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synced 2025-03-03 15:51:06 +00:00
There's still some cleanup to do, but everything seems to be working nicely: `make -j` works, `make distcheck` passes. There is probably plenty of bitrot in the package directories (RPM, debian), though. The vc project files have been removed since those versions are way out of date and quakeforge is pretty much dependent on gcc now anyway. Most of the old Makefile.am files are now Makemodule.am. This should allow for new Makefile.am files that allow local building (to be added on an as-needed bases). The current remaining Makefile.am files are for standalone sub-projects.a The installable bins are currently built in the top-level build directory. This may change if the clutter gets to be too much. While this does make a noticeable difference in build times, the main reason for the switch was to take care of the growing dependency issues: now it's possible to build tools for code generation (eg, using qfcc and ruamoko programs for code-gen).
560 lines
12 KiB
560 lines
12 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
See file, 'COPYING', for details.
// lbmlib.c
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "QF/qendian.h"
#include "QF/quakeio.h"
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "tools/qfmodelgen/include/lbmlib.h"
static int
LoadFile (const char *fname, byte **buf)
QFile *file;
byte *src;
int len;
*buf = 0;
file = Qopen (fname, "rt");
if (!file)
return 0;
len = Qfilesize (file);
src = malloc (len + 1);
src[Qfilesize (file)] = 0;
Qread (file, src, len);
Qclose (file);
*buf = src;
return len;
static QFile *
SafeOpenWrite (const char *filename)
QFile *f;
f = Qopen(filename, "wb");
if (!f)
Sys_Error ("Error opening %s: %s",filename,strerror(errno));
return f;
static void
SafeWrite (QFile *f, void *buffer, int count)
if (Qwrite (f, buffer, count) != count)
Sys_Error ("File read failure");
static void
SaveFile (const char *filename, void *buffer, int count)
QFile *f;
f = SafeOpenWrite (filename);
SafeWrite (f, buffer, count);
Qclose (f);
#define FORMID ('F'+('O'<<8)+((int)'R'<<16)+((int)'M'<<24))
#define ILBMID ('I'+('L'<<8)+((int)'B'<<16)+((int)'M'<<24))
#define PBMID ('P'+('B'<<8)+((int)'M'<<16)+((int)' '<<24))
#define BMHDID ('B'+('M'<<8)+((int)'H'<<16)+((int)'D'<<24))
#define BODYID ('B'+('O'<<8)+((int)'D'<<16)+((int)'Y'<<24))
#define CMAPID ('C'+('M'<<8)+((int)'A'<<16)+((int)'P'<<24))
bmhd_t bmhd;
static int
Align (int l)
if (l&1)
return l+1;
return l;
Source must be evenly aligned!
static byte *
LBMRLEDecompress (byte *source, byte *unpacked, int bpwidth)
int count;
byte b, rept;
count = 0;
do {
rept = *source++;
if (rept > 0x80) {
rept = (rept ^ 0xff) + 2;
b = *source++;
memset (unpacked, b, rept);
unpacked += rept;
} else if (rept < 0x80) {
memcpy (unpacked, source, rept);
unpacked += rept;
source += rept;
} else
rept = 0; // rept of 0x80 is NOP
count += rept;
} while (count < bpwidth);
if (count > bpwidth)
Sys_Error ("Decompression exceeded width!\n");
return source;
#define BPLANESIZE 128
byte bitplanes[9][BPLANESIZE]; // max size 1024 by 9 bit planes
Asm version destroys the bit plane data!
