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synced 2025-03-11 03:33:00 +00:00
The keywords table was rather awkward to edit (and sometimes confusing). Worse, because the hash table used to look up the keywords was initialized only once, changing modes in the same execution of qfcc would not work properly as keywords would not be added or removed as appropriate. Now there are four categories of keywords: o "core" Always available. They form the core of QuakeC except for two extensions. o "@" In extended and advanced modes, the preceeding @ is optional, but tranditional mode requires the keywords to be preceeded by an @. They are the C keywords that QuakeC did not use, but can be implemented in v6 progs under certain circumstances. o "QF" These keywords require the QuakeForge VM to be usable. o "Obj" These keywords form Ruamoko/Objective-QuakeC and require both advanced mode and the QuakeForge VM.
450 lines
11 KiB
450 lines
11 KiB
lexer for quakec
Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org>
Author: Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org>
Date: 2001/06/12
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
# include "config.h"
# include <string.h>
# include <strings.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <QF/dstring.h>
#include <QF/hash.h>
#include <QF/sys.h>
#include "class.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "diagnostic.h"
#include "expr.h"
#include "grab.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "pragma.h"
#include "qfcc.h"
#include "shared.h"
#include "strpool.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "symtab.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "value.h"
#include "qc-parse.h"
#ifndef YY_PROTO
# define YY_PROTO(x) x
int yyget_lineno (void);
FILE *yyget_in (void);
FILE *yyget_out (void);
int yyget_leng (void);
char *yyget_text (void);
void yyset_lineno (int line_number);
void yyset_in (FILE * in_str);
void yyset_out (FILE * out_str);
int yyget_debug (void);
void yyset_debug (int bdebug);
int yylex_destroy (void);
#define YY_NO_UNPUT
#define YY_DECL int yylex YY_PROTO(( void ))
static int keyword_or_id (char *token);
extern QC_YYSTYPE qc_yylval;
s [ \t]
m [\-+]
D [0-9]
X [0-9a-fA-F]
ID [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
FLOAT ({D}+|{D}*\.{D}+|{D}+\.{D}*)([eE]{m}?{D}+)?
INT ({D}+|0[xX]{X}+)
RANGE \.\.
STRING \"(\\.|[^"\\])*\"
grab_frame = GRAB_FRAME;
grab_other = GRAB_OTHER;
grab_write = GRAB_WRITE;
"/*" { BEGIN (COMMENT); }
<COMMENT>"/*" { warning (0, "nested /* in comment"); }
<COMMENT>\r*\n { pr.source_line++; }
<COMMENT>. /* nothing to do */
<COMMENT><<EOF>> { error (0, "EOF in comment"); return 0; }
"//".* /* nothing to do */
^#{s}+{D}+{s}+\"(\.|[^"\n])*\".*$ { line_info (yytext + 1); }
^#line{s}+{D}+{s}+\"(\.|[^"\n])*\".*$ { line_info (yytext + 5); }
^{s}*#{s}*pragma{s}+ { BEGIN (PRAGMA); }
{INT}+[uU]? {
const char *c = yytext + yyleng - 1;
int i = strtol (yytext, 0, 0);
if (*c == 'u' || *c == 'U')
qc_yylval.expr = new_integer_expr (i);//FIXME
