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-- Math.const
const float PI = 3.14159265;
const float E = 2.71828183;
-- Math.quaternion
qmult (vec4 q, vec3 v)
float qc = q.w;
vec3 qv = q.xyz;
vec3 t = cross (qv, v);
return (qs * qs) * v + 2.0 * qs * t + dot (qv, v) * qv + cross (qv, t);
dqtrans (vec4 q0, vec4 qe)
{//2.0 * (q0.w * qe.xyz - qe.w * q0.xyz - cross (qe.xyz, q0.xyz));
float qs = q0.w, Ts = qe.w;
vec3 qv = -q0.xyz, Tv = qe.xyz;
return 2.0 * (Ts * qv + qs * Tv + cross (Tv, qv));
-- Fragment.fog
uniform vec4 fog;
fogBlend (vec4 color)
float fog_factor;
float az = fog.a * gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;
vec4 fog_color = vec4 (fog.rgb, 1.0);
fog_factor = exp (-az * az);
return vec4 (mix (fog_color.rgb, color.rgb, fog_factor), color.a);
-- Fragment.palette
uniform sampler2D palette;
palettedColor (float pix)
return texture2D (palette, vec2 (pix, 0.0));
-- Fragment.colormap
uniform sampler2D colormap;
mappedColor (float pix, float light)
return texture2D (colormap, vec2 (pix, light));
-- env.warp.nop
warp_st (vec2 st, float time)
return st;
-- env.warp.turb
const float SPEED = 20.0;
const float CYCLE = 128.0;
const float FACTOR = PI * 2.0 / CYCLE;
const vec2 BIAS = vec2 (1.0, 1.0);
const float SCALE = 8.0;
warp_st (vec2 st, float time)
vec2 angle = st.ts * CYCLE / 2.0;
vec2 phase = vec2 (time, time) * SPEED;
return st + (sin ((angle + phase) * FACTOR) + BIAS) / SCALE;
-- env.sky.cube
uniform samplerCube sky;
sky_color (vec3 dir)
// NOTE: quake's world and GL's world are rotated relative to each other
// quake has x right, y in, z up. gl has x right, y up, z out
// The textures are loaded with GL's z (quake's y) already negated, so
// all that's needed here is to swizzle y and z.
return textureCube(sky, dir.xzy);
-- env.sky.id
uniform sampler2D solid;
uniform sampler2D trans;
uniform float time;
const float SCALE = 189.0 / 64.0;
sky_color (vec3 dir)
float len;
float pix;
vec2 flow = vec2 (1.0, 1.0);
vec2 st, base;
dir.z *= 3.0;
len = dot (dir, dir);
len = SCALE * inversesqrt (len);
base = dir.yx * vec2(1.0, -1.0) * len;
st = base + flow * time / 8.0;
pix = texture2D (trans, st).r;
if (pix == 0.0) {
st = base + flow * time / 16.0;
pix = texture2D (solid, st).r;
return palettedColor (pix);
-- Vertex.mdl
uniform mat4 mvp_mat;
uniform mat3 norm_mat;
uniform vec2 skin_size;
uniform float blend;
attribute vec3 vertexa, vertexb;
attribute vec3 vnormala, vnormalb;
attribute vec2 vsta, vstb;
attribute vec4 vcolora, vcolorb;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec2 st;
varying vec4 color;
main (void)
vec3 vertex;
vec3 vnormal;
vertex = mix (vertexa, vertexb, blend);
vnormal = mix (vnormala, vnormalb, blend);
gl_Position = mvp_mat * vec4 (vertex, 1.0);
st = mix (vsta, vstb, blend) / skin_size;
normal = norm_mat * vnormal;
color = mix (vcolora, vcolorb, blend);
-- Fragment.mdl
uniform sampler2D skin;
uniform float ambient;
uniform float shadelight;
uniform vec3 lightvec;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec2 st;
varying vec4 color;
main (void)
float pix = texture2D (skin, st).r;
float light = ambient;
float d, col;
vec4 lit;
d = dot (normal, lightvec);
