
583 lines
15 KiB

GLSL bsps
Copyright (C) 2012 Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org>
Author: Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org>
Date: 2012/1/7
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
# include "config.h"
static __attribute__ ((used)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
# include <string.h>
# include <strings.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "QF/dstring.h"
#include "QF/render.h"
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "QF/vrect.h"
#include "QF/GLSL/defines.h"
#include "QF/GLSL/funcs.h"
#include "QF/GLSL/qf_bsp.h"
#include "QF/GLSL/qf_textures.h"
#include "r_local.h"
typedef struct {
GLushort count;
GLushort indices[1];
} glslpoly_t;
#define ALLOC_CHUNK 64
instsurf_t *waterchain = NULL;
instsurf_t **waterchain_tail = &waterchain;
instsurf_t *sky_chain;
instsurf_t **sky_chain_tail = &sky_chain;
static texture_t **r_texture_chains;
static int r_num_texture_chains;
static int max_texture_chains;
// for world and non-instance models
static elechain_t *static_elechains;
static elechain_t **static_elechains_tail = &static_elechains;
static elechain_t *free_static_elechains;
static elements_t *static_elementss;
static elements_t **static_elementss_tail = &static_elementss;
static elements_t *free_static_elementss;
static instsurf_t *static_instsurfs;
static instsurf_t **static_instsurfs_tail = &static_instsurfs;
static instsurf_t *free_static_instsurfs;
// for instance models
static elechain_t *elechains;
static elechain_t **elechains_tail = &elechains;
static elechain_t *free_elechains;
static elements_t *elementss;
static elements_t **elementss_tail = &elementss;
static elements_t *free_elementss;
static instsurf_t *instsurfs;
static instsurf_t **instsurfs_tail = &instsurfs;
static instsurf_t *free_instsurfs;
#define CHAIN_SURF_F2B(surf,chain) \
do { \
instsurf_t *inst = (surf)->instsurf; \
if (!inst) (surf)->tinst = inst = get_instsurf (); \
inst->surface = (surf); \
*(chain##_tail) = inst; \
(chain##_tail) = &inst->tex_chain; \
*(chain##_tail) = 0; \
} while (0)
#define CHAIN_SURF_B2F(surf,chain) \
do { \
instsurf_t *inst = (surf)->instsurf; \
if (!inst) (surf)->tinst = inst = get_instsurf (); \
inst->surface = (surf); \
inst->tex_chain = (chain); \
(chain) = inst; \
} while (0)
#define GET_RELEASE(type,name) \
static inline type * \
get_##name (void) \
{ \
type *ele; \
if (!free_##name##s) { \
int i; \
free_##name##s = calloc (ALLOC_CHUNK, sizeof (type)); \
for (i = 0; i < ALLOC_CHUNK - 1; i++) \
free_##name##s[i]._next = &free_##name##s[i + 1]; \
} \
ele = free_##name##s; \
free_##name##s = ele->_next; \
ele->_next = 0; \
*name##s_tail = ele; \
name##s_tail = &ele->_next; \
return ele; \
} \
static inline void \
release_##name##s (void) \
{ \
if (name##s) { \
*name##s_tail = free_##name##s; \
free_##name##s = name##s; \
name##s = 0; \
name##s_tail = &name##s; \
} \
GET_RELEASE (elechain_t, static_elechain)
GET_RELEASE (elechain_t, elechain)
GET_RELEASE (elements_t, static_elements)
GET_RELEASE (elements_t, elements)
GET_RELEASE (instsurf_t, static_instsurf)
GET_RELEASE (instsurf_t, instsurf)
R_AddTexture (texture_t *tex)
int i;
if (r_num_texture_chains == max_texture_chains) {
max_texture_chains += 64;
r_texture_chains = realloc (r_texture_chains,
max_texture_chains * sizeof (texture_t *));
for (i = r_num_texture_chains; i < max_texture_chains; i++)
r_texture_chains[i] = 0;
r_texture_chains[r_num_texture_chains++] = tex;
tex->tex_chain = 0;
tex->tex_chain_tail = &tex->tex_chain;
tex->elechain = 0;
tex->elechain_tail = &tex->elechain;
R_ClearTextures (void)
r_num_texture_chains = 0;
R_InitSurfaceChains (model_t *model)
int i;
release_static_instsurfs ();
release_instsurfs ();
for (i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++) {
model->surfaces[i].instsurf = get_static_instsurf ();
model->surfaces[i].instsurf->surface = &model->surfaces[i];
static void
clear_texture_chains (void)
int i;
texture_t *tex;
for (i = 0; i < r_num_texture_chains; i++) {
tex = r_texture_chains[i];
if (!tex)
tex->tex_chain = NULL;
tex->tex_chain_tail = &tex->tex_chain;
tex = r_notexture_mip;
tex->tex_chain = NULL;
tex->tex_chain_tail = &tex->tex_chain;
release_elechains ();
release_elementss ();
release_instsurfs ();
R_ClearElements (void)
release_static_elechains ();
release_static_elementss ();
