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synced 2025-02-17 09:22:43 +00:00
For now, at least (I have some ideas to possibly reduce the numbers and also to avoid the need for actual limits). I've seen gmsp3v2 use over 500 lights at once (it has over 1300), and I spent too long figuring out that weird light behavior was due to the limit being hit and lights getting dropped (and even longer figuring out that more weird behavior was due to the lack of shadows and the world being too bright in the first place).
123 lines
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123 lines
3.6 KiB
#version 450
layout (input_attachment_index = 0, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform subpassInput depth;
layout (input_attachment_index = 1, set = 0, binding = 1) uniform subpassInput color;
layout (input_attachment_index = 2, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform subpassInput emission;
layout (input_attachment_index = 3, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform subpassInput normal;
layout (input_attachment_index = 4, set = 0, binding = 4) uniform subpassInput position;
struct LightData {
vec4 color; // .a is intensity
vec4 position; // .w = 0 -> directional, .w = 1 -> point/cone
vec4 direction; // .w = -cos(cone_angle/2) (1 for omni/dir)
vec4 attenuation;
#define StyleMask 0x07f
#define ModelMask 0x380
#define ShadowMask 0xc00
#define LM_LINEAR (0 << 7) // light - dist (or radius + dist if -ve)
#define LM_INVERSE (1 << 7) // distFactor1 * light / dist
#define LM_INVERSE2 (2 << 7) // distFactor2 * light / (dist * dist)
#define LM_INFINITE (3 << 7) // light
#define LM_AMBIENT (4 << 7) // light
#define LM_INVERSE3 (5 << 7) // distFactor2 * light / (dist + distFactor2)**2
#define ST_NONE (0 << 10) // no shadows
#define ST_PLANE (1 << 10) // single plane shadow map (small spotlight)
#define ST_CASCADE (2 << 10) // cascaded shadow maps
#define ST_CUBE (3 << 10) // cubemap (omni, large spotlight)
layout (constant_id = 0) const int MaxLights = 768;
layout (set = 2, binding = 0) uniform sampler2DArrayShadow shadowCascade[MaxLights];
layout (set = 2, binding = 0) uniform sampler2DShadow shadowPlane[MaxLights];
layout (set = 2, binding = 0) uniform samplerCubeShadow shadowCube[MaxLights];
layout (set = 1, binding = 0) uniform Lights {
LightData lights[MaxLights];
int lightCount;
//mat4 shadowMat[MaxLights];
//vec4 shadowCascale[MaxLights];
layout (location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
spot_cone (LightData light, vec3 incoming)
vec3 dir = light.direction.xyz;
float cone = light.direction.w;
float spotdot = dot (incoming, dir);
return 1 - smoothstep (cone, .995 * cone + 0.005, spotdot);
diffuse (vec3 incoming, vec3 normal)
float lightdot = dot (incoming, normal);
return clamp (lightdot, 0, 1);
shadow_cascade (sampler2DArrayShadow map)
return 1;
shadow_plane (sampler2DShadow map)
return 1;
shadow_cube (samplerCubeShadow map)
return 1;
main (void)
//float d = subpassLoad (depth).r;
vec3 c = subpassLoad (color).rgb;
vec3 e = subpassLoad (emission).rgb;
vec3 n = subpassLoad (normal).rgb;
vec3 p = subpassLoad (position).rgb;
vec3 light = vec3 (0);
if (MaxLights > 0) {
vec3 minLight = vec3 (0);
for (int i = 0; i < lightCount; i++) {
LightData l = lights[i];
vec3 dir = l.position.xyz - l.position.w * p;
float r2 = dot (dir, dir);
vec4 a = l.attenuation;
if (l.position.w * a.w * a.w * r2 >= 1) {
vec4 r = vec4 (r2, sqrt(r2), 1, 0);
vec3 incoming = dir / r.y;
float I = (1 - a.w * r.y) / dot (a, r);
/*int shadow = lights[i].data & ShadowMask;
if (shadow == ST_CASCADE) {
I *= shadow_cascade (shadowCascade[i]);
} else if (shadow == ST_PLANE) {
I *= shadow_plane (shadowPlane[i]);
} else if (shadow == ST_CUBE) {
I *= shadow_cube (shadowCube[i]);
float namb = dot(l.direction.xyz, l.direction.xyz);
I *= spot_cone (l, incoming) * diffuse (incoming, n);
I = mix (1, I, namb);
light += I * l.color.w * l.color.xyz;
light = max (light, minLight);
frag_color = vec4 (c * light + e, 1);