mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 01:11:38 +00:00
As I had long suspected, building large hierarchies is fiendishly expensive (at least O(N^2)). However, this is because the hierarchies are structured such that adding high-level nodes results in a lot of copying due to the flattened (breadth-first) layout (which does make for excellent breadth-first performance when working with a hierarchy). Using tree mode allows adding new nodes to be O(1) (I guess O(N) for the size of the sub-tree being added, but that's not supported yet) and costs only an additional 8 bytes per node. Switching from flat mode to tree mode is very cheap as only the additional tree-related indices need to be fixed up (they're almost entirely ignored in flat mode). Switching from tree to flat mode is a little more expensive as the entire tree needs to be copied, but it seems to be an O(N) (size of the tree). With this, building the style editor window went from about 25% to about 5% (and most of that is realloc!), with a 1.3% cost for switching from tree mode to flat mode. There's still a lot of work to do (supporting removal and tree inserts).
623 lines
18 KiB
623 lines
18 KiB
# include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "QF/ecs.h"
enum {
static const component_t test_components[] = {
[test_href] = {
.size = sizeof (hierref_t),
.create = 0,//create_href,
.name = "href",
.destroy = Hierref_DestroyComponent,
[test_name] = {
.size = sizeof (const char *),
.name = "name",
[test_highlight] = {
.size = sizeof (byte),
.name = "highlight",
ecs_registry_t *test_reg;
#define DFL "\e[39;49m"
#define BLK "\e[30;40m"
#define RED "\e[31;40m"
#define GRN "\e[32;40m"
#define ONG "\e[33;40m"
#define BLU "\e[34;40m"
#define MAG "\e[35;40m"
#define CYN "\e[36;40m"
#define WHT "\e[37;40m"
static int
check_hierarchy_size (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t size)
if (h->num_objects != size) {
printf ("hierarchy does not have exactly %u transform\n", size);
return 0;
ecs_registry_t *reg = h->reg;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) {
hierref_t *ref = Ent_GetComponent (h->ent[i], test_href, reg);
char **name = Ent_GetComponent (h->ent[i], test_name, reg);;
if (ref->hierarchy != h) {
printf ("transform %d (%s) does not point to hierarchy\n",
i, *name);
return 1;
static const char *
ref_index_color (uint32_t i, uint32_t rind)
return rind != i ? RED : DFL;
static const char *
parent_index_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
if (!i && h->parentIndex[i] == nullindex) {
return GRN;
if (h->parentIndex[i] >= i) {
return RED;
uint32_t ci = h->childIndex[h->parentIndex[i]];
uint32_t cc = h->childCount[h->parentIndex[i]];
if (i < ci || i >= ci + cc) {
return ONG;
return DFL;
static const char *
child_index_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
if (h->tree_mode) {
if ((h->childCount[i] && h->childIndex[i] == nullindex)
|| (!h->childCount[i] && h->childIndex[i] != nullindex)) {
return RED;
if (h->childIndex[i] != nullindex
&& h->childIndex[i] >= h->num_objects) {
return RED;
} else {
if (h->childIndex[i] > h->num_objects
|| h->childCount[i] > h->num_objects
|| h->childIndex[i] + h->childCount[i] > h->num_objects) {
return RED;
if (h->childIndex[i] <= i) {
return ONG;
return DFL;
static const char *
child_count_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
if (h->childCount[i] > h->num_objects) {
return RED;
if (h->tree_mode) {
if ((h->childCount[i] && h->childIndex[i] == nullindex)
|| (!h->childCount[i] && h->childIndex[i] != nullindex)) {
return RED;
} else {
if (h->childIndex[i] > h->num_objects
|| h->childIndex[i] + h->childCount[i] > h->num_objects) {
return RED;
return DFL;
static bool
check_for_loops (hierarchy_t *h)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) {
if (!h->childCount[i]) {
uint32_t n, c;
for (n = h->childIndex[i], c = h->childCount[i];
n != nullindex; n = h->nextIndex[n], c--) {
if (!c) {
if (!c && n != nullindex) {
printf ("too many children at %d\n", i);
return false;
if (c && n == nullindex) {
printf ("too few children at %d\n", i);
return false;
if (c && n != nullindex) {
printf ("what the what?!? at %d\n", i);
return false;
return true;
static bool
check_next_index (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
if (i == 0) {
// root never has siblings
if (h->nextIndex[i] != nullindex) {
return false;
return true;
uint32_t p;
if ((p = h->parentIndex[i]) >= h->num_objects
|| h->childIndex[p] > h->num_objects
|| h->childCount[p] > h->num_objects
|| h->childIndex[p] + h->childCount[p] > h->num_objects
|| h->lastIndex[p] >= h->num_objects
|| (h->nextIndex[i] == nullindex && h->lastIndex[p] != i)
|| (h->nextIndex[i] != nullindex && h->lastIndex[p] == i)) {
return false;
if (h->nextIndex[i] != nullindex && h->parentIndex[h->nextIndex[i]] != p) {
return false;
return true;
static const char *
next_index_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
