mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:43:58 +00:00
There are still a few iffy places (notably around certain prepositions), but the relevant sentences are now much easier to read.
571 lines
9.8 KiB
571 lines
9.8 KiB
Utilities for the options menu
Copyright (C) 2002 Robin Redeker <elmex@x-paste.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#include "cvar.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "Array.h"
#include "gui/Text.h"
#include "gui/Rect.h"
#include "gui/Slider.h"
#include "options_util.h"
@implementation MenuGroup
-(id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
current = base = 0;
if (b >= [views count])
b = [views count] - 1;
if (b < 0)
b = 0;
current = base = b;
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
case QFK_DOWN:
[self next];
return 1;
case QFK_UP:
[self prev];
return 1;
return [[views getItemAt:current]
-(void) next
if (++current >= [views count])
current = base;
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-(void) prev
if (--current < base)
current = [views count] - 1;
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
- (void) draw
local View cur;
[super draw];
cur = (View) [views getItemAt:current];
opt_cursor (cur.xabs - 8, cur.yabs);
@implementation CvarObject
self = [super init];
name = str_new ();
return self;
self = [self init];
str_copy (name, cvname);
return self;
str_free (name);
@implementation CvarToggle
Cvar_Toggle (name);
return Cvar_GetInteger (name);
@implementation MouseToggle
if (Cvar_GetFloat ("m_pitch") < 0) {
Cvar_SetFloat ("m_pitch", 0.022);
} else {
Cvar_SetFloat ("m_pitch", -0.022);
return Cvar_GetFloat ("m_pitch") < 0;
@implementation RunToggle
if (Cvar_GetFloat ("cl_forwardspeed") < 400) {
Cvar_SetFloat ("cl_forwardspeed", 400);
Cvar_SetFloat ("cl_backspeed", 400);
} else {
Cvar_SetFloat ("cl_forwardspeed", 200);
Cvar_SetFloat ("cl_backspeed", 200);
return Cvar_GetFloat ("cl_forwardspeed") >= 400;
@implementation CvarToggleView
[value setText:[toggle value] ? "On" : "Off"];
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect title:(string)_title :(CvarToggle)_toggle
local Rect rect;
self = [super initWithBounds:aRect];
toggle = _toggle;
rect = [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:0 :0 :strlen (_title) * 8 :8];
title = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect text:_title];
rect.size.width = 3 * 8;
rect.origin.x = xlen - rect.size.width;
value = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect];
[self addView:title];
[self addView:value];
[self update];
return self;
[toggle toggle];
[self update];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self toggle];
return 1;
return 0;
@implementation CvarColor
local float val = Cvar_GetFloat (name);
val = min_max_cnt (0, 13, 1, val, 1);
Cvar_SetFloat (name, val);
local float val = Cvar_GetFloat (name);
val = min_max_cnt (0, 13, 1, val, 0);
Cvar_SetFloat (name, val);
return Cvar_GetInteger (name);
@implementation CvarColorView
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect :(CvarColor)_color
self = [self initWithBounds:aRect];
color = _color;
return self;
[color next];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
[color prev];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
local integer xl;
xl = xlen / 8 - 2;
text_box (xabs, yabs, xl, ylen / 8 - 2);
xl = (xl + 1) & ~1; // text_box does only multiples of 2
Draw_Fill (xabs + 8, yabs + 8, xl * 8, ylen - 16,
[color value] * 16 + 8);
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
case QFK_DOWN:
[self next];
return 1;
case QFK_UP:
[self prev];
return 1;
@implementation CvarRange
-(id)initWithCvar:(string)cvname min:(float)_min max:(float)_max step:(float)_step
self = [super init];
name = str_new ();
str_copy (name, cvname);
min = _min;
max = _max;
step = _step;
return self;
local float val = Cvar_GetFloat (name);
val = min_max_cnt (min, max, step, val, 1);
Cvar_SetFloat (name, val);
local float val = Cvar_GetFloat (name);
val = min_max_cnt (min, max, step, val, 0);
Cvar_SetFloat (name, val);
