mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 18:32:14 +00:00
I have no idea why the code is disabled (especially considering the comment), so leaving it that way for now, but this makes the code compile when enabled.
458 lines
8.3 KiB
458 lines
8.3 KiB
#include <math.h>
#include <Array.h>
#include <runtime.h>
Optimization opportunity:
if ([self class] == [Array class]) {
[[do things optimally instead of only through primitive methods]]
@implementation Array
+ (id) array
return [self arrayWithCapacity: STANDARD_CAPACITY];
+ (id) arrayWithCapacity: (unsigned)cap
return [[[self alloc] initWithCapacity: cap] autorelease];
+ (id) arrayWithArray: (Array *)array
return [[array copy] autorelease];
+ (id) arrayWithObject: (id)anObject
Array *newArray = (Array *)[self arrayWithCapacity: STANDARD_CAPACITY];
[newArray addObject: anObject];
return newArray;
+ (id) arrayWithObjects: (id)firstObj, ...
local int i;
id newArray = [self arrayWithObject: firstObj];
for (i = 0; i < @args.count; i++) {
[newArray addObject: (id) @args.list[i].pointer_val];
return [newArray autorelease];
+ (id) arrayWithObjects: (id *) objs count: (unsigned)cnt
local int i;
id newArray = [self array];
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
[newArray addObject: (id) objs[i]];
return newArray;
- (id) init
return [self initWithCapacity: STANDARD_CAPACITY];
- (id) initWithCapacity: (unsigned)cap
if (!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
count = 0;
if ((capacity = cap) < 1)
capacity = 1;
granularity = (capacity + 1) / 2;
if (granularity < 1)
granularity = 1;
if (granularity > ARRAY_MAX_GRANULARITY)
_objs = (id *) obj_malloc (capacity * @sizeof (id));
return self;
- (id) initWithArray: (Array *)array
#if 0
local unsigned i;
local unsigned max = [array count];
if (!(self = [self initWithCapacity: max]))
return nil;
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
_objs[i] = [[array objectAtIndex: i] retain];
return self;
return [self initWithArray: array copyItems: NO];
- (id) initWithArray: (Array *)array
copyItems: (BOOL)copy
local unsigned i;
local unsigned max = [array count];
if (!(self = [self initWithCapacity: max]))
return nil;
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if (copy)
_objs[i] = [[array objectAtIndex: i] copy];
_objs[i] = [[array objectAtIndex: i] retain];
return self;
- (id) initWithObjects: (id)firstObj, ...
local int i;
if (!(self = [self initWithCapacity: @args.count + 1]))
return nil;
[self addObject: firstObj];
for (i = 0; i < @args.count; i++) {
[self addObject: (id) @args.list[i].pointer_val];
return self;
- (id) initWithObjects: (id *) objs count: (unsigned)cnt
local int i;
if (!(self = [self initWithCapacity: cnt]))
return nil;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
[self addObject: (id) objs[i]];
return self;
- (BOOL) containsObject: (id)anObject
return [self indexOfObject: anObject] ? YES : NO;
- (unsigned) count
return count;
- (id) objectAtIndex: (unsigned)index
if (index >= count) // FIXME: need exceptions
[self error: "-objectAtIndex:withObject: index out of range"];
return _objs[index];
- (id) lastObject
return [self objectAtIndex: [self count] - 1];
Finding Objects
- (unsigned) indexOfObject: (id)anObject
local unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < [self count]; i++) {
if ([[self objectAtIndex: i] isEqual: anObject])
return i;
return NotFound;
#if 0
- (unsigned) indexOfObject: (id)anObject
inRange: (Range)range;
local unsigned i;
local unsigned end = range.location + range.length;
for (i = range.location; i < end && i < [self count]; i++) {
if ([[self objectAtIndex: i] isEqual: anObject])
return i;
return NotFound;
- (unsigned) indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: (id)anObject
local unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < [self count]; i++) {
if ([self objectAtIndex: i] == anObject)
return i;
return NotFound;
#if 0
- (unsigned) indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: (id)anObject
inRange: (Range)range;
local unsigned i;
local unsigned end = range.location + range.length;
