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synced 2025-03-03 15:51:06 +00:00
It seems I hadn't used fixed arrays for a while as the size field (which really should be count) had moved and its spot taken by a data pointer.
98 lines
2.2 KiB
98 lines
2.2 KiB
#include <hash.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <runtime.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <types.h>
#include <Array.h>
#include <PropertyList.h>
#include "vkfielddef.h"
#include "vkgen.h"
#include "vkfixedarray.h"
@implementation FixedArray
-initWithType: (qfot_type_t *) type
if (!(self = [super initWithType: type])) {
return nil;
ele_type = [Type fromType: type.array.type];
ele_count = type.array.size;
return self;
-(string) name
return sprintf ("%s_array_%d", [ele_type name], ele_count);
-(void) addToQueue
string name = [self name];
if (!Hash_Find (processed_types, name)) {
//printf (" +%s\n", name);
Hash_Add (processed_types, (void *) name);
[queue addObject: self];
-(void) writeForward
-(void) writeTable
fprintf (output_file, "static parse_fixed_array_t parse_%s_data = {\n",
[self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.type = %s,\n", [ele_type parseType]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.stride = sizeof (%s),\n", [ele_type name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.parser = %s,\n", [ele_type parseFunc]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.size = %d,\n", ele_count);
fprintf (output_file, "};\n");
fprintf (output_file, "exprarray_t %s_array = {\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.type = &%s,\n", [ele_type cexprType]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.size = %d,\n", ele_count);
fprintf (output_file, "};\n");
fprintf (output_file, "exprtype_t %s_type = {\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.name = \"%s[%d]\",\n", [ele_type name],
fprintf (output_file, "\t.size = %d * sizeof (%s),\n", ele_count,
[ele_type name]);
fprintf (output_file, "\t.binops = cexpr_array_binops,\n");
fprintf (output_file, "\t.unops = 0,\n");
fprintf (output_file, "\t.data = &%s_array,\n", [self name]);
fprintf (output_file, "};\n");
fprintf (output_file, "\n");
fprintf (header_file, "extern exprtype_t %s_type;\n", [self name]);
-(void) writeSymtabInit
-(void) writeSymtabEntry
-(string) cexprType
return [self name] + "_type";
-(string) parseType
return "QFMultiType | (1 << QFString) | (1 << QFArray)";
-(string) parseFunc
return "parse_fixed_array";
-(string) parseData
return "&parse_" + [self name] + "_data";;