return Cvar_GetFloat (name);
return to_percentage(min, max, Cvar_GetFloat (name));
@implementation CvarRangeView
[slider setIndex:[range percentage]];
[value setText:ftos ([range value])];
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect title:(string)_title sliderWidth:(integer)width :(CvarRange)_range
local Rect rect;
self = [super initWithBounds:aRect];
range = _range;
rect = [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:0 :0 :strlen (_title) * 8 :8];
title = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect text:_title];
rect.origin.x += rect.size.width + 8;
rect.size.width = width;
if (rect.origin.x + rect.size.width > xlen)
rect.size.width = xlen - rect.origin.x;
slider = [[Slider alloc] initWithBounds:rect size:100];
rect.origin.x += rect.size.width + 8;
rect.size.width = xlen - rect.origin.x;
value = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect];
[self addView:title];
[self addView:slider];
[self addView:value];
[self update];
return self;
[range inc];
[self update];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
[range dec];
[self update];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self inc];
return 1;
case QFK_LEFT:
[self dec];
return 1;
@implementation CrosshairCvar
-(void) next
local integer val = Cvar_GetInteger (name);
Cvar_SetInteger (name, (val + 1) % 4);
-(integer) crosshair
return Cvar_GetInteger (name);
@implementation CrosshairView
CrosshairCvar crosshair;
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect :(CrosshairCvar)_crosshair
self = [self initWithBounds:aRect];
crosshair = _crosshair;
return self;
-(void) next
[crosshair next];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
-(void) draw
Draw_Fill (xabs, yabs, xlen, ylen, 0);
Draw_Crosshair ([crosshair crosshair], xabs + xlen / 2, yabs + ylen / 2);
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self next];
return 1;
return 0;
void traceon () = #0;
@implementation ProxyView
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect title:(View)aTitle view:(View)aView
self = [super initWithBounds:aRect];
if (!self)
return self;
title = aTitle;
view = aView;
return self;
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
return [view keyEvent:key unicode:unicode down:down];
- (void) draw
[title draw];
[view draw];
- (void) setBasePos: (Point) pos
[super setBasePos:pos];
local Point point = [[Point alloc] initWithComponents:xabs :yabs];
[title setBasePos:point];
[view setBasePos:point];
[point release];
function for drawing the cursor
void (integer x, integer y)
opt_cursor =
// use time becaus we want a nice rotaing cursor
Draw_Character (x, y, 12 + ((integer) (time * 4) & 1));
Draws a item with a specific spacing between label and value to
position x, y.
Used as helper function for draw_val_item.
void (integer x, integer y, integer spacing, string spacechar,
string label, string valstr)
draw_item =
local integer i;
Draw_String (x, y, label);
for (i = x + (integer) strlen (label) * 8; i < (x+spacing); i += 8) {
Draw_String (i, y, spacechar);
Draw_String (x + spacing, y, valstr);
Draws a nice menu item.
Use this function for a consistent look of menu items!
spacing are the number of the points to put
void (integer x, integer y, integer spacing, string label, string valstr)
draw_val_item =
draw_item (x, y, spacing, ".", label, ":" + valstr);
Calculates the percentage of a value relative
to a min and max value.
integer (float min, float max, float val)
to_percentage =
local float max_v = (max - min);
local integer perc;
val -= min;
if (val > max_v) {
val = max_v;
if (val < 0) {
val = 0;
perc = (integer) ((val / max_v) * 100);
return perc;
Increases or decreases a value by take care of the bordervalues.
min, max are the borders.
step is the step by in-/de-creasing.
cntflag should be true for increasing and false for decreasing
float (float min, float max, float step, float val, integer cntflag)
min_max_cnt =
if (cntflag) {
val += step;
} else {
val -= step;
if (val > max) {
val = max;
} else if (val < min) {
val = min;
return val;