return check_next_index (h, i) ? DFL : RED;
static bool
check_last_index (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
if ((h->childCount[i] && h->childIndex[i] >= h->num_objects)
|| h->childCount[i] >= h->num_objects
|| (h->childCount[i] && h->lastIndex[i] == nullindex)
|| (!h->childCount[i] && h->lastIndex[i] != nullindex)) {
return false;
if (h->lastIndex[i] != nullindex && h->parentIndex[h->lastIndex[i]] != i) {
return false;
return true;
static const char *
last_index_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
return check_last_index (h, i) ? DFL : RED;
static const char *
entity_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
return h->ent[i] == nullent ? MAG : DFL;
static const char *
highlight_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t i)
uint32_t ent = h->ent[i];
if (ECS_EntValid (ent, test_reg)
&& Ent_HasComponent (ent, test_highlight, test_reg)) {
static char color_str[] = "\e[3.;4.m";
byte *color = Ent_GetComponent (ent, test_highlight, test_reg);
if (*color) {
byte fg = *color & 0x0f;
byte bg = *color >> 4;
color_str[3] = fg < 8 ? '0' + fg : '9';
color_str[6] = bg < 8 ? '0' + bg : '9';
return color_str;
return "";
static void
print_header (hierarchy_t *h)
if (h->tree_mode) {
puts ("in: ri pa ci cc ni li en|name");
} else {
puts ("in: ri pa ci cc en|name");
static void
print_line (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t ind, int level)
ecs_registry_t *reg = h->reg;
uint32_t rind = nullindex;
static char fake_name[] = ONG "null" DFL;
static char *fake_nameptr = fake_name;
char **name = &fake_nameptr;
if (ECS_EntValid (h->ent[ind], reg)) {
hierref_t *ref = Ent_GetComponent (h->ent[ind], test_href, reg);
rind = ref->index;
if (Ent_HasComponent (h->ent[ind], test_name, reg)) {
name = Ent_GetComponent (h->ent[ind], test_name, reg);
printf ("%2d: %s%2d %s%2d %s%2d %s%2d", ind,
ref_index_color (ind, rind), rind,
parent_index_color (h, ind), h->parentIndex[ind],
child_index_color (h, ind), h->childIndex[ind],
child_count_color (h, ind), h->childCount[ind]);
if (h->tree_mode) {
printf (" %s%2d %s%2d",
next_index_color (h, ind), h->nextIndex[ind],
last_index_color (h, ind), h->lastIndex[ind]);
printf (" %s%2d"DFL"|%*s%s%s"DFL"\n",
entity_color (h, ind), h->ent[ind],
level * 3, "", highlight_color (h, ind), *name);
static void
dump_hierarchy (hierarchy_t *h)
print_header (h);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) {
print_line (h, i, 0);
puts ("");
static void
dump_tree (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t ind, int level)
if (ind >= h->num_objects) {
printf ("index %d out of bounds (%d)\n", ind, h->num_objects);
if (!level) {
print_header (h);
print_line (h, ind, level);
if (h->tree_mode) {
uint32_t count = h->childCount[ind];
uint32_t child;
for (child = h->childIndex[ind]; count && child != nullindex;
child = h->nextIndex[child], count--) {
dump_tree (h, child, level + 1);
} else {
if (h->childIndex[ind] > ind) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->childCount[ind]; i++) {
if (h->childIndex[ind] + i >= h->num_objects) {
dump_tree (h, h->childIndex[ind] + i, level + 1);
if (!level) {
puts ("");
static int
check_indices (uint32_t ent, uint32_t index, uint32_t parentIndex,
uint32_t childIndex, uint32_t childCount)
ecs_registry_t *reg = test_reg;
char **entname = Ent_GetComponent (ent, test_name, reg);;
hierref_t *ref = Ent_GetComponent (ent, test_href, reg);
hierarchy_t *h = ref->hierarchy;
if (ref->index != index) {
char **name = Ent_GetComponent (h->ent[index], test_name, reg);;
printf ("%s/%s index incorrect: expect %u got %u\n",
*entname, *name,
index, ref->index);
return 0;
if (h->parentIndex[index] != parentIndex) {
printf ("%s parent index incorrect: expect %u got %u\n",
*entname, parentIndex, h->parentIndex[index]);
return 0;
if (h->childIndex[index] != childIndex) {
printf ("%s child index incorrect: expect %u got %u\n",
*entname, childIndex, h->childIndex[index]);
return 0;
if (h->childCount[index] != childCount) {
printf ("%s child count incorrect: expect %u got %u\n",
*entname, childCount, h->childCount[index]);
return 0;
return 1;
static bool
check_next_last_indices (hierarchy_t *h)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) {
if (!check_next_index (h, i)) {
printf ("incorrect next index at %d: %d\n", i, h->nextIndex[i]);
return false;
if (!check_last_index (h, i)) {
printf ("incorrect last index at %d: %d\n", i, h->lastIndex[i]);
return false;
return true;
static uint32_t
create_ent (uint32_t parent, const char *name)
uint32_t ent = ECS_NewEntity (test_reg);
Ent_SetComponent (ent, test_name, test_reg, &name);
hierref_t *ref = Ent_AddComponent (ent, test_href, test_reg);
if (parent != nullindex) {
hierref_t *pref = Ent_GetComponent (parent, test_href, test_reg);
ref->hierarchy = pref->hierarchy;
ref->index = Hierarchy_InsertHierarchy (pref->hierarchy, 0,
pref->index, 0);
