mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:01:46 +00:00
about the path it's handed (need to get even more paranoid, though). the string module just has char replacement so far. Add Draw_CenterPic to r_progs.c, but this will only last till qpic_t is supported in qc. the load menu almost works: just need to add key handling and fix a bug in PF_sprintf
317 lines
6.7 KiB
317 lines
6.7 KiB
void (integer x, integer y, string text) Menu_Begin = #0;
void (void () func) Menu_Draw = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, string name) Menu_Pic = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, string name) Menu_CenterPic = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, string text, void (string text, integer key) func) Menu_Item = #0;
void (void (integer x, integer y) func) Menu_Cursor = #0;
void (integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down) func) Menu_KeyEvent = #0;
void () Menu_End = #0;
void (string name) Menu_TopMenu = #0;
void (string name) Menu_SelectMenu = #0;
void (integer () func) Menu_SetQuit = #0;
void () Menu_Quit = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, string name) Draw_Pic = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, string name) Draw_CenterPic = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, integer chr) Draw_Character = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, string text) Draw_String = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, string text, integer n) Draw_nString = #0;
void (integer x, integer y, string text) Draw_AltString = #0;
void (string text) Cbuf_AddText = #0;
void (string text) Cbuf_InsertText = #0;
void () Cbuf_Execute = #0;
void () Cbuf_Execute_Sets = #0;
//FIXME need a proper file struct, string sucks
string (string path, string mode) File_Open = #0;
void (string file) File_Close = #0;
string (string file) File_GetLine = #0;
string (integer old, integer new, string str) String_ReplaceChar = #0;
float () random = #0;
string () gametype = #0;
string (...) sprintf = #0;
float time;
entity self;
.float nextthink;
.float frame;
.void () think;
integer do_single_player;
string [6] dot = {
string [32] quitMessage = {
/* .........1.........2.... */
" Are you gonna quit ",
" this game just like ",
" everything else? ",
" ",
" Milord, methinks that ",
" thou art a lowly ",
" quitter. Is this true? ",
" ",
" Do I need to bust your ",
" face open for trying ",
" to quit? ",
" ",
" Man, I oughta smack you",
" for trying to quit! ",
" Press Y to get ",
" smacked out. ",
" Press Y to quit like a ",
" big loser in life. ",
" Press N to stay proud ",
" and successful! ",
" If you press Y to ",
" quit, I will summon ",
" Satan all over your ",
" hard drive! ",
" Um, Asmodeus dislikes ",
" his children trying to ",
" quit. Press Y to return",
" to your Tinkertoys. ",
" If you quit now, I'll ",
" throw a blanket-party ",
" for you next time! ",
" "
integer quit_index;
void (integer x, integer y) spinner =
Draw_Pic (x, y, dot[integer(time * 10) % 6]);
void (integer x, integer y, integer width, integer lines) text_box =
local integer cx, cy, n;
local string p;
cx = x;
cy = y;
Draw_Pic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tl.lmp");
for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) {
cy += 8;
Draw_Pic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_ml.lmp");
Draw_Pic (cx, cy + 8, "gfx/box_bl.lmp");
cx += 8;
while (width > 0) {
cy = y;
Draw_Pic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tm.lmp");
p = "gfx/box_mm.lmp";
for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) {
cy += 8;
if (n == 1)
p = "gfx/box_mm2.lmp";
Draw_Pic (cx, cy, p);
Draw_Pic (cx, cy + 8, "gfx/box_bm.lmp");
width -= 2;
cx += 16;
cy = y;
Draw_Pic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tr.lmp");
for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) {
cy += 8;
Draw_Pic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_mr.lmp");
Draw_Pic (cx, cy + 8, "gfx/box_br.lmp");
// ********* LOAD
#define MAX_SAVEGAMES 12
string [MAX_SAVEGAMES] filenames;
integer [MAX_SAVEGAMES] loadable;
integer load_cursor;
void () scan_saves =
local integer i;
local string f; //FIXME need a file type;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) {
loadable[i] = 0;
filenames[i] = "--- UNUSED SLOT ---";
f = File_Open (sprintf ("s%i.sav", i), "rz");
if (!f)
File_GetLine (f);
filenames[i] = String_ReplaceChar ('_', ' ', File_GetLine (f));
loadable[i] = 1;
File_Close (f);
void (string text, integer key) load_f =
scan_saves ();
Menu_SelectMenu ("load");
void (string text, integer key) save_f =
scan_saves ();
Menu_SelectMenu ("save");
void () load_draw =
local integer i;
Draw_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_load.lmp");
for (i=0 ; i< MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++)
Draw_String (16, 32 + 8 * i, filenames[i]);
Draw_Character (8, 32 + load_cursor * 8, 12 + (integer (time * 4) & 1));
integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down) load_keyevent =
void () load_menu =
Menu_Begin (0, 0, "load");
Menu_KeyEvent (load_keyevent);
Menu_Draw (load_draw);
Menu_End ();
// ********* QUIT
integer () quit =
Menu_SelectMenu ("quit");
quit_index = integer (random () * 8);
quit_index &= 7;
return 0;
void (string text, integer key) quit_f =
quit ();
integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down) quit_keyevent =
if (key == 'y') {
Menu_Quit ();
return 1;
if (key == 'n') {
Menu_SelectMenu (NIL);
return 1;
return 0;
void () quit_draw =
text_box (56, 76, 24, 4);
Draw_String (64, 84, quitMessage[quit_index *4 + 0]);
Draw_String (64, 92, quitMessage[quit_index *4 + 1]);
Draw_String (64, 100, quitMessage[quit_index *4 + 2]);
Draw_String (64, 108, quitMessage[quit_index *4 + 3]);
void () quit_menu =
Menu_Begin (0, 0, "quit");
Menu_KeyEvent (quit_keyevent);
Menu_Draw (quit_draw);
Menu_End ();
void (string text, integer key) sp_start =
Menu_SelectMenu (NIL);
Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("maxplayers 1\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("coop 0\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("deathmatch 0\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("teamplay 0\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("map start\n");
void () single_player_menu =
Menu_Begin (54, 32, "");
Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp");
Menu_Pic (72, 32, "gfx/sp_menu.lmp");
Menu_Cursor (spinner);
Menu_Item (54, 32, "", sp_start);
Menu_Item (54, 52, "", load_f);
Menu_Item (54, 72, "", save_f);
Menu_End ();
void () multi_player_menu =
Menu_Item (54, 52, "", quit_f);
void () options_menu =
Menu_Item (54, 72, "", quit_f);
void () help_menu =
Menu_Item (54, 92, "", quit_f);
void () main_menu =
Menu_Begin (0, 0, "main");
Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/ttl_main.lmp");
Menu_Pic (71,32, "gfx/mainmenu.lmp");
Menu_Cursor (spinner);
if (do_single_player)
single_player_menu ();
multi_player_menu ();
options_menu ();
help_menu ();
Menu_Item (54, 112, "", quit_f);
Menu_End ();
void () menu_init =
switch (gametype ()) {
case "netquake":
do_single_player = 1;
case "quakeworld":
do_single_player = 0;
main_menu ();
quit_menu ();
load_menu ();
Menu_TopMenu ("main");
Menu_SetQuit (quit);