d = min (d, 0.0);
light = 255.0 - light;
light += d * shadelight;
lit = mappedColor (pix, light / 255.0);
gl_FragColor = fogBlend (lit * color);
-- Vertex.bsp
uniform mat4 mvp_mat;
uniform mat4 sky_mat;
attribute vec4 vertex;
attribute vec4 tlst;
attribute vec4 vcolor;
varying vec2 tst;
varying vec2 lst;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec3 direction;
main (void)
gl_Position = mvp_mat * vertex;
direction = (sky_mat * vertex).xyz;
tst = tlst.st;
lst = tlst.pq;
color = vcolor;
-- Fragment.bsp.lit
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform sampler2D lightmap;
uniform float time;
varying vec2 tst;
varying vec2 lst;
varying vec4 color;
main (void)
float pix;
vec2 st;
float light = texture2D (lightmap, lst).r;
vec4 c;
st = warp_st (tst, time);
pix = texture2D (texture, st).r;
c = mappedColor (pix, light * 4.0) * color;
gl_FragColor = fogBlend (c);
-- Fragment.bsp.unlit
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform float time;
varying vec2 tst;
varying vec4 color;
main (void)
float pix;
vec2 st;
vec4 c;
st = warp_st (tst, time);
pix = texture2D (texture, st).r;
c = palettedColor (pix) * color;
gl_FragColor = fogBlend (c);
-- Fragment.bsp.sky
varying vec3 direction;
main (void)
vec4 c = sky_color (direction);
gl_FragColor = fogBlend (c);
-- Vertex.particle.point
uniform mat4 mvp_mat;
attribute float vcolor;
/** Vertex position.
x, y, z, c
c is the color of the point.
attribute vec3 vertex;
varying float color;
main (void)
gl_Position = mvp_mat * vec4 (vertex, 1.0);
gl_PointSize = max (1.0, 1024.0 * abs (1.0 / gl_Position.z));
color = vcolor;
-- Vertex.particle.textured
uniform mat4 mvp_mat;
attribute vec4 vcolor;
attribute vec2 vst;
/** Vertex position.
x, y, z, c
c is the color of the point.
attribute vec3 vertex;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 st;
main (void)
gl_Position = mvp_mat * vec4 (vertex, 1.0);
color = vcolor;
st = vst;
-- Fragment.particle.point
//precision mediump float;
varying float color;
main (void)
if (color == 1.0)
gl_FragColor = fogBlend (palettedColor (color));
-- Fragment.particle.textured
//precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D texture;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 st;
main (void)
gl_FragColor = fogBlend (texture2D (texture, st) * color);
-- Vertex.sprite
uniform mat4 mvp_mat;
attribute float vblend;
attribute vec4 vcolora, vcolorb;
attribute vec4 uvab; ///< ua va ub vb
attribute vec3 vertexa, vertexb;
varying float blend;
varying vec4 colora, colorb;
varying vec2 sta, stb;
main (void)
gl_Position = mvp_mat * vec4 (mix (vertexa, vertexb, vblend), 1.0);
blend = vblend;
colora = vcolora;
colorb = vcolorb;
sta = uvab.xy;
stb = uvab.zw;
-- Fragment.sprite
uniform sampler2D spritea;
uniform sampler2D spriteb;
varying float blend;
varying vec4 colora, colorb;
varying vec2 sta, stb;
main (void)
float pixa, pixb;
vec4 cola, colb;
vec4 col;
pixa = texture2D (spritea, sta).r;
pixb = texture2D (spriteb, stb).r;
if (pixa == 1.0 && pixb == 1.0)
cola = palettedColor (pixa) * colora;
colb = palettedColor (pixb) * colorb;
col = mix (cola, colb, blend);
if (col.a == 0.0)
gl_FragColor = fogBlend (col);