mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 05:31:50 +00:00
It now lives in vulkan_renderpass.c and takes most of its parameters from plist configs (just the name (which is used to find the config), output spec, and draw function from C). Even the debug colors and names are taken from the config.
338 lines
8.5 KiB
338 lines
8.5 KiB
flat_color_image_template = {
imageType = `2d;
samples = 1;
extent = {
width = $output.extent.width;
height = $output.extent.height;
depth = 1;
mipLevels = 1;
arrayLayers = 1;
tiling = optimal;
usage = color_attachment|input_attachment|transient_attachment;
initialLayout = undefined;
images = {
depth = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = x8_d24_unorm_pack32;
usage = depth_stencil_attachment|input_attachment|transient_attachment;
color = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r8g8b8a8_unorm;
emission = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r16g16b16a16_sfloat;
normal = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r16g16b16a16_sfloat;
position = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r32g32b32a32_sfloat;
opaque = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r16g16b16a16_sfloat;
translucent = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r8g8b8a8_unorm;
flat_color_view_template = {
components = {
r = identity;
g = identity;
b = identity;
a = identity;
subresourceRange = {
aspectMask = color;
levelCount = 1;
layerCount = 1;
imageViews = {
depth = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = depth;
format = $properties.images.depth.format;
subresourceRange = {
aspectMask = depth;
color = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = color;
format = $properties.images.color.format;
emission = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = emission;
format = $properties.images.emission.format;
normal = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = normal;
format = $properties.images.normal.format;
position = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = position;
format = $properties.images.position.format;
opaque = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = opaque;
format = $properties.images.opaque.format;
translucent = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = translucent;
format = $properties.images.translucent.format;
framebuffer = {
renderPass = deferred;
attachments = (depth, color, emission, normal, position, opaque,
translucent, $output.view);
width = $output.extent.width;
height = $output.extent.height;
layers = 1;
clearValues = (
{ depthStencil = { depth = 1; stencil = 0; }; },
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // color
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // emission
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // normal
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // position
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // opaque
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 0]"; }, // translucent
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // output
attachment_template = {
samples = 1;
loadOp = dont_care;
storeOp = dont_care;
stencilLoadOp = dont_care;
stencilStoreOp = dont_care;
initialLayout = undefined;
finalLayout = color_attachment_optimal;
info = {
color = "[0, 1, 0, 1]";
subpass_info = (
{ name = depth; color = "[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1]" },
{ name = translucent; color = "[ 0.25, 0.25, 0.6, 1]" },
{ name = g-buffef; color = "[ 0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 1]" },
{ name = lighting; color = "[ 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1]" },
{ name = compose; color = "[ 0.7, 0.3, 0.3, 1]" },
renderpass = {
attachments = (
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.depth.format;
loadOp = clear;
finalLayout = depth_stencil_attachment_optimal;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.color.format;
loadOp = clear;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.emission.format;
loadOp = clear;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.normal.format;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.position.format;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.opaque.format;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $properties.images.translucent.format;
loadOp = clear;
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $output.format;
loadOp = clear;
storeOp = store;
finalLayout = present_src_khr;
subpasses = (
{ // 0 depth
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
depthStencilAttachment = {
attachment = 0;
layout = depth_stencil_attachment_optimal;
{ // 1 translucent
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
colorAttachments = (
{ // translucent
attachment = 6;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
depthStencilAttachment = {
attachment = 0;
layout = depth_stencil_read_only_optimal;
preserveAttachments = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
{ // 2 g-buffer generation
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
colorAttachments = (
{ // color
attachment = 1;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
{ // emission
attachment = 2;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
{ // normal
attachment = 3;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
{ // position
attachment = 4;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
depthStencilAttachment = {
attachment = 0;
layout = depth_stencil_read_only_optimal;
preserveAttachments = (6);
{ // 3 lighting
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
inputAttachments = (
{ // depth
attachment = 0;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // color
attachment = 1;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // emission
attachment = 2;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // normal
attachment = 3;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // position
attachment = 4;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
colorAttachments = (
{ // opaque
attachment = 5;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
preserveAttachments = (6);
{ // 4 compose
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
inputAttachments = (
{ // opaque
attachment = 5;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
{ // translucent
attachment = 6;
layout = shader_read_only_optimal;
colorAttachments = (
{ // output
attachment = 7;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;
preserveAttachments = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
dependencies = (
srcSubpass = 0; // depth
dstSubpass = 1; // translucent
srcStageMask = late_fragment_tests;
dstStageMask = fragment_shader|early_fragment_tests;
srcAccessMask = depth_stencil_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = input_attachment_read|depth_stencil_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region;
srcSubpass = ~0u; // external
dstSubpass = 1; // translucent
srcStageMask = compute_shader;
dstStageMask = vertex_input|draw_indirect;
srcAccessMask = shader_write;
dstAccessMask = vertex_attribute_read|indirect_command_read;
srcSubpass = 0; // depth
dstSubpass = 2; // g-buffer
srcStageMask = late_fragment_tests;
dstStageMask = early_fragment_tests;
srcAccessMask = depth_stencil_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = depth_stencil_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region;
srcSubpass = 2; // g-buffer
dstSubpass = 3; // lighting
srcStageMask = color_attachment_output;
dstStageMask = fragment_shader;
srcAccessMask = color_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = input_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region;
srcSubpass = 3; // lighting
dstSubpass = 4; // compose
srcStageMask = color_attachment_output;
dstStageMask = fragment_shader;
srcAccessMask = color_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = input_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region;
srcSubpass = 1; // translucent
dstSubpass = 4; // compose
srcStageMask = color_attachment_output;
dstStageMask = fragment_shader;
srcAccessMask = color_attachment_write;
dstAccessMask = input_attachment_read;
dependencyFlags = by_region;