for (i = range.location; i < end && i < [self count]; i++) {
if ([self objectAtIndex: i] == anObject)
return i;
return NotFound;
Adding objects
- (void) addObject: (id)anObject
if (count == capacity) {
capacity += granularity;
_objs = (id *)obj_realloc (_objs, capacity * @sizeof (id));
_objs[count] = [anObject retain];
- (void) addObjectsFromArray: (Array *)array
local unsigned i;
if (!array) // FIXME: need exceptions
[self error: "-addObjectsFromArray: passed nil argument"];
if (array == self) // FIXME: need exceptions
[self error: "-addObjectsFromArray: tried to add objects from self"]; // FIXME: need exceptions
for (i = 0; i < [array count]; i++) {
[self addObject: [array objectAtIndex: i]];
- (void) insertObject: (id)anObject
atIndex: (unsigned)index
local unsigned i;
if (index > count) // FIXME: need exceptions
[self error: "-insertObject:atIndex: index out of range"];
if (count == capacity) { // at capacity, expand
_objs = (id *)obj_realloc (_objs, capacity * @sizeof (id));
capacity += granularity;
for (i = count; i > index; i--) {
_objs[i] = _objs[i - 1];
_objs[index] = [anObject retain];
Replacing objects
- (void) replaceObjectAtIndex: (unsigned)index
withObject: (id)anObject
local id tmp;
//if (!anObject) // FIXME: need exceptions
// [self error: "-replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject: passed nil object"];
if (index >= count) // FIXME: need exceptions
[self error: "-replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject: index out of range"];
// retain before release
tmp = _objs[index];
_objs[index] = [anObject retain];
[tmp release];
- (void) setArray: (Array *)array
if (self == array)
[self removeAllObjects];
[self addObjectsFromArray: array];
Object removal
- (void) removeAllObjects
#if 0
local id tmp;
while (count) {
We do it this way to avoid having something weird happen when
the object is released (dealloc may trigger, which in turn could
cause something else to happen).
tmp = _objs[--count];
_objs[count] = nil;
[tmp release];
while ([self count]) {
[self removeLastObject];
- (void) removeLastObject
local id tmp;
tmp = _objs[--count];
_objs[count] = nil;
[tmp release];
- (void) removeObject: (id)anObject
local unsigned i = [self count];
do {
if ([[self objectAtIndex: i] isEqual: anObject]) {
[self removeObjectAtIndex: i];
} while (i);
- (void) removeObjectAtIndex: (unsigned)index
local int i;
local id temp;
if (index >= count) // FIXME: need exceptions
[self error: "-removeObjectAtIndex: index out of range"];
temp = _objs[index];
for (i = index; i < count; i++) { // reassign all objs >= index
_objs[i] = _objs[i+1];
[temp release];
- (void) removeObjectIdenticalTo: (id)anObject
local unsigned i = [self count];
do {
if ([self objectAtIndex: i] == anObject) {
[self removeObjectAtIndex: i];
} while (i);
- (void) removeObjectsInArray: (Array *)array
local unsigned i = [array count];
do {
[self removeObject: [array objectAtIndex: i]];
} while (i);
- (void) makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < [self count]; i++) {
[[self objectAtIndex: i] performSelector: selector];
- (void) makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector
withObject: (void *)anObject
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < [self count]; i++) {
[[self objectAtIndex: i] performSelector: selector withObject: anObject];
- (void) makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector
withObject: (void *)anObject
withObject: (void *)anotherObject
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < [self count]; i++) {
[[self objectAtIndex: i] performSelector: selector
withObject: anObject
withObject: anotherObject];
- (void) dealloc
local unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (_objs[i])
[_objs[i] release];
if (_objs) {
obj_free (_objs);
[super dealloc];
#if 0
This method is a sort of placeholder for when strings work.
- (string) description
string desc = "(";
for (i = 0; i < [self count]; i++) {
if (i)
desc += ", ";
desc += [[self objectAtIndex: i] description];
desc += ")";
return desc;