} else {
ref->hierarchy = Hierarchy_New (test_reg, test_href, 0, 1);
ref->index = 0;
ref->hierarchy->ent[ref->index] = ent;
return ent;
#if 0
static void
highlight_ent (uint32_t ent, byte color)
Ent_SetComponent (ent, test_highlight, test_reg, &color);
static void
set_parent (uint32_t child, uint32_t parent)
if (parent != nullindex) {
hierref_t *pref = Ent_GetComponent (parent, test_href, test_reg);
hierref_t *cref = Ent_GetComponent (child, test_href, test_reg);
Hierarchy_SetParent (pref->hierarchy, pref->index,
cref->hierarchy, cref->index);
} else {
hierref_t *cref = Ent_GetComponent (child, test_href, test_reg);
Hierarchy_SetParent (0, nullindex, cref->hierarchy, cref->index);
static int
test_build_hierarchy (void)
printf ("test_build_hierarchy\n");
uint32_t root = create_ent (nullent, "root");
uint32_t A = create_ent (root, "A");
uint32_t B = create_ent (root, "B");
uint32_t C = create_ent (root, "C");
hierref_t *ref = Ent_GetComponent (root, test_href, test_reg);
if (!check_indices (root, 0, nullindex, 1, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (A, 1, 0, 4, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B, 2, 0, 4, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (C, 3, 0, 4, 0)) { return 1; }
uint32_t B1 = create_ent (B, "B1");
if (!check_indices (root, 0, nullindex, 1, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A, 1, 0, 4, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B, 2, 0, 4, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C, 3, 0, 5, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B1, 4, 2, 5, 0)) { return 1; }
uint32_t A1 = create_ent (A, "A1");
if (!check_indices (root, 0, nullindex, 1, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A, 1, 0, 4, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B, 2, 0, 5, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C, 3, 0, 6, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (A1, 4, 1, 6, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B1, 5, 2, 6, 0)) { return 1; }
uint32_t A1a = create_ent (A1, "A1a");
uint32_t B2 = create_ent (B, "B2");
uint32_t A2 = create_ent (A, "A2");
uint32_t B3 = create_ent (B, "B3");
uint32_t B2a = create_ent (B2, "B2a");
if (!check_hierarchy_size (ref->hierarchy, 11)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (root, 0, nullindex, 1, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A, 1, 0, 4, 2)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B, 2, 0, 6, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C, 3, 0, 9, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A1, 4, 1, 9, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A2, 5, 1, 10, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B1, 6, 2, 10, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B2, 7, 2, 10, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B3, 8, 2, 11, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (A1a, 9, 4, 11, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B2a, 10, 7, 11, 0)) { return 1; }
uint32_t D = create_ent (root, "D");
if (!check_hierarchy_size (ref->hierarchy, 12)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (root, 0, nullindex, 1, 4)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A, 1, 0, 5, 2)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B, 2, 0, 7, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C, 3, 0, 10, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( D, 4, 0, 10, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A1, 5, 1, 10, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A2, 6, 1, 11, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B1, 7, 2, 11, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B2, 8, 2, 11, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B3, 9, 2, 12, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (A1a, 10, 5, 12, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B2a, 11, 8, 12, 0)) { return 1; }
dump_hierarchy (ref->hierarchy);
uint32_t C1 = create_ent (C, "C1");
dump_hierarchy (ref->hierarchy);
if (!check_hierarchy_size (ref->hierarchy, 13)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (root, 0, nullindex, 1, 4)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A, 1, 0, 5, 2)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B, 2, 0, 7, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C, 3, 0, 10, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( D, 4, 0, 11, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A1, 5, 1, 11, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A2, 6, 1, 12, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B1, 7, 2, 12, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B2, 8, 2, 12, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B3, 9, 2, 13, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C1, 10, 3, 13, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (A1a, 11, 5, 13, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B2a, 12, 8, 13, 0)) { return 1; }
