Bill Currie 75ec6bf244 Clean out some unnecessary types from the progs engine and clean up the mess.
This is a nasty commit, sorry, but 99% of the commit is interdependent.
2011-01-10 12:25:31 +09:00

119 lines
2.5 KiB

#include "CompiledCode.h"
#include "Symbol.h"
#include "defs.h"
@implementation CompiledCode
- (id) init
self = [super init];
constants = [Array new];
instructions = [Array new];
return self;
- (void) markReachable
[literals mark];
if (constants)
[constants makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(mark)];
if (instructions)
[instructions makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(mark)];
- (void) addInstruction: (Instruction []) inst
[inst line: [self line]];
[inst source: [self source]];
[inst offset: [instructions count]];
if ([inst opcode] != LABEL) {
[instructions addObject: inst];
- (integer) addConstant: (SchemeObject []) c
local integer number = [constants count];
[constants addObject: c];
return number;
- (void) compile
local integer index;
local Instruction []inst;
literals = [Frame newWithSize: [constants count] link: NIL];
code = obj_malloc (@sizeof(instruction_t) * [instructions count]);
lineinfo = obj_malloc(@sizeof(lineinfo_t) * [instructions count]);
for (index = 0; index < [constants count]; index++) {
[literals set: index to: (SchemeObject[]) [constants objectAtIndex: index]];
for (index = 0; index < [instructions count]; index++) {
inst = [instructions objectAtIndex: index];
[inst emitStruct: code];
lineinfo[index].linenumber = [inst line];
lineinfo[index].sourcefile = symbol([inst source]);
[lineinfo[index].sourcefile retain];
size = [instructions count];
[instructions release];
[constants release];
instructions = constants = NIL;
- (instruction_t []) code
return code;
- (lineinfo_t []) lineinfo
return lineinfo;
- (Frame[]) literals
return literals;
- (void) dealloc
local Array []temp;
if (instructions) {
temp = instructions;
instructions = NIL;
[temp release];
if (constants) {
temp = constants;
constants = NIL;
[temp release];
if (code) {
obj_free (code);
if (lineinfo) {
local integer i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
[lineinfo[i].sourcefile release];
obj_free (lineinfo);
[super dealloc];
- (integer) minimumArguments
return minargs;
- (void) minimumArguments: (integer) min
minargs = min;