mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 09:22:43 +00:00
The prototypes for handle parsers needed to be changes because it turned out "single" was inappropriate for handles as "single" allocates memory for the parsed object, but handles must be written directly.
322 lines
8.5 KiB
322 lines
8.5 KiB
search = (
handles = {
VkShaderModule = {
symtab = shaderModules;
class = "shader module";
custom = parse_VkShaderModule_resource;
VkDescriptorSetLayout = {
symtab = setLayouts;
class = "set layout";
create = vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout;
VkPipelineLayout = {
symtab = pipelineLayouts;
class = "pipeline layout";
create = vkCreatePipelineLayout;
resources = (
name = shaderModules;
parse_type = QFString;
parser = parse_VkShaderModule_handleref;
type = handleref_t;
table = shaderModules;
name = setLayouts;
parse_type = QFDictionary;
parser = parse_VkDescriptorSetLayout_handleref;
type = handleref_t;
table = setLayouts;
name = pipelineLayouts;
parse_type = QFDictionary;
parser = parse_VkPipelineLayout_handleref;
type = handleref_t;
table = pipelineLayouts;
parse = {
qfv_swapchain_s = {
.name = qfv_swapchain_t;
format = auto;
VkSubpassDescription = {
flags = auto;
pipelineBindPoint = auto;
inputAttachments = {
type = (array, VkAttachmentReference);
size = inputAttachmentCount;
values = pInputAttachments;
colorAttachments = {
type = (array, VkAttachmentReference);
size = colorAttachmentCount;
values = pColorAttachments;
resolveAttachments = {
type = (array, VkAttachmentReference);
values = pResolveAttachments;
matchSize = colorAttachments;
depthStencilAttachment = {
type = (single, VkAttachmentReference);
value = pDepthStencilAttachment;
preserveAttachments = {
type = (array, uint32_t);
size = preserveAttachmentCount;
values = pPreserveAttachments;
VkRenderPassCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
attachments = {
type = (array, VkAttachmentDescription);
size = attachmentCount;
values = pAttachments;
subpasses = {
type = (array, VkSubpassDescription);
size = subpassCount;
values = pSubpasses;
dependencies = {
type = (array, VkSubpassDependency);
size = dependencyCount;
values = pDependencies;
VkSpecializationInfo = {
mapEntries = {
type = (array, VkSpecializationMapEntry);
size = mapEntryCount;
values = pMapEntries;
data = {
type = data;
size = dataSize;
data = pData;
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
stage = auto;
name = {
type = string;
string = pName;
module = {
type = (custom, QFString, parse_VkShaderModule);
fields = (module);
specializationInfo = {
type = (single, VkSpecializationInfo);
value = pSpecializationInfo;
VkShaderModuleCreateInfo = skip;
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding = {
binding = auto;
descriptorType = auto;
descriptorCount = auto;
stageFlags = auto;
// skip pImmutableSamplers (default to 0) until I know how it works
VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo = {
flags = auto;
bindings = {
type = (array, VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding);
size = bindingCount;
values = pBindings;
VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
bindings = {
type = (array, VkVertexInputBindingDescription);
size = vertexBindingDescriptionCount;
values = pVertexBindingDescriptions;
attributes = {
type = (array, VkVertexInputAttributeDescription);
size = vertexAttributeDescriptionCount;
values = pVertexAttributeDescriptions;
VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
topology = auto;
primitiveRestartEnable = auto;
VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
//FIXME redo as one array
viewports = {
type = (array, VkViewport);
size = viewportCount;
values = pViewports;
scissors = {
type = (array, VkRect2D);
size = scissorCount;
values = pScissors;
VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
depthClampEnable = auto;
rasterizerDiscardEnable = auto;
polygonMode = auto;
cullMode = auto;
frontFace = auto;
depthBiasEnable = auto;
depthBiasConstantFactor = auto;
depthBiasClamp = auto;
depthBiasSlopeFactor = auto;
lineWidth = auto;
VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
rasterizationSamples = auto;
sampleShadingEnable = auto;
minSampleShading = auto;
//pSampleMask = auto; FIXME disabled until correct size is known
alphaToCoverageEnable = auto;
alphaToOneEnable = auto;
VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
depthTestEnable = auto;
depthWriteEnable = auto;
depthCompareOp = auto;
depthBoundsTestEnable = auto;
stencilTestEnable = auto;
front = auto;
back = auto;
minDepthBounds = auto;
maxDepthBounds = auto;
VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
logicOpEnable = auto;
logicOp = auto;
attachments = {
type = (array, VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState);
size = attachmentCount;
values = pAttachments;
blendConstants = {
type = (custom, QFString, parse_RGBA);
fields = (blendConstants);
VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
dynamicState = {
type = (array, VkDynamicState);
size = dynamicStateCount;
values = pDynamicStates;
VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
setLayouts = {
type = (array, {
parse_type = (QFDictionary, QFString);
type = VkDescriptorSetLayout;
parser = parse_VkDescriptorSetLayout_array;
size = setLayoutCount;
values = pSetLayouts;
pushConstantRanges = {
type = (array, VkPushConstantRange);
size = pushConstantRangeCount;
values = pPushConstantRanges;
VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo = {
//flags = auto; reserved for future use (Bits enum does not exist)
patchControlPoints = auto;
VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo = {
flags = auto;
stages = {
type = (array, VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo);
size = stageCount;
values = pStages;
vertexInput = {
type = (single, VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo);
value = pVertexInputState;
inputAssembly = {
type = (single, VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo);
value = pInputAssemblyState;
tessellation = {
type = (single, VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo);
value = pTessellationState;
viewport = {
type = (single, VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo);
value = pViewportState;
rasterization = {
type = (single, VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo);
value = pRasterizationState;
multisample = {
type = (single, VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo);
value = pMultisampleState;
depthStencil = {
type = (single, VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo);
value = pDepthStencilState;
colorBlend = {
type = (single, VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo);
value = pColorBlendState;
dynamic = {
type = (single, VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo);
value = pDynamicState;
layout = {
type = (custom, (QFDictionary, QFString),
fields = (layout);
basePipelineHandle = {
type = (custom, QFString, parse_BasePipeline);
fields = (basePipelineHandle);
basePipelineIndex = auto;