Bill Currie b269338947 Start using the new shader system.
So far, alias model rendering is the only victim, but things are working,
even if only color map lookup and fog blending are broken out at this

I expect the effect naming scheme will go through some changes until I'm
happy with it.
2014-01-28 16:22:04 +09:00

152 lines
3 KiB

-- Math.const
const float PI = 3.14159265;
const float E = 2.71828183;
-- Math.quaternion
qmult (vec4 q, vec3 v)
float qc = q.w;
vec3 qv = q.xyz;
vec3 t = cross (qv, v);
return (qs * qs) * v + 2.0 * qs * t + dot (qv, v) * qv + cross (qv, t);
dqtrans (vec4 q0, vec4 qe)
{//2.0 * (q0.w * qe.xyz - qe.w * q0.xyz - cross (qe.xyz, q0.xyz));
float qs = q0.w, Ts = qe.w;
vec3 qv = -q0.xyz, Tv = qe.xyz;
return 2.0 * (Ts * qv + qs * Tv + cross (Tv, qv));
-- Fragment.fog
uniform vec4 fog;
fogBlend (vec4 color)
float fog_factor;
float az = fog.a * gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;
vec4 fog_color = vec4 (fog.rgb, 1.0);
fog_factor = exp (-az * az);
return vec4 (mix (fog_color.rgb, color.rgb, fog_factor), color.a);
-- Fragment.colormap
uniform sampler2D colormap;
mappedColor (float pix, float light)
return texture2D (colormap, vec2 (pix, light));
-- Fragment.turb
const float SPEED = 20.0;
const float CYCLE = 128.0;
const float FACTOR = PI * 2.0 / CYCLE;
const vec2 BIAS = vec2 (1.0, 1.0)
const float SCALE = 8.0;
turb_st (vec2 st, float time)
vec2 angle = st.ts * CYCLE / 2.0;
vec2 phase = vec2 (time, time) * SPEED;
return st + (sin ((angle + phase) * FACTOR) + BIAS) / SCALE;
-- Fragment.skydome
uniform sampler2D palette;
uniform sampler2D solid;
uniform sampler2D trans;
uniform float time
varying vec3 direction
const float SCALE = 189.0 / 64.0;
skydome (dir, time)
float len;
float pix;
vec2 flow = vec2 (1.0, 1.0);
vec2 st, base;
vec3 dir = direction;
dir.z *= 3.0;
len = dot (dir, dir);
len = SCALE * inversesqrt (len);
base = dir.yx * vec2(1.0, -1.0) * len;
st = base + flow * time / 8.0;
pix = texture2D (trans, st).r;
if (pix == 0.0) {
st = base + flow * realtime / 16.0;
pix = texture2D (solid, st).r;
return texture2D (palette, pix);
-- Vertex.mdl
uniform mat4 mvp_mat;
uniform mat3 norm_mat;
uniform vec2 skin_size;
uniform float blend;
attribute vec4 vcolora, vcolorb;
attribute vec2 vsta, vstb;
attribute vec3 vnormala, vnormalb;
attribute vec3 vertexa, vertexb;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec2 st;
varying vec4 color;
main (void)
vec3 vertex;
vec3 vnormal;
vertex = mix (vertexa, vertexb, blend);
vnormal = mix (vnormala, vnormalb, blend);
gl_Position = mvp_mat * vec4 (vertex, 1.0);
st = mix (vsta, vstb, blend) / skin_size;
normal = norm_mat * vnormal;
color = mix (vcolora, vcolorb, blend);
-- Fragment.mdl
uniform sampler2D skin;
uniform float ambient;
uniform float shadelight;
uniform vec3 lightvec;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec2 st;
varying vec4 color;
main (void)
float pix = texture2D (skin, st).r;
float light = ambient;
float d, col;
vec4 lit;
d = dot (normal, lightvec);
d = min (d, 0.0);
light = 255.0 - light;
light += d * shadelight;
lit = mappedColor (pix, light / 255.0);
gl_FragColor = fogBlend (lit * color);