qc_yylval.expr = new_integer_expr (i);
return VALUE;
float f = strtof (yytext, 0);
qc_yylval.expr = new_float_expr (f);
return VALUE;
{ID} {
int tok = keyword_or_id(yytext);
return tok;
@{ID} {
int tok = keyword_or_id(yytext);
if (tok == '@')
return tok;
const char *s = make_string (yytext, 0);
qc_yylval.expr = new_string_expr (s);
return STRING;
@ return '@';
'{s}*{m}?{FLOAT}{s}+{m}?{FLOAT}{s}+{m}?{FLOAT}{s}*' {
vec3_t v;
sscanf (yytext, "' %f %f %f '",
&v[0], &v[1], &v[2]);
qc_yylval.expr = new_vector_expr (v);
return VALUE;
'{s}*{m}?{FLOAT}{s}+{m}?{FLOAT}{s}+{m}?{FLOAT}{s}+{m}?{FLOAT}{s}*' {
quat_t q;
sscanf (yytext, "' %f %f %f %f'",
&q[0], &q[1], &q[2], &q[3]);
qc_yylval.expr = new_quaternion_expr (q);
return VALUE;
'(\\[^xX0-7\r\n]|[^'\r\n]|\\[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+|\\[0-7]+)*' {
const char *str = make_string (yytext, 0);
if (str[1])
warning (0, "multibyte char constant");
qc_yylval.expr = new_integer_expr (*str);
return VALUE;
[+\-*/&|^%]= {
qc_yylval.op = yytext[0];
return ASX;
"<<=" {
qc_yylval.op = SHL;
return ASX;
">>=" {
qc_yylval.op = SHR;
return ASX;
[!(){}.*/&|^~+\-=\[\];,#%?:] {
qc_yylval.pointer = 0; // ensure pointer vals are null
return yytext[0];
"<<" return SHL;
">>" return SHR;
"&&" return AND;
"||" return OR;
"==" return EQ;
"!=" return NE;
"<=" return LE;
">=" return GE;
"<" return LT;
">" return GT;
"++" {
qc_yylval.op = '+';
return INCOP;
"--" {
qc_yylval.op = '-';
return INCOP;
"$"{s}*{FRAMEID} {
int ret = do_grab (yytext);
if (ret >= 0) {
qc_yylval.expr = new_integer_expr (ret);
return VALUE;
} else {
BEGIN (-ret);
<GRAB_FRAME>{FRAMEID} add_frame_macro (yytext);
<GRAB_OTHER>[^\r\n]* /* skip */
const char *s = make_string (yytext, 0);
write_frame_macros (s);
BEGIN (GRAB_OTHER); // ignore rest of line
<PRAGMA>{ID} { pragma (yytext); }
<*>\r*\n {
<*>{s}* /* skip */
<*>. error (0, "all your typo are belong to us");
yywrap (void)
return 1;
typedef struct {
const char *name;
int value;
type_t *type;
} keyword_t;
// These keywords are all part of the Ruamoko (Objective-QC) language.
// The first time any one of them is encountered, the class system will be
// initialized.
// If not compiling for the QuakeForge VM, or if Ruamoko has been disabled,
// then they will be unavailable as keywords.
static keyword_t obj_keywords[] = {
{"id", OBJECT, &type_id },
{"Class", TYPE, &type_Class },
{"Method", TYPE, &type_obj_method},
{"Super", TYPE, &type_obj_super },
{"SEL", TYPE, &type_SEL },
{"IMP", TYPE, &type_IMP },
{"@class", CLASS },
{"@defs", DEFS },
{"@encode", ENCODE },
{"@end", END },
{"@implementation", IMPLEMENTATION },
{"@interface", INTERFACE },
{"@private", PRIVATE },
{"@protected", PROTECTED },
{"@protocol", PROTOCOL },
{"@public", PUBLIC },
{"@reference", REFERENCE },
{"@selector", SELECTOR },
{"@self", SELF },
{"@this", THIS },
// This is a hack to trigger the initialization of the class
// sytem if it is seen before any other Objective-QC symbol. Otherwise,
// it is just an identifier, though it does reference a built-in type
// created by the class system.
