting various time related cheats has been added .< br >
< br > Options for fullscreen and use mouse have been added to some targets .< br >
< br > Preliminary support for the wheels found on some mice has been added to the Linux SVGALib target . To use it bind MHWHEELDOWN and MHWHEELUP to whatever you want to use the wheel for .< br >
< br > New cvar : r_waterripple When set to 1 this will create a small wave effect under the GL renderer .< br >
< br > new ./ configure option : -- enable - newstyle < br >
Currenly all this does is use " base " instead of " id1 " for the default place to look for your game data .< br >
< br > cvar show_fps < br >
show_fps 1 now works in uquake as well as qw - client . No more need to use timedemo to check performance ! Much more accurate in showing where performance is good and where it isn ' t .< br >
< br > removed cvar r_mirroralpha < br >
This was a cheap hack which affected one texture on one map of the entire game . It also wasn 't working right, so it' s been removed .< br >
< br > You may now specify multiple game directories with - game . If for example you wanted to use the original registered game with MegaTF on a new style binary you would use - game id1 , megatf . It does work with traditional style binaries and you may specify as many dirs as you like seperated by commas .< br >
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2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
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2000-01-23 01:25:19 +00:00
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2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
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Bill Currie will be maintaining the RPM package and Joseph Carter will be maintaining the DEB package . We will support gzipped and bzip2 ' d tarballs and zip packages , Nelson Rush will maintain those .< br >
< br > Linux . com did an < a href = " http://www.linux.com/interviews/19991229/34/ " > interview </ a > with Nelson Rush ( palisade ), this is late news but I thought I ' d mention it .< br >
< br > The QuakeWorld Forever project has agreed to work with the QuakeForge project toward a better QuakeWorld .< br >
< br > FreeBSD support is complete , now to smooth out the edges .< br >
< br > John Carmack has been sent the GPL ' d mdfour replacement ( i think my previous message about it was overlooked ) again , and hopefully he provides it as a standard fix to the Quake development community .< br >
< br > Win95 / 98 is supported now with mingw32 and MSVC , thanks to Marcus Sundberg ( mingw32 ), Jeff Teunissen ( gas2masm fix ) and Jason Nelson ( VC fix ) .< br >
< br > We are rolling CVS snapshots every 15 minutes , you can grab a copy in the downloads section .< br >
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The < a href = " http://frag.com/quest/ " > Quest Quake map editor </ a > is actually GPL 'd (Win32/DOS) and the unix port is outdated, the authors have been contacted about releasing the unix port under the GPL as well. If it is, then Quest will be QuakeForge' s official editor of choice and we ' ll help to maintain it and port it to more platforms .< br >
< br > Update : The Quest Map editor is GPL ' d , the older version was not .< br >
2000-02-11 07:16:22 +00:00
< br > Nelson Rush has released a working tweak of the GPL ' d Quest map editor for Linux . You can find it in the < a href = " devfiles.php " > downloads </ a > section under " Linux/BSD/UNIX " .< br >
2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
< br > Mercury has finalized his speed cheat fixes , that should about do it .< br >
< br > VA Linux will be making " QuakeForge " T - shirts for the QuakeForge core developers . Just so developers and users outside the project aren ' t left out , Copyleft will be selling QuakeForge T - shirts as well .< br >
< br > Raptor ' s global volumetric fog can now be used with r_fog & lt n & gt .< br >
" ok, if you wanna use fog for now on, id suggest r_fog .0005 " , raptor in #quakeforge<br>
< br > We need to redesign the QuakeForge logo , it seems we ' re not allowed to use the Quake 1 symbol in it according to the CEO of id Software , Todd Hollenshead .< br >
< br > Joao Miguel is working on rewriting the Quake Engine ' s rendering pipeline in order to add DirectX support , which includes Direct3D , DirectMusic , etc . He says things are going pretty well and that he should have something usable in a week or so .< br >
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2000-02-11 07:16:22 +00:00
Nelson Rush is working aavga into a vid_tty . c handler to make text QuakeForge embedded .< br >
2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
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Laurent Giroud is working on merging Amiga support into QuakeForge , cross your fingers !< br >
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The Aftershock engine is currently being maintained on our CVS by < a href = " mailto:lazyX@home.com " > Stephen Taylor </ a > , the author of Aftershock . Stephen is also working with us to merge QuakeForge and Aftershock . Aftershock is a Q3A - like rendering engine which can render Q3A levels almost perfectly . You can join in on the discussion by < a href = " http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/quake-aftershock " > subscribing </ a > to the quake - aftershock mailing list .< br >
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2000-02-11 07:16:22 +00:00
Nelson Rush has set up a project called QuakePolicy to help projects inter - communicate on Quake ( R ) development . Project leaders , members , or anyone interested in collaborating to maintain compatibility and feature sets across all Quake projects can visit the QuakePolicy < a href = " http://quakepolicy.sourceforge.net/ " > homepage </ a > and subscribe to the mailing list . QuakePolicy is a seperate organization from QuakeForge and it ' s only goal is inter - project collaboration . Beyond mailing lists , we might also host projects in the CVS for mutual development , and we could host patches for fixes and feature additions for other projects out there who need them .< br >
2000-01-21 09:57:16 +00:00
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Sam Lantinga is working with the QuakeForge project on maintaining SDL support . Here is a portion of an email I recieved from him :< br >
< br >< i >
From : Sam Lantinga < br >
To : Nelson Rush < br >
...< br >
[ NR ] Btw , I ' ve been talking with Carmack , I mentioned the SDL and GGI
support and your and Maas work on getting SDLQuake in the tree . I think
he likes the project so far , I ' ll be keeping in contact with him ...
we ' ve already fixed lots of things by questioning him .
If you need any fixes for your version of SDLQuake ... [ NR ] < br >< br >
[ SL ] I ' d rather help complete the SDL merge and just point to you guys .
You rock , BTW . : ) [ SL ] < br >
...</ i >< br >
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We need help implementing IPv6 , fixing Svgalib , merging the Aftershock renderer , porting to Amiga , MacOS , BeOS , or any other platforms . We also could use a hand in devising free replacements for the textures / maps / models / etc . Join our < a href = " http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/quake-devel " > mailing list </ a > to see about contributing .< br >
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Feature FREEZE , unstable release 0.1 . 0 coming soon .< br >
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< a href = " http://sourceforge.net/survey/survey.php?group_id=882&survey_id=10062 " > Vote in this survey for the new Quake ( R ) and QuakeWorld ( R ) engine name </ a >.< br >
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** Critical ** download , grab our GPL ' d mdfour replacement for the proprietary md4 code accidently left in the q1source release from our < a href = " devfiles.php " > downloads </ a > section .
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< a href = " http://www.sourceforge.net " >< img src = " images/sflogo.png " border = 0 alt = " SourceForge " ></ a >
< a href = " http://www.libranet.com/petition.html " >< img src = " images/petition_button.jpg " border = 0 alt = " Sign The Linux Driver Petition " ></ a >
< a href = " http://www.planetquake.com/aftershock/ " >< img src = " images/aftershock_logo.jpg " border = 0 alt = " Aftershock " ></ a >
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< br > Website Copyright ( C ) 1999 , 2000 contributors of the QuakeForge Project .
< br >< a href = " copyright.php " > View Additional Copyright and Trademark Acknowledgements </ a >
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