Bill Currie 5186d3ae49 [vulkan] Rework draw to use a context struct
Cleans up global space and makes it usable in multiple contexts. Also,
max quads dropped to 32k as each frame now has its own vertex buffer to
avoid issues with vertex overwrites (which I have seen). However, all
vertex buffers are in the one memory/buffer object (using offsets) and
the index buffer has been moved into a device-local memory object.
2021-01-16 14:42:25 +09:00

84 lines
2.4 KiB

#ifndef __vid_vulkan_h
#define __vid_vulkan_h
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "QF/darray.h"
typedef struct vulkan_renderpass_s {
VkRenderPass renderpass;
struct qfv_imageresource_s *colorImage;
struct qfv_imageresource_s *depthImage;
} vulkan_renderpass_t;
typedef struct vulkan_framebuffer_s {
VkFramebuffer framebuffer;
VkFence fence;
VkSemaphore imageAvailableSemaphore;
VkSemaphore renderDoneSemaphore;
VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer;
struct qfv_cmdbufferset_s *subCommand;
} vulkan_framebuffer_t;
typedef struct vulkan_matrices_s {
VkBuffer buffer_2d;
VkBuffer buffer_3d;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
float *projection_2d;
float *projection_3d;
float *view_3d;
} vulkan_matrices_t;
typedef struct vulkan_framebufferset_s
DARRAY_TYPE (vulkan_framebuffer_t) vulkan_framebufferset_t;
typedef struct vulkan_ctx_s {
void (*load_vulkan) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
void (*unload_vulkan) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
const char **required_extensions;
struct vulkan_presentation_s *presentation;
int (*get_presentation_support) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx,
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t queueFamilyIndex);
void (*choose_visual) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
void (*create_window) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
VkSurfaceKHR (*create_surface) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
struct qfv_instance_s *instance;
struct qfv_device_s *device;
struct qfv_swapchain_s *swapchain;
VkSampleCountFlagBits msaaSamples; // FIXME not here?
struct hashlink_s *hashlinks; //FIXME want per thread
VkSurfaceKHR surface; //FIXME surface = window, so "contains" swapchain
struct plitem_s *pipelineDef;
struct hashtab_s *shaderModules;
struct hashtab_s *setLayouts;
struct hashtab_s *pipelineLayouts;
struct hashtab_s *descriptorPools;
struct hashtab_s *samplers;
struct drawctx_s *draw_context;
VkCommandPool cmdpool;
VkCommandBuffer cmdbuffer;
VkFence fence; // for ctx->cmdbuffer only
vulkan_renderpass_t renderpass;
struct qfv_stagebuf_s *staging;
VkPipeline pipeline;
size_t curFrame;
vulkan_framebufferset_t framebuffers;
// projection and view matrices (model is push constant)
vulkan_matrices_t matrices;
#define EXPORTED_VULKAN_FUNCTION(fname) PFN_##fname fname;
#define GLOBAL_LEVEL_VULKAN_FUNCTION(fname) PFN_##fname fname;
#include "QF/Vulkan/funclist.h"
} vulkan_ctx_t;