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GIB parser functions
Copyright (C) 2002 Brian Koropoff
Author: Brian Koropoff
Date: #DATE#
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
static const char rcsid[] =
# include "config.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "QF/dstring.h"
#include "QF/cmd.h"
#include "QF/cbuf.h"
#include "QF/gib_buffer.h"
#include "QF/gib_process.h"
#include "QF/gib_builtin.h"
#include "QF/gib_function.h"
#include "QF/gib_vars.h"
// Interpreter structure and prototypes
void GIB_Parse_Extract_Line (cbuf_t *cbuf);
void GIB_Parse_Tokenize_Line (cbuf_t *cbuf);
void GIB_Parse_Execute_Line (cbuf_t *cbuf);
cbuf_interpreter_t gib_interp = {
Progresses an index variable through a string
until a double quote is reached. Returns
0 on success, or the character it could not
match otherwise
GIB_Parse_Match_Dquote (const char *str, unsigned int *i)
for ((*i)++; str[*i]; (*i)++) {
if (str[*i] == '\n')
return '\"'; // Newlines should never occur inside quotes, EVER
else if (str[*i] == '\"')
return 0;
return '\"';
Progresses an index variable through a string
until a closing brace (}) is reached. Calls
other matching functions to skip areas of a
string it does not want to handle. Returns
0 on success, or the character it could not
match otherwise.
GIB_Parse_Match_Brace (const char *str, unsigned int *i)
char c;
for ((*i)++; str[*i]; (*i)++) {
if (str[*i] == '\"') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Dquote (str, i)))
return c;
} else if (str[*i] == '{') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Brace (str, i)))
return c;
} else if (str[*i] == '}')
return 0;
return '{';
Progresses an index variable through a string
until a closing parenthesis is reached. Calls
other matching functions to skip areas of a
string it does not want to handle. Returns
0 on success, or the character it could not
match otherwise.
GIB_Parse_Match_Paren (const char *str, unsigned int *i)
char c;
for ((*i)++; str[*i]; (*i)++) {
if (str[*i] == '(') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Paren (str, i)))
return c;
} else if (str[*i] == ')')
return 0;
else if (str[*i] == '\n') // Newlines in math == bad
return '(';
return '(';
Progresses an index variable through a string
until a backtick (`) is reached. Calls
other matching functions to skip areas of a
string it does not want to handle. Returns
0 on success, or the character it could not
match otherwise.
GIB_Parse_Match_Backtick (const char *str, unsigned int *i)
char c;
for ((*i)++; str[*i]; (*i)++) {
if (str[*i] == '`')
return 0;
else if (str[*i] == '\"') { // Skip over strings as usual
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Dquote (str, i)))
return c;
return '`';
Extracts the next command from a cbuf and
deposits it in cbuf->line, removing the
portion used from the buffer
GIB_Parse_Extract_Line (struct cbuf_s *cbuf)
int i;
char c;
dstring_t *dstr = cbuf->buf;
if (GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.waiting ) // Not ready for the next line
dstring_clearstr (cbuf->line);
for (i = 0; dstr->str[i]; i++) {
if (dstr->str[i] == '{') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Brace (dstr->str, &i))) {
Cbuf_Error ("parse", "Could not find matching %c", c);
} else if (dstr->str[i] == '\"') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Dquote (dstr->str, &i))) {
Cbuf_Error ("parse", "Could not find matching %c", c);
} else if (dstr->str[i] == '\n' || dstr->str[i] == ';')
else if (dstr->str[i] == '/' && dstr->str[i+1] == '/') {
char *n;
if ((n = strchr (dstr->str+i, '\n')))
dstring_snip (dstr, i, n-dstr->str);
else {
dstring_snip (dstr, i, strlen(dstr->str+i));
if (dstr->str[0]) { // If something is left in the buffer
if (i) { // If we used any of it
dstring_insert (cbuf->line, 0, dstr->str, i);
Sys_DPrintf ("extracted line: %s\n", cbuf->line->str);
// Clip out what we used or any leftover newlines or ;s
dstring_snip (dstr, 0, i + (dstr->str[i] == '\n' || dstr->str[i] == ';'));
// If this is a looping buffer and it is now empty
// copy the loop program back in
if (GIB_DATA(cbuf)->type == GIB_BUFFER_LOOP && !dstr->str[0])
Cbuf_AddText (cbuf, GIB_DATA(cbuf)->loop_program->str);
Progresses an index variable through a string
until the end of the next token is found.
Stores the token in dstr with or without
wrapping characters as specified by include_delim.
Returns 0 on error or the wrapping character of
the token otherwise
inline static char
GIB_Parse_Get_Token (const char *str, unsigned int *i, dstring_t *dstr, qboolean include_delim)
int n;
char c;
n = *i; // Save start position
if (str[*i] == '\"') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Dquote (str, i))) {
Cbuf_Error ("parse", "Could not find matching %c", c);
return 0; // Parse error
} else {
dstring_insert (dstr, 0, str+n+!include_delim, *i-n+1-!include_delim-!include_delim);
return '\"';
} else if (str[*i] == '{') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Brace (str, i))) {
Cbuf_Error ("parse", "Could not find matching %c", c);
return 0; // Parse error
} else {
dstring_insert (dstr, 0, str+n+!include_delim, *i-n+1-!include_delim-!include_delim);
return '{';
} else if (str[*i] == '(') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Paren (str, i))) {
Cbuf_Error ("parse", "Could not find matching %c", c);
return 0; // Parse error
} else {
dstring_insert (dstr, 0, str+n+!include_delim, *i-n+1-!include_delim-!include_delim);
return '\(';
} else {
while (str[*i] && !isspace((byte)str[*i]) && str[*i] != ',') { // find end of token
if (str[*i] == '`') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Backtick (str, i))) {
Cbuf_Error ("parse", "Could not find matching %c", c);
return 0; // Parse error
if (str[*i] == '{') {
if ((c = GIB_Parse_Match_Brace (str, i))) {
Cbuf_Error ("parse", "Could not find matching %c", c);
return 0; // Parse error
dstring_insert (dstr, 0, str+n, *i-n);
return ' ';
return 0; // We should never get here
Concatenates all parsed arguments in cbuf
into a single string and creates an array
of pointers to the beginnings of tokens
within it.