static void
MungeBitPlanes8 (int width, byte *dest)
int i, ind = 0;
while (width--) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
*dest++ = (((bitplanes[7][ind] << i) & 128) >> 0)
| (((bitplanes[6][ind] << i) & 128) >> 1)
| (((bitplanes[5][ind] << i) & 128) >> 2)
| (((bitplanes[4][ind] << i) & 128) >> 3)
| (((bitplanes[3][ind] << i) & 128) >> 4)
| (((bitplanes[2][ind] << i) & 128) >> 5)
| (((bitplanes[1][ind] << i) & 128) >> 6)
| (((bitplanes[0][ind] << i) & 128) >> 7);
#if 0
asm les di,[dest]
asm mov si,-1
asm mov cx,[width]
asm inc si
asm mov dx,8
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*7 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*6 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*5 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*4 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*3 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*2 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*1 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*0 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm stosb
asm dec cx
asm jz done
asm dec dx
asm jnz mungebit
asm jmp mungebyte
static void
MungeBitPlanes4 (int width, byte *dest)
int i, ind = 0;
while (width--) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
*dest++ = (((bitplanes[3][ind] << i) & 128) >> 4)
| (((bitplanes[2][ind] << i) & 128) >> 5)
| (((bitplanes[1][ind] << i) & 128) >> 6)
| (((bitplanes[0][ind] << i) & 128) >> 7);
#if 0
asm les di,[dest]
asm mov si,-1
asm mov cx,[width]
asm inc si
asm mov dx,8
asm xor al,al
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*3 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*2 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*1 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*0 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm stosb
asm dec cx
asm jz done
asm dec dx
asm jnz mungebit
asm jmp mungebyte
static void
MungeBitPlanes2 (int width, byte *dest)
int i, ind = 0;
while (width--) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
*dest++ = (((bitplanes[1][ind] << i) & 128) >> 6)
| (((bitplanes[0][ind] << i) & 128) >> 7);
#if 0
asm les di,[dest]
asm mov si,-1
asm mov cx,[width]
asm inc si
asm mov dx,8
asm xor al,al
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*1 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*0 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm stosb
asm dec cx
asm jz done
asm dec dx
asm jnz mungebit
asm jmp mungebyte
static void
MungeBitPlanes1 (int width, byte *dest)
int i, ind = 0;
while (width--) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
*dest++ = (((bitplanes[0][ind] << i) & 128) >> 7);
#if 0
asm les di,[dest]
asm mov si,-1
asm mov cx,[width]
asm inc si
asm mov dx,8
asm xor al,al
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*0 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm stosb
asm dec cx
asm jz done
asm dec dx
asm jnz mungebit
asm jmp mungebyte
LoadLBM (char *filename, byte **picture, byte **palette)
byte *LBMbuffer, *picbuffer, *cmapbuffer;
byte *LBM_P, *LBMEND_P;
byte *pic_p;
byte *body_p;
unsigned rowsize;
int y, p, planes;
int formtype, formlength;
int chunktype, chunklength;
void (*mungecall) (int, byte *);
// quiet compiler warnings
picbuffer = NULL;
cmapbuffer = NULL;
mungecall = NULL;
// load the LBM
LoadFile (filename, &LBMbuffer);
// parse the LBM header
LBM_P = LBMbuffer;
if (*(uint32_t *) LBMbuffer != LittleLong (FORMID))
Sys_Error ("No FORM ID at start of file!\n");
LBM_P += 4;
formlength = BigLong (*(uint32_t *) LBM_P );
LBM_P += 4;
LBMEND_P = LBM_P + Align (formlength);
formtype = LittleLong (*(uint32_t *) LBM_P);
if (formtype != ILBMID && formtype != PBMID)
Sys_Error ("Unrecognized form type: %c%c%c%c\n", formtype & 0xff,