dump_tree (ref->hierarchy, 0, 0);
Hierarchy_SetTreeMode (ref->hierarchy, true);
//ref->hierarchy->tree_mode = true;
dump_hierarchy (ref->hierarchy);
dump_tree (ref->hierarchy, 0, 0);
if (!check_for_loops (ref->hierarchy)) { return 1; }
if (!check_next_last_indices (ref->hierarchy)) { return 1; }
create_ent (root, "E");
create_ent (B1, "B1a");
create_ent (A2, "A2a");
dump_hierarchy (ref->hierarchy);
dump_tree (ref->hierarchy, 0, 0);
if (!check_for_loops (ref->hierarchy)) { return 1; }
if (!check_next_last_indices (ref->hierarchy)) { return 1; }
// Delete the hierarchy directly as setparent isn't fully tested
Hierarchy_Delete (ref->hierarchy);
return 0;
static int
test_build_hierarchy2 (void)
printf ("test_build_hierarchy2\n");
uint32_t root = create_ent (nullent, "root");
hierref_t *ref = Ent_GetComponent (root, test_href, test_reg);
Hierarchy_SetTreeMode (ref->hierarchy, true);
uint32_t A = create_ent (root, "A");
uint32_t A1 = create_ent (A, "A1");
uint32_t A1a = create_ent (A1, "A1a");
uint32_t A2 = create_ent (A, "A2");
uint32_t B = create_ent (root, "B");
uint32_t B1 = create_ent (B, "B1");
uint32_t B2 = create_ent (B, "B2");
uint32_t B2a = create_ent (B2, "B2a");
uint32_t B3 = create_ent (B, "B3");
uint32_t C = create_ent (root, "C");
uint32_t C1 = create_ent (C, "C1");
uint32_t D = create_ent (root, "D");
//check_indices (ent, index, parentIndex, childIndex, childCount)
#define ni nullindex
if (!check_indices (root, 0, ni, 1, 4)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A, 1, 0, 2, 2)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A1, 2, 1, 3, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (A1a, 3, 2, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A2, 4, 1, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B, 5, 0, 6, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B1, 6, 5, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B2, 7, 5, 8, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B2a, 8, 7, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B3, 9, 5, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C, 10, 0, 11, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C1, 11, 10, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( D, 12, 0, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_next_last_indices (ref->hierarchy)) { return 1; }
if (!check_for_loops (ref->hierarchy)) { return 1; }
dump_hierarchy (ref->hierarchy);
dump_tree (ref->hierarchy, 0, 0);
Hierarchy_SetTreeMode (ref->hierarchy, true);// shouldn't do anything
if (!check_indices (root, 0, ni, 1, 4)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A, 1, 0, 2, 2)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A1, 2, 1, 3, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (A1a, 3, 2, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A2, 4, 1, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B, 5, 0, 6, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B1, 6, 5, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B2, 7, 5, 8, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B2a, 8, 7, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B3, 9, 5, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C, 10, 0, 11, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C1, 11, 10, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( D, 12, 0, ni, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_next_last_indices (ref->hierarchy)) { return 1; }
if (!check_for_loops (ref->hierarchy)) { return 1; }
Hierarchy_SetTreeMode (ref->hierarchy, false);
dump_hierarchy (ref->hierarchy);
dump_tree (ref->hierarchy, 0, 0);
if (!check_indices (root, 0, nullindex, 1, 4)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A, 1, 0, 5, 2)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B, 2, 0, 7, 3)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C, 3, 0, 10, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( D, 4, 0, 11, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A1, 5, 1, 11, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( A2, 6, 1, 12, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B1, 7, 2, 12, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B2, 8, 2, 12, 1)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( B3, 9, 2, 13, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices ( C1, 10, 3, 13, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (A1a, 11, 5, 13, 0)) { return 1; }
if (!check_indices (B2a, 12, 8, 13, 0)) { return 1; }
// Delete the hierarchy directly as setparent isn't fully tested
Hierarchy_Delete (ref->hierarchy);
return 0;
main (void)
test_reg = ECS_NewRegistry ();
ECS_RegisterComponents (test_reg, test_components, test_num_components);
ECS_CreateComponentPools (test_reg);
if (test_build_hierarchy ()) { return 1; }
if (test_build_hierarchy2 ()) { return 1; }
ECS_DelRegistry (test_reg);
return 0;