GIB_Parse_Generate_Composite (struct cbuf_s *cbuf)
cbuf_args_t *args = cbuf->args;
int i;
dstring_clearstr (GIB_DATA (cbuf)->arg_composite);
for (i = 0; i < args->argc; i++) {
// ->str could be moved by realloc when a dstring is resized
// so save the offset instead of the pointer
args->args[i] = (const char *) strlen (GIB_DATA (cbuf)->arg_composite->str);
dstring_appendstr (GIB_DATA (cbuf)->arg_composite, args->argv[i]->str);
dstring_appendstr (GIB_DATA (cbuf)->arg_composite, " ");
// Get rid of trailing space
GIB_DATA (cbuf)->arg_composite->str[strlen(GIB_DATA (cbuf)->arg_composite->str)-1] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < args->argc; i++)
// now that arg_composite is done we can add the pointer to the stored
// offsets and get valid pointers. This *should* be portable.
args->args[i] += (unsigned long int) GIB_DATA (cbuf)->arg_composite->str;
Adds a new token to the argument list args
or concatenates it to the end of the last
according to cat.
inline void
GIB_Parse_Add_Token (struct cbuf_args_s *args, qboolean cat, dstring_t *token)
if (cat) {
dstring_appendstr (args->argv[args->argc-1], token->str);
} else
Cbuf_ArgsAdd (args, token->str);
Tokenizes and processes an extracted command,
producing an argument list suitable for executing
the command. This function can be interrupted
to call a GIB subroutine, in which case it will
save important variables and start where it left
off when called again.
GIB_Parse_Tokenize_Line (struct cbuf_s *cbuf)
dstring_t *arg = GIB_DATA(cbuf)->current_token;
const char *str = cbuf->line->str;
cbuf_args_t *args = cbuf->args;
qboolean cat = false;
int noprocess;
char delim;
int i;
// This function can be interrupted to call a GIB
// subroutine. First we need to clean up anything
// we left unfinished
// Do we have a left-over token that needs processing?
if (GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.waiting) {
if (GIB_Process_Token (arg, GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.delim))
return; // Still not done, or error
GIB_Parse_Add_Token (cbuf->args, GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.cat, arg);
i = GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.line_pos; // Start tokenizing where we left off
noprocess = GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.noprocess ? 1 : 0; // Past second token, no sense in having it be 2
} else {
args->argc = 0; // Start from scratch
i = 0;
noprocess = 0;
while (str[i]) {
while (isspace((byte)str[i])) // Eliminate whitespace
if (!str[i]) // Blank token
if (str[i] == ',') { // Concatenation
cat = true;
dstring_clearstr (arg);
delim = GIB_Parse_Get_Token (str, &i, arg, noprocess == 1);
if (!delim)
Sys_DPrintf("Got token: %s\n", arg->str);
if (delim != ' ') // Move into whitespace if we haven't already
if (noprocess != 1)
if (GIB_Process_Token (arg, delim))
goto FILTER_ERROR; // Error or GIB subroutine needs to be called
if (noprocess > 1)
GIB_Parse_Add_Token (cbuf->args, cat, arg);
if (cat)
cat = false;
if (cbuf->args->argc == 1) {
gib_builtin_t *b;
if ((b = GIB_Builtin_Find (cbuf->args->argv[0]->str)))
noprocess = b->type;
GIB_Parse_Generate_Composite (cbuf);
GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.line_pos = i; // save our information in case
GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.cat = cat; // error is not fatal
GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.delim = delim;
GIB_DATA(cbuf)->ret.noprocess = noprocess;
After an argument list has been created,
this function executes the appropriate command,
searching in this order:
GIB builtins
GIB functions
Assignment to a local variable
Normal quake console commands
void GIB_Parse_Execute_Line (cbuf_t *cbuf)
cbuf_args_t *args = cbuf->args;
gib_builtin_t *b;
gib_function_t *f;
if ((b = GIB_Builtin_Find (args->argv[0]->str)))
b->func ();
else if ((f = GIB_Function_Find (args->argv[0]->str)))
GIB_Function_Execute (f);
else if (args->argc == 3 && !strcmp (args->argv[1]->str, "=")) {
if (!GIB_Var_Get (cbuf, args->argv[0]->str) && GIB_Var_Get_R (gib_globals, args->argv[0]->str))
GIB_Var_Set_R (gib_globals, args->argv[0]->str, args->argv[2]->str);
GIB_Var_Set (cbuf, args->argv[0]->str, args->argv[2]->str);
} else
Cmd_Command (cbuf->args);
dstring_clearstr (cbuf->line);