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// infobot.gib
// Infobot for QuakeForge 0.5.3
// Copyright (C) 2003 Brian Koropoff
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to:
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
domain infobot
global rcsid = "$Id$"
global facts addr_cmds cmds
function infobot::makeKey {
return $(regex::replace $args[1] "\." -- "\_")_
function infobot::hasAccess {
return $(equal $(client::getInfo $args[1] "infopass") $infobot_password)
function infobot::defineFactoid {
if (!$infobot_restrict_factoids || $(infobot::hasAccess $args[1])) {
key = $(infobot::makeKey $args[2])
// Don't modify locked factoids
if ${facts.${key}[2]} {
return -2
// Filter out newlines/carriage returns
facts.${key}[0] = $(regex::replace $args[3] "[\n\r]" g "")
// Dump the rest at the end of the array (any meta info can be stored here)
facts.${key}[1] = @args[4:]
return 0
return -1
function infobot::factToString {
for i in @args[1:] {
out = $out, $i, "\255"
return $out
function infobot::saveFactoids {
// Build up output to write to a file
for fact in %facts {
output = $output, $fact, "\255", $(infobot::factToString @facts.$fact), "\n"
file::write $args[1],".fct" $output
function infobot::loadFactoids {
for line in $(split $(file::read $args[1],".fct") "\n") {
fact = $(split $line "\255")
facts.${fact[0]} = @fact[1:]
current_file = $args[1]
function infobot::say {
client::printAllChat $infobot_name, ": ", $args[1], "\n"
function infobot::tell {
client::printChat $args[1] "[priv] ",$infobot_name, ": ", $args[1], "\n"
function infobot::chatEvent {
// Ignore teamtalk/spectalk
if $args[3] {
uid = $args[1]
from = $(client::getInfo $uid "name")
mesg = $args[2]
// see if we are being addressed by name
res = $(regex::extract $mesg $infobot_name, "[:,][[:space:]]+(.+)" i)
if #res {
mesg = $res[2]
local addr = 1
} else {
local addr = 0
res = $(regex::extract $mesg "([^[:space:]]+)[\?!]$" --)
if #res {
local key = $(infobot::makeKey $res[2])
if #{facts.$key} {
if $addr {
infobot::say $from, ": ", $res[2], " ", ${facts.${key}[1]}, " ", ${facts.$key}, "."
} else {
infobot::say "Well, ", $res[2], " ", ${facts.${key}[1]}, " ", ${facts.$key}, "."
} else if $addr { // Nothing found, and we were addressed
infobot::say $from, ": Sorry, I don't know anything about ", $res[2], "."
res = $(regex::extract $mesg "^([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]+(is|are)[[:space:]]+(.+)" i)
if #res {
res = $(infobot::defineFactoid $args[1] $res[2] $res[4] $res[3])
if $addr {
if ($res == -1) {
infobot::say $from, ": You do not have the privileges to alter factoids."
} else if ($res == -2) {
infobot::say $from, ": That factoid is locked."
} else {
infobot::say $from, ": Understood."
cmd = $(split $mesg)
if $addr {
if #{addr_cmds.$cmd} {
${addr_cmds.$cmd} $args[1] $from @cmd[1:];
} else {
infobot::say $from, ": I'm sorry, I don't understand."
} else if #{cmds.$cmd} {
${cmds.$cmd} $args[1] $from @cmd[1:];
function infobot::cmdAddrRegister {
addr_cmds.$args[1] = $args[2]
function infobot::cmdRegister {
cmds.$args[1] = $args[2]
function infobot::forgetFactoid_f {
if ($infobot_restrict_factoids && !$(infobot::hasAccess $args[1])) {
say $args[2], ": You do not have the privileges to alter factoids."
fact = $(infobot::makeKey $args[3])
if #{facts.$fact} {
if ${facts.${fact}[2]} {
infobot::say $args[2], ": That factoid is locked."
} else {
delete facts.$fact
infobot::say $args[2], ": I forgot about ", $args[3], "."
} else {
infobot::say $args[2], ": I don't know anything about ", $args[3], "."
function infobot::lockFactoid_f {
ifnot $(infobot::hasAccess $args[1]) {
infobot::say $args[2], ": You do not have the privileges to lock factoids."
fact = $(infobot::makeKey $args[3])
ifnot #{facts.$fact} {
infobot::say $args[2], ": No such factoid exists."
facts.${fact}[2] = 1
infobot::say $args[2], ": \"", $args[3], "\" is now locked."
function infobot::unlockFactoid_f {
ifnot $(infobot::hasAccess $args[1]) {
infobot::say $args[2], ": You do not have the privileges to unlock factoids."
fact = $(infobot::makeKey $args[3])
ifnot #{facts.$fact} {
infobot::say $args[2], ": No such factoid exists."
facts.${fact}[2] = 0
infobot::say $args[2], ": \"", $args[3], "\" is now unlocked."
function infobot::stats_f {
infobot::say $args[2], ": I currently reference ", $(count %facts), " factoid(s) and ", ($(count %cmds) + $(count %addr_cmds)), " command(s)."
function infobot::syncFactoids_f {
ifnot $(infobot::hasAccess $args[1]) {
infobot::say $args[2], ": You do not have syncing privileges."
if #args[3] {
file = $args[3]
} else {
file = "default"
infobot::saveFactoids $file
infobot::say $args[2], ": Factoids successfully synced to file ", $file, ".fct."
function infobot::loadFactoids_f {
ifnot $(infobot::hasAccess $args[1]) {
infobot::say $args[2], ": You do not have loading privileges."
if #args[3] {
file = $args[3]
} else {
file = "default"
ifnot $(count $(file::find $file,".fct")) {
infobot::say $args[2], ": That factoids file does not exist."
infobot::loadFactoids $file
infobot::say $args[2], ": Factoids successfully loaded from file ", $file, ".fct."
function infobot::forgetAllFactoids_f {
ifnot $(infobot::hasAccess $args[1]) {
infobot::say $args[2], ": You do not have amnesia privileges."
infobot::say $args[2], ": I have forgotten all factoids."
delete facts
global facts
// These are useful to the admin
function::export infobot::saveFactoids infobot::loadFactoids
event::register chat infobot::chatEvent
infobot::cmdAddrRegister "forget" infobot::forgetFactoid_f
infobot::cmdAddrRegister "lock" infobot::lockFactoid_f
infobot::cmdAddrRegister "unlock" infobot::unlockFactoid_f
infobot::cmdAddrRegister "infostats" infobot::stats_f
infobot::cmdAddrRegister "sync" infobot::syncFactoids_f
infobot::cmdAddrRegister "load" infobot::loadFactoids_f
infobot::cmdAddrRegister "amnesia" infobot::forgetAllFactoids_f
// Set default values
ifnot $(length $infobot_restrict_factoids) {
set infobot_restrict_factoids 0
ifnot $(length $infobot_password) {
set infobot_password "hackme"
ifnot $(length $infobot_name) {
set infobot_name "gib"
// Try to load a default factoids file
if $(count $(file::find default.fct)) {
infobot::loadFactoids "default"