release_elechains ();
release_elementss ();
static inline void
chain_surface (msurface_t *surf, vec_t *transform, float *color)
instsurf_t *sc;
if (surf->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB) {
CHAIN_SURF_B2F (surf, waterchain);
} else if (surf->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY) {
CHAIN_SURF_F2B (surf, sky_chain);
} else {
texture_t *tex;
if (!surf->texinfo->texture->anim_total)
tex = surf->texinfo->texture;
tex = R_TextureAnimation (surf);
CHAIN_SURF_F2B (surf, tex->tex_chain);
//XXX R_AddToLightmapChain (surf);
if (!(sc = surf->instsurf))
sc = surf->tinst;
sc->transform = transform;
sc->color = color;
static void
register_textures (model_t *model)
int i;
texture_t *tex;
for (i = 0; i < model->numtextures; i++) {
tex = model->textures[i];
if (!tex)
R_AddTexture (tex);
static elechain_t *
add_elechain (texture_t *tex, int ec_index)
elechain_t *ec;
if (ec_index < 0) {
ec = get_elechain ();
ec->elements = get_elements ();
} else {
ec = get_static_elechain ();
ec->elements = get_static_elements ();
ec->index = ec_index;
ec->transform = 0;
*tex->elechain_tail = ec;
tex->elechain_tail = &ec->next;
return ec;
static void
build_surf_displist (model_t **models, msurface_t *fa, int base,
dstring_t *vert_list)
int numverts;
int numtris;
int numindices;
int i;
vec_t *vec;
mvertex_t *vertices;
medge_t *edges;
int *surfedges;
int index;
bspvert_t *verts;
glslpoly_t *poly;
GLushort *ind;
float s, t;
if (fa->ec_index < 0) {
vertices = models[-fa->ec_index - 1]->vertexes;
edges = models[-fa->ec_index - 1]->edges;
surfedges = models[-fa->ec_index - 1]->surfedges;
} else {
vertices = r_worldentity.model->vertexes;
edges = r_worldentity.model->edges;
surfedges = r_worldentity.model->surfedges;
numverts = fa->numedges;
numtris = numverts - 2;
numindices = numtris * 3;
verts = alloca (numverts * sizeof (bspvert_t));
//FIXME leak
poly = malloc (field_offset (glslpoly_t, indices[numindices]));
poly->count = numindices;
for (i = 0, ind = poly->indices; i < numtris; i++) {
*ind++ = base;
*ind++ = base + i + 1;
*ind++ = base + i + 2;
fa->polys = (glpoly_t *) poly;
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
index = surfedges[fa->firstedge + i];
if (index > 0)
vec = vertices[edges[index].v[0]].position;
vec = vertices[edges[-index].v[1]].position;
s = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[0]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[0][3];
t = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[1]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[1][3];
VectorCopy (vec, verts[i].vertex);
verts[i].vertex[3] = 1;
verts[i].tlst[0] = s / fa->texinfo->texture->width;
verts[i].tlst[1] = t / fa->texinfo->texture->height;
//lightmap texture coordinates
if (!fa->lightpic) {
// sky and water textures don't have lightmaps
verts[i].tlst[2] = 0;
verts[i].tlst[3] = 0;
s = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[0]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[0][3];
t = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[1]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[1][3];
s -= fa->texturemins[0];
t -= fa->texturemins[1];
s += fa->lightpic->rect->x * 16 + 8;
t += fa->lightpic->rect->y * 16 + 8;
s /= 16;
t /= 16;
verts[i].tlst[2] = s * fa->lightpic->size;
verts[i].tlst[3] = t * fa->lightpic->size;
dstring_append (vert_list, (char *) verts, numverts * sizeof (bspvert_t));
R_BuildDisplayLists (model_t **models, int num_models)
int i, j;
int vertex_index_base;
model_t *m;
dmodel_t *dm;
msurface_t *surf;
dstring_t *vertices;
R_InitSurfaceChains (r_worldentity.model);
R_AddTexture (r_notexture_mip);
register_textures (r_worldentity.model);
for (i = 0; i < num_models; i++) {
m = models[i];
if (!m)
// sub-models are done as part of the main model
if (*m->name == '*')
// world has already been done, not interested in non-brush models
if (m == r_worldentity.model || m->type != mod_brush)
m->numsubmodels = 1; // no support for submodels in non-world model
register_textures (m);
// now run through all surfaces, chaining them to their textures, thus
// effectively sorting the surfaces by texture (without worrying about
// surface order on the same texture chain).
for (i = 0; i < num_models; i++) {
m = models[i];
if (!m)
// sub-models are done as part of the main model
if (*m->name == '*')
// non-bsp models don't have surfaces.
