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synced 2025-01-31 21:20:33 +00:00
Things are a bit of a mess with interdependence between sub-module initialization and render pass initialization, and window resizing is broken, but the main render pass rendering to an image that is then post-processed (currently just blitted) is working. This will make it possible to implement fisheye and water warp (and other effects, of course).
90 lines
1.7 KiB
90 lines
1.7 KiB
flat_color_image_template = {
imageType = `2d;
samples = 1;
extent = {
width = $output.extent.width;
height = $output.extent.height;
depth = 1;
mipLevels = 1;
arrayLayers = 1;
tiling = optimal;
usage = color_attachment|sampled;
initialLayout = undefined;
images = {
ocolor = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_image_template;
format = r16g16b16a16_sfloat;
flat_color_view_template = {
components = {
r = identity;
g = identity;
b = identity;
a = identity;
subresourceRange = {
aspectMask = color;
levelCount = 1;
layerCount = 1;
imageViews = {
ocolor = {
@inherit = $properties.flat_color_view_template;
image = ocolor;
format = $properties.images.ocolor.format;
framebuffer = {
renderPass = output;
attachments = ($output.view);
width = $output.extent.width;
height = $output.extent.height;
layers = 1;
clearValues = (
{ color = "[0, 0, 0, 1]"; }, // output
attachment_template = {
samples = 1;
loadOp = dont_care;
storeOp = dont_care;
stencilLoadOp = dont_care;
stencilStoreOp = dont_care;
initialLayout = undefined;
finalLayout = color_attachment_optimal;
info = {
color = "[0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1]";
subpass_info = (
{ name = compose; color = "[ 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1]" },
renderpass = {
attachments = (
@inherit = $properties.attachment_template;
format = $output.format;
loadOp = clear;
storeOp = store;
finalLayout = present_src_khr;
subpasses = (
{ // 0 output
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
colorAttachments = (
{ // output
attachment = 0;
layout = color_attachment_optimal;