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mirror of https://git.code.sf.net/p/quake/quakeforge synced 2025-03-08 18:32:14 +00:00
Bill Currie 8601e09569 [vulkan] Use view local dependencies for cube rendering
It doesn't fix the problems on my laptop, but it might improve
performance on my 1080 (but I doubt it will make much difference).
2023-02-14 13:24:47 +09:00

330 lines
8.3 KiB

flat_color_image_template = {
imageType = `2d;
samples = 1;
extent = {
width = $output.extent.width;
height = $output.extent.height;
depth = 1;
mipLevels = 1;
arrayLayers = 6;
tiling = optimal;
usage = color_attachment|input_attachment|transient_attachment;
initialLayout = undefined;
images = {
depth = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = x8_d24_unorm_pack32;
usage = depth_stencil_attachment|input_attachment|transient_attachment;
color = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r8g8b8a8_unorm;
emission = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r16g16b16a16_sfloat;
normal = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r16g16b16a16_sfloat;
position = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r32g32b32a32_sfloat;
opaque = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r16g16b16a16_sfloat;
flat_color_view_template = {
viewType = `2d_array;
components = {
r = identity;
g = identity;
b = identity;
a = identity;
subresourceRange = {
aspectMask = color;
levelCount = 1;
layerCount = 6;
imageViews = {
depth = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = depth;
format = $properties.images.depth.format;
subresourceRange = {
aspectMask = depth;
color = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = color;
format = $properties.images.color.format;
emission = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = emission;
format = $properties.images.emission.format;
normal = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = normal;
format = $properties.images.normal.format;
position = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = position;
format = $properties.images.position.format;
opaque = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = opaque;
format = $properties.images.opaque.format;
aview = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = $output.image;
format = $output.format;
output = {
image = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
flags = cube_compatible;
usage = color_attachment|input_attachment|sampled;
format = $output.format;
view = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
viewType = cube;
image = $output.image;
format = $output.format;
format = r16g16b16a16_sfloat;
finalLayout = shader_read_only_optimal;
framebuffer = {
renderPass = defcube;
attachments = (depth, color, emission, normal, position, opaque,
width = $output.extent.width;
height = $output.extent.height;
layers = 1;
clearValues = (
{ depthStencil = { depth = 1; stencil = 0; }; },
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // color
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // emission
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // normal
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // position
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // opaque
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // output
attachment_template = {
samples = 1;
loadOp = dont_care;
storeOp = store;
stencilLoadOp = dont_care;
stencilStoreOp = dont_care;
initialLayout = undefined;
finalLayout = color_attachment_optimal;
info = {
color = "[0, 1, 0, 1]";
subpass_info = (
{ name = depth; color = "[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1]" },
{ name = translucent; color = "[ 0.25, 0.25, 0.6, 1]" },
{ name = g-buffef; color = "[ 0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 1]" },
{ name = lighting; color = "[ 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1]" },
{ name = compose; color = "[ 0.7, 0.3, 0.3, 1]" },
renderpass = {
attachments = (
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.depth.format;
loadOp = clear;
finalLayout = depth_stencil_attachment_optimal;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.color.format;
loadOp = clear;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.emission.format;
loadOp = clear;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.normal.format;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.position.format;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.opaque.format;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $output.format;
loadOp = clear;
storeOp = store;
finalLayout = $output.finalLayout;
subpasses = (
{ // 0 depth
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
depthStencilAttachment = {
attachment = 0;
layout = depth_stencil_attachment_optimal;
{ // 1 translucent-frags
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
depthStencilAttachment = {
attachment = 0;
layout = depth_stencil_read_only_optimal;
preserveAttachments = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
{ // 2 g-buffer generation
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
colorAttachments = (
{ // color
attachment = 1;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
{ // emission
attachment = 2;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
{ // normal
attachment = 3;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
{ // position
attachment = 4;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
depthStencilAttachment = {
attachment = 0;
layout = depth_stencil_read_only_optimal;
preserveAttachments = (6);
{ // 3 lighting
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
inputAttachments = (
{ // depth
attachment = 0;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // color
attachment = 1;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // emission
attachment = 2;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // normal
attachment = 3;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // position
attachment = 4;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
colorAttachments = (
{ // opaque
attachment = 5;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
preserveAttachments = (6);
{ // 4 compose
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
inputAttachments = (
{ // opaque
attachment = 5;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
colorAttachments = (
{ // output
attachment = 6;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
preserveAttachments = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
dependencies = (
srcSubpass = 0; // depth
dstSubpass = 1; // translucent
srcStageMask = late_fragment_tests;
dstStageMask = fragment_shader|early_fragment_tests;
srcAccessMask = depth_stencil_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = input_attachment_read|depth_stencil_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region|view_local;
srcSubpass = 0; // depth
dstSubpass = 2; // g-buffer
srcStageMask = late_fragment_tests;
dstStageMask = early_fragment_tests;
srcAccessMask = depth_stencil_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = depth_stencil_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region|view_local;
srcSubpass = 2; // g-buffer
dstSubpass = 3; // lighting
srcStageMask = color_attachment_output;
dstStageMask = fragment_shader;
srcAccessMask = color_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = input_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region|view_local;
srcSubpass = 3; // lighting
dstSubpass = 4; // compose
srcStageMask = color_attachment_output;
dstStageMask = fragment_shader;
srcAccessMask = color_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = input_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region|view_local;
srcSubpass = 1; // translucent-frags
dstSubpass = 4; // translucent-final/compose
srcStageMask = color_attachment_output;
dstStageMask = fragment_shader;
srcAccessMask = color_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = input_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region|view_local;
@next = (VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo, {
viewMasks = (0x3fu, 0x3fu, 0x3fu, 0x3fu, 0x3fu);
viewOffsets = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);