(formtype >> 8) & 0xff, (formtype >> 16) & 0xff,
(formtype >> 24) & 0xff);
LBM_P += 4;
// parse chunks
while (LBM_P < LBMEND_P) {
chunktype = LBM_P[0] + (LBM_P[1] << 8) + (LBM_P[2] << 16)
+ (LBM_P[3] << 24);
LBM_P += 4;
chunklength = LBM_P[3] + (LBM_P[2] << 8) + (LBM_P[1] << 16)
+ (LBM_P[0] << 24);
LBM_P += 4;
switch (chunktype) {
case BMHDID:
memcpy (&bmhd, LBM_P, sizeof (bmhd));
bmhd.w = BigShort (bmhd.w);
bmhd.h = BigShort (bmhd.h);
bmhd.x = BigShort (bmhd.x);
bmhd.y = BigShort (bmhd.y);
bmhd.pageWidth = BigShort (bmhd.pageWidth);
bmhd.pageHeight = BigShort (bmhd.pageHeight);
case CMAPID:
cmapbuffer = malloc (768);
memset (cmapbuffer, 0, 768);
memcpy (cmapbuffer, LBM_P, chunklength);
case BODYID:
body_p = LBM_P;
pic_p = picbuffer = malloc (bmhd.w * bmhd.h);
if (formtype == PBMID) {
// unpack PBM
for (y = 0; y < bmhd.h; y++, pic_p += bmhd.w) {
if (bmhd.compression == cm_rle1)
body_p = LBMRLEDecompress ((byte *) body_p , pic_p,
else if (bmhd.compression == cm_none) {
memcpy (pic_p,body_p,bmhd.w);
body_p += Align(bmhd.w);
} else {
// unpack ILBM
planes = bmhd.nPlanes;
if (bmhd.masking == ms_mask)
rowsize = (bmhd.w + 15) / 16 * 2;
switch (bmhd.nPlanes) {
case 1:
mungecall = MungeBitPlanes1;
case 2:
mungecall = MungeBitPlanes2;
case 4:
mungecall = MungeBitPlanes4;
case 8:
mungecall = MungeBitPlanes8;
Sys_Error ("Can't munge %i bit planes!\n",bmhd.nPlanes);
for (y = 0; y < bmhd.h; y++, pic_p += bmhd.w) {
for (p = 0; p < planes; p++)
if (bmhd.compression == cm_rle1)
body_p = LBMRLEDecompress ((byte *) body_p,
bitplanes[p], rowsize);
else if (bmhd.compression == cm_none) {
memcpy (bitplanes[p], body_p, rowsize);
body_p += rowsize;
mungecall (bmhd.w , pic_p);
LBM_P += Align (chunklength);
free (LBMbuffer);
*picture = picbuffer;
*palette = cmapbuffer;
WriteLBMfile (char *filename, byte *data, int width, int height, byte *palette)
byte *lbm, *lbmptr;
uint32_t *formlength, *bmhdlength, *cmaplength, *bodylength;
int length;
bmhd_t basebmhd;
lbm = lbmptr = malloc (width*height+1000);
// start FORM
*lbmptr++ = 'F';
*lbmptr++ = 'O';
*lbmptr++ = 'R';
*lbmptr++ = 'M';
formlength = (uint32_t*)lbmptr;
lbmptr+=4; // leave space for length
*lbmptr++ = 'P';
*lbmptr++ = 'B';
*lbmptr++ = 'M';
*lbmptr++ = ' ';
// write BMHD
*lbmptr++ = 'B';
*lbmptr++ = 'M';
*lbmptr++ = 'H';
*lbmptr++ = 'D';
bmhdlength = (uint32_t *) lbmptr;
lbmptr += 4; // leave space for length
memset (&basebmhd, 0, sizeof (basebmhd));
basebmhd.w = BigShort ((short) width);
basebmhd.h = BigShort ((short) height);
basebmhd.nPlanes = 8;
basebmhd.xAspect = 5;
basebmhd.yAspect = 6;
basebmhd.pageWidth = BigShort ((short) width);
basebmhd.pageHeight = BigShort ((short) height);
memcpy (lbmptr, &basebmhd, sizeof (basebmhd));
lbmptr += sizeof (basebmhd);
length = lbmptr - (byte *) bmhdlength - 4;
*bmhdlength = BigLong (length);
if (length & 1)
*lbmptr++ = 0; // pad chunk to even offset
// write CMAP
*lbmptr++ = 'C';
*lbmptr++ = 'M';
*lbmptr++ = 'A';
*lbmptr++ = 'P';
cmaplength = (uint32_t *) lbmptr;
lbmptr += 4; // leave space for length
memcpy (lbmptr, palette, 768);
lbmptr += 768;
length = lbmptr - (byte *) cmaplength - 4;
*cmaplength = BigLong (length);
if (length & 1)
*lbmptr++ = 0; // pad chunk to even offset
// write BODY
*lbmptr++ = 'B';
*lbmptr++ = 'O';
*lbmptr++ = 'D';
*lbmptr++ = 'Y';
bodylength = (uint32_t *) lbmptr;
lbmptr += 4; // leave space for length
memcpy (lbmptr, data, width * height);
lbmptr += width * height;
length = lbmptr - (byte *) bodylength - 4;
*bodylength = BigLong(length);
if (length & 1)
*lbmptr++ = 0; // pad chunk to even offset
// done
length = lbmptr - (byte *) formlength - 4;
*formlength = BigLong (length);
if (length & 1)
*lbmptr++ = 0; // pad chunk to even offset
// write output file
SaveFile (filename, lbm, lbmptr - lbm);
free (lbm);