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synced 2025-02-25 05:01:24 +00:00
I had missed that upping max lights to 2048 meant that up to 12288 matrices are needed for all the possible lights. This made it so the light type could not be encoded in id_data, but the shaders never used it anyway. This leaves one bit free.
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layout (input_attachment_index = 0, set = 2, binding = 0) uniform subpassInput color;
layout (input_attachment_index = 1, set = 2, binding = 1) uniform subpassInput emission;
layout (input_attachment_index = 2, set = 2, binding = 2) uniform subpassInput normal;
layout (input_attachment_index = 3, set = 2, binding = 3) uniform subpassInput position;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
spot_cone (LightData light, vec3 incoming)
vec3 dir = light.direction.xyz;
float cone = light.direction.w;
float spotdot = dot (incoming, dir);
return 1 - smoothstep (cone, .995 * cone + 0.005, spotdot);
diffuse (vec3 incoming, vec3 normal)
float lightdot = dot (incoming, normal);
return clamp (lightdot, 0, 1);
main (void)
vec3 c = subpassLoad (color).rgb;
vec3 e = subpassLoad (emission).rgb;
vec3 n = subpassLoad (normal).rgb;
vec4 p = subpassLoad (position);
vec3 light = vec3 (0);
uint start = bitfieldExtract (queue, 0, 16);
uint end = start + bitfieldExtract (queue, 16, 16);
for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) {
uint id = lightIds[i];
LightData l = lights[id];
vec3 dir = l.position.xyz - l.position.w * p.xyz;
float r2 = dot (dir, dir);
vec4 a = l.attenuation;
if (l.position.w * a.w * a.w * r2 >= 1) {
vec4 r = vec4 (r2, sqrt(r2), 1, 0);
vec3 incoming = dir / r.y;
float I = (1 - a.w * r.y) / dot (a, r);
uint id_data = renderer[id].id_data;
uint mat_id = bitfieldExtract (id_data, 0, 14);
uint map_id = bitfieldExtract (id_data, 14, 5);
uint layer = bitfieldExtract (id_data, 19, 11);
I *= shadow (map_id, layer, mat_id, p, l.position.xyz);
float namb = dot(l.direction.xyz, l.direction.xyz);
I *= spot_cone (l, incoming) * diffuse (incoming, n);
I = mix (1, I, namb);
vec4 col = l.color;
if (bitfieldExtract(id_data, 31, 1) == 0) {
col *= style[renderer[id].style];
light += I * col.w * col.xyz;
//light = max (light, minLight);
frag_color = vec4 (light, 1);