dm = m->submodels;
for (j = 0; j < m->numsurfaces; j++) {
texture_t *tex;
if (j == dm->firstface + dm->numfaces) {
if (dm - m->submodels == m->numsubmodels) {
// limit the surfaces
// probably never hit
Sys_Printf ("R_BuildDisplayLists: too many surfaces\n");
m->numsurfaces = j;
surf = m->surfaces + j;
surf->ec_index = dm - m->submodels;
if (!surf->ec_index && m != r_worldentity.model)
surf->ec_index = -1 - i; // instanced model
tex = surf->texinfo->texture;
CHAIN_SURF_F2B (surf, tex->tex_chain);
if (surf->instsurf)
surf->instsurf->elements = 0;
surf->tinst->elements = 0;
// All vertices from all brush models go into one giant vbo.
vertices = dstring_new ();
vertex_index_base = 0;
// All usable surfaces have been chained to the (base) texture they use.
// Run through the textures, using their chains to build display maps.
// For animated textures, if a surface is on one texture of the group, it
// will be on all.
for (i = 0; i < r_num_texture_chains; i++) {
texture_t *tex;
instsurf_t *is;
elechain_t *ec = 0;
elements_t *el = 0;
tex = r_texture_chains[i];
for (is = tex->tex_chain; is; is = is->tex_chain) {
msurface_t *surf = is->surface;
if (!tex->elechain) {
ec = add_elechain (tex, surf->ec_index);
el = ec->elements;
el->base = (byte *) vertices->size;
vertex_index_base = 0;
if (surf->ec_index != ec->index) { // next sub-model
ec = add_elechain (tex, surf->ec_index);
el = ec->elements;
el->base = (byte *) vertices->size;
vertex_index_base = 0;
if (vertex_index_base + surf->numedges > 65535) {
// elements index overflow
if (surf->ec_index < 0)
el->next = get_elements ();
el->next = get_static_elements ();
el = el->next;
el->base = (byte *) vertices->size;
vertex_index_base = 0;
// we don't use it now, but pre-initializing the list won't hurt
if (!el->list)
el->list = dstring_new ();
dstring_clear (el->list);
is->elements = el;
build_surf_displist (models, surf, vertex_index_base, vertices);
vertex_index_base += surf->numedges;
clear_texture_chains ();
Sys_Printf ("%ld verts total\n", vertices->size / sizeof (bspvert_t));
static inline void
visit_leaf (mleaf_t *leaf)
// deal with model fragments in this leaf
if (leaf->efrags)
R_StoreEfrags (leaf->efrags);
static inline int
get_side (mnode_t *node)
// find which side of the node we are on
plane_t *plane = node->plane;
if (plane->type < 3)
return (r_origin[plane->type] - plane->dist) < 0;
return (DotProduct (r_origin, plane->normal) - plane->dist) < 0;
static inline void
visit_node (mnode_t *node, int side)
int c;
msurface_t *surf;
// sneaky hack for side = side ? SURF_PLANEBACK : 0;
side = (~side + 1) & SURF_PLANEBACK;
// draw stuff
if ((c = node->numsurfaces)) {
surf = r_worldentity.model->surfaces + node->firstsurface;
for (; c; c--, surf++) {
if (surf->visframe != r_visframecount)
// side is either 0 or SURF_PLANEBACK
if (side ^ (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
continue; // wrong side
//chain_surface (surf, 0, 0);
static inline int
test_node (mnode_t *node)
if (node->contents < 0)
return 0;
if (node->visframe != r_visframecount)
return 0;
if (R_CullBox (node->minmaxs, node->minmaxs + 3))
return 0;
return 1;
static void
R_VisitWorldNodes (mnode_t *node)
#define NODE_STACK 1024
struct {
mnode_t *node;
int side;
} *node_ptr, node_stack[NODE_STACK];
mnode_t *front;
int side;
node_ptr = node_stack;
while (1) {
while (test_node (node)) {
side = get_side (node);
front = node->children[side];
if (test_node (front)) {
if (node_ptr - node_stack == NODE_STACK)
Sys_Error ("node_stack overflow");
node_ptr->node = node;
node_ptr->side = side;
node = front;
if (front->contents < 0 && front->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID)
visit_leaf ((mleaf_t *) front);
visit_node (node, side);
node = node->children[!side];
if (node->contents < 0 && node->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID)
visit_leaf ((mleaf_t *) node);
if (node_ptr != node_stack) {
node = node_ptr->node;
side = node_ptr->side;
visit_node (node, side);
node = node->children[!side];
if (node->contents < 0 && node->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID)
visit_leaf ((mleaf_t *) node);
R_DrawWorld (void)
entity_t worldent;
memset (&worldent, 0, sizeof (worldent));
worldent.model = r_worldentity.model;
currententity = &worldent;
R_VisitWorldNodes (worldent.model->nodes);
clear_texture_chains ();