$newsItem='<P>QuakeForge is planning to integrate <a href="http://www.openal.org/">OpenAL</a> support as optional for those who want it. I'veaskedJohnCarmacktoconsiderreleasingsomeoftheQuaketoolsundertheGPL.MostofthedevelopmentcrewatQuakeForgeconsiderthequake-develmailinglisttheofficialmediumofdiscussion.SubscribingtothislistwillgetyoumoreintouchwithQuakeForgeandwhatwe're up to, developers should use quake-devel and not the web forums. The research center is now officially up, you can enter it on the side-bar menu or go <a href="research/index.php">here.</a>';
$newsItem='<P>A lot of people prefer web forums to mailing lists. SourceForge offers them, but they\'re not very friendly to use. Red Fox, the guy running the <A HREF="http://www.netfrag.com/megaboard">Netfrag Zap UBB board</A> has graciously offered us a forum which is much easier to use. The URL is a long CGI script, so there\'s a shortcut at <A HREF="http://quakeforge.net/board/">http://quakeforge.net/board/</A> to save typing.';
$newsItem='<P>Fully working support for Mega2k\'s airscout and view height adjustments have been committed. We\'re also gearing up for a release of 0.2.0 as soon as several critical bugs are found and squashed. Please <A HREF="mailto:quake-devel@lists.sourceforge.net">send us</A> info on any major bugs as well as how to reproduce them.';
$newsItem='<P>A new <A href="http://quake.sourceforge.net/progress.php">State of the Code</A> address has been posted containing important information about support for MegaTF\'s upcoming Mega2k release. If you play MegaTF it is highly recommended that you read this less technical than usual SotC. Even if you don\'t play it, you probably should have a look. <EM>UPDATE: There\'s new info there, check it out</EM>';