{"obj_module", 0 },
// These keywords are extensions to QC and thus available only in advanced
// or extended code. However, if they are preceeded by an @ (eg, @for), then
// they are always available. This is to prevent them from causing trouble
// for traditional code that might use these words as identifiers, but still
// make the language features available to traditional code.
static keyword_t at_keywords[] = {
{"for", FOR },
{"break", BREAK },
{"continue", CONTINUE},
{"switch", SWITCH },
{"case", CASE },
{"default", DEFAULT },
{"nil", NIL },
{"struct", STRUCT },
{"union", STRUCT },
{"enum", ENUM },
{"typedef", TYPEDEF },
{"extern", EXTERN },
{"static", STATIC },
{"sizeof", SIZEOF },
// These keywords require the QuakeForge VM to be of any use. ie, they cannot
// be supported (sanely) by v6 progs.
static keyword_t qf_keywords[] = {
{"quaternion", TYPE, &type_quaternion},
{"int", TYPE, &type_integer },
{"unsigned", TYPE, &type_integer },//FIXME
{"function", TYPE, &type_function },
{"@args", ARGS, 0 },
{"@va_list", TYPE, &type_va_list },
{"@param", TYPE, &type_param },
// These keywors are always available. Other than @system and @overload, they
// form traditional QuakeC.
static keyword_t keywords[] = {
{"void", TYPE, &type_void },
{"float", TYPE, &type_float },
{"string", TYPE, &type_string},
{"vector", TYPE, &type_vector},
{"entity", TYPE, &type_entity},
{"local", LOCAL, 0 },
{"return", RETURN, 0 },
{"while", WHILE, 0 },
{"do", DO, 0 },
{"if", IF, 0 },
{"else", ELSE, 0 },
{"@system", SYSTEM, 0 },
{"@overload", OVERLOAD, 0 },
static const char *
keyword_get_key (const void *kw, void *unused)
return ((keyword_t*)kw)->name;
static int
process_keyword (keyword_t *keyword, const char *token)
if (keyword->value == STRUCT) {
qc_yylval.op = token[0];
} else if (keyword->value == OBJECT) {
symbol_t *sym;
sym = symtab_lookup (current_symtab, token);
qc_yylval.symbol = sym;
} else {
qc_yylval.type = keyword->type;
return keyword->value;
static int
keyword_or_id (char *token)
static hashtab_t *keyword_tab;
static hashtab_t *qf_keyword_tab;
static hashtab_t *at_keyword_tab;
static hashtab_t *obj_keyword_tab;
keyword_t *keyword = 0;
symbol_t *sym;
if (!keyword_tab) {
size_t i;
keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0);
qf_keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0);
at_keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0);
obj_keyword_tab = Hash_NewTable (253, keyword_get_key, 0, 0);
#define NUMKEYS(_k) (sizeof (_k) / sizeof (_k[0]))
for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(keywords); i++)
Hash_Add (keyword_tab, &keywords[i]);
for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(qf_keywords); i++)
Hash_Add (qf_keyword_tab, &qf_keywords[i]);
for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(at_keywords); i++)
Hash_Add (at_keyword_tab, &at_keywords[i]);
for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYS(obj_keywords); i++)
Hash_Add (obj_keyword_tab, &obj_keywords[i]);
if (options.traditional < 1) {
keyword = Hash_Find (obj_keyword_tab, token);
if (keyword) {
if (!obj_initialized)
class_init ();
if (!keyword)
keyword = Hash_Find (qf_keyword_tab, token);
if (!keyword && options.traditional < 2)
keyword = Hash_Find (at_keyword_tab, token);
if (!keyword && token[0] == '@') {
keyword = Hash_Find (at_keyword_tab, token + 1);
if (keyword)
token += 1;
if (!keyword)
keyword = Hash_Find (keyword_tab, token);
if (keyword && keyword->value)
return process_keyword (keyword, token);
if (token[0] == '@') {
return '@';
sym = symtab_lookup (current_symtab, token);
if (!sym)
sym = new_symbol (token);
qc_yylval.symbol = sym;
if (sym->sy_type == sy_type)
return TYPE_NAME;
if (sym->sy_type == sy_class)
return CLASS_NAME;
return NAME;
static __attribute__ ((used)) void *(*const yy_flex_realloc_hack)(void *,yy_size_t) = yy_flex_realloc;
static __attribute__ ((used)) void (*yyunput_hack)(int, char*) = yyunput;
static __attribute__ ((used)) int (*input_hack)(void) = input;