
263 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import sys
import string
from pprint import *
string_re = re.compile (r'"(\\.|[^"\\])*"')
comment_whole = re.compile (r'((/\*.*\*/)|//.*)')
comment_start = re.compile (r'(/\*.*)')
comment_end = re.compile (r'(.*\*/)')
directive_re = re.compile (
r'^\s*#\s*(define|undef|include|includelist|endlist|ifdef|ifndef|endif|else|pragma)\b' +
r'((\s*("[^"]*"|[^ \t\n\r\f\v/]+|/(?!/))+)?)' +
r'((\s*("[^"]*"|[^ \t\n\r\f\v/]+|/(?!/))+)*)')
macro_re = re.compile (r'#([A-Za-z_]\w*)')
arg_re = re.compile (
r'((\s*("[^"]*"|[^ \t\n\r\f\v/]+|/(?!/))+)?)' +
r'((\s*("[^"]*"|[^ \t\n\r\f\v/]+|/(?!/))+)*)')
current_file = []
source_list = []
qcc_list = []
defines = {}
progs_dat = "progs.dat"
progs_src = "progs.src"
compile_this_file = 1
keep_newlines = 1
check_redefines = 1
verbose = 0
def append_file (filename):
global current_file
f = open (filename, "rt")
lines = f.readlines ()
f.close ()
current_file.append ('# 1 "' + filename + '"')
for i in range (len (lines)):
lines[i] = string.rstrip (lines[i])
current_file = current_file + lines
def parse_filename (args):
m = arg_re.match (args)
fname = string.strip (m.groups()[0])
if fname:
if fname[0] == '"':
fname = fname[1:]
if fname[-1] == '"':
fname = fname[:-1]
return fname
def parse_pragma (pragma, args):
global progs_dat, progs_dat
global compile_this_file, keep_newlines, check_redefines
if pragma == 'PROGS_DAT':
progs_dat = parse_filename (args)
elif pragma == 'PROGS_SRC':
progs_src = parse_filename (args)
elif pragma == 'DONT_COMPILE_THIS_FILE':
compile_this_file = 0
elif pragma == 'COMPILE_THIS_FILE':
compile_this_file = 1
elif pragma == 'KEEP_NEWLINES':
keep_newlines = parse_on_off (args)
elif pragma == 'CHECK_REDEFINES':
check_redefines = parse_on_off (args)
print "ignoring " + pragma
def do_preprogs_src ():
global current_file
current_file = []
append_file ("preprogs.src")
preprogs = current_file
for p in preprogs:
m = directive_re.match (p)
if (m):
g = m.groups()
directive = g[0]
arg1 = string.strip (g[1])
margs = string.strip (g[4])
#pprint ((directive, arg1, margs))
if directive == 'pragma':
parse_pragma (arg1, margs)
elif directive == 'includelist':
fname = parse_filename (arg1)
if fname:
source_list.append (fname)
elif directive == 'endlist':
print "ignoring " + p
fname = parse_filename (p)
if fname:
source_list.append (fname)
def include_file (fname):
global current_file
fname = parse_filename (fname)
if fname:
append_file (fname)
def comment_string (string_list, start, end):
i = 0
while i < len (string_list):
if start <= string_list[i][1] and end >= string_list[i][2]:
del string_list[i]
i += 1
return string_list
def process_source (source_file):
global compile_this_file, current_file
if verbose:
print source_file
compile_this_file = 1
includelist = 0
incomment = 0
current_file = []
output = []
condition = [1]
append_file (source_file)
i = 0
while i < len (current_file):
l = current_file[i]
#print source_file + ":" + `i` + ":" + l
string_list = []
s = string_re.search (l)
while s:
string_list.append ((l[s.start():s.end()], s.start(), s.end()))
l = l[:s.start()] + ((s.end() - s.start()) * ' ') + l[s.end():]
s = string_re.search (l)
if incomment:
s = comment_end.search (l)
if s:
l = (s.end() * ' ') + l[s.end():]
incomment = 0
string_list = comment_string (string_list, s.start(), s.end())
string_list = comment_string (string_list, 0, len(l))
l = ""
s = comment_whole.search (l)
if s:
l = l[:s.start()] + ((s.end() - s.start()) * ' ') + l[s.end():]
string_list = comment_string (string_list, s.start(), s.end())
s = comment_start.search (l)
if s:
l = l[:s.start()] + ((s.end() - s.start()) * ' ')
string_list = comment_string (string_list, s.start(), s.end())
incomment = 1
for str in string_list:
l = l[:str[1]] + str[0] + l[str[2]:]
#print l
m = directive_re.match (l)
if (m):
g = m.groups()
directive = g[0]
arg1 = string.strip (g[1])
margs = string.strip (g[4])
#pprint ((directive, arg1, margs))
if directive == 'pragma':
if condition[-1]:
parse_pragma (arg1, margs)
elif directive == 'include':
if condition[-1]:
include_file (arg1)
elif directive == 'includelist':
if condition[-1]:
include_file (arg1)
includelist = 1
elif directive == 'endlist':
if condition[-1]:
includelist = 0
elif directive == 'define':
if condition[-1]:
defines[arg1] = margs
elif directive == 'undef':
if condition[-1]:
if defines.has_key (arg1):
del defines[arg1]
elif directive == 'ifdef':
condition.append (condition[-1])
if not defines.has_key (arg1):
elif directive == 'ifndef':
condition.append (condition[-1])
if defines.has_key (arg1):
elif directive == 'else':
condition[-1] = condition [-2] and not condition[-1]
elif directive == 'endif':
del condition[-1]
if condition[-1]:
print "ignoring " + l
output.append ('//' + l)
if (includelist):
fname = parse_filename (l)
if fname:
include_file (fname)
output.append ('//' + l)
if not condition[-1]:
l = '//##' + l
s = macro_re.search (l)
while s:
id = s.groups()[0]
if defines.has_key (id):
l = (l[:s.start()]
+ defines[id]
+ l[s.end():])
s = macro_re.search (l)
s = macro_re.search (l,
output.append (l)
i = i + 1
if compile_this_file:
fname = source_file + '.pqc'
qcc_list.append (fname)
f = open (fname, "wt")
for l in output:
f.write(l + '\n')
f.close ()
no_delete = 0
i = 0
while i < len (sys.argv):
if sys.argv[i] == '--keep':
no_delete = 1
del sys.argv[i]
elif sys.argv[i] == '--verbose':
verbose = 1;
del sys.argv[i]
i = i + 1
do_preprogs_src ()
for s in source_list:
if s[0]=='#':
continue # preprocessor directive
process_source (s)
f = open (progs_src, "wt")
f.write (progs_dat + '\n\n')
for l in qcc_list:
f.write(l + '\n')
f.close ()
args = sys.argv[1:]
if not verbose:
args = ["--quiet"] + args
args = ["qfcc"] + args
if not os.fork():
os.execvp ("qfcc", args)
if not no_delete:
for l in qcc_list:
os.unlink (l)
os.unlink (progs_src)