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317 lines
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#import "qedefs.h"
id things_i;
@implementation Things
- init
[super init];
things_i = self;
lastSelected = 0;
return self;
// Load the TEXT object with the entity comment
- loadEntityComment:(id)obj
[entity_comment_i selectAll:self];
[entity_comment_i replaceSel:[obj comments]];
return self;
- initEntities
char *path;
path = [project_i getProgDirectory];
[prog_path_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:path]];
[[EntityClassList alloc] initForSourceDirectory: path];
[self loadEntityComment:[entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected]];
[entity_browser_i loadColumnZero];
[[entity_browser_i matrixInColumn:0] selectCellAtRow:lastSelected column:0];
[entity_browser_i setDoubleAction: @selector(doubleClickEntity:)];
return self;
- selectEntity: sender
id matr;
matr = [sender matrixInColumn: 0];
lastSelected = [matr selectedRow];
[self loadEntityComment:[entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected]];
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder: quakeed_i];
return self;
- doubleClickEntity: sender
[map_i makeEntity: sender];
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder: quakeed_i];
return self;
- (char *)spawnName
return [[entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected] classname];
// Flush entity classes & reload them!
- reloadEntityClasses: sender
EntityClass *ent;
char *path;
path = (char *)[prog_path_i stringValue];
if (!path || !path[0])
path = [project_i getProgDirectory];
[prog_path_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:path]];
// Free all entity info in memory...
[entity_classes_i freeObjects];
[entity_classes_i free];
// Now, RELOAD!
[[EntityClassList alloc] initForSourceDirectory: path];
lastSelected = 0;
ent = [entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected];
[self loadEntityComment:[entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected]];
[entity_browser_i loadColumnZero];
[[entity_browser_i matrixInColumn:0] selectCellAtRow:lastSelected column:0];
[self newCurrentEntity]; // in case flags changed
return self;
- selectClass: (char *)class
id classent;
classent = [entity_classes_i classForName:class];
if (!classent)
return self;
lastSelected = [entity_classes_i indexOfObject: classent];
if (lastSelected < 0)
lastSelected = 0;
[self loadEntityComment:classent];
[[entity_browser_i matrixInColumn:0] selectCellAtRow:lastSelected column:0];
[[entity_browser_i matrixInColumn:0] scrollCellToVisibleAtRow:lastSelected column:0];
return self;
- newCurrentEntity
id ent, classent, cell;
char *classname;
int r, c;
char *flagname;
int flags;
ent = [map_i currentEntity];
classname = [ent valueForQKey: "classname"];
if (ent != [map_i objectAtIndex: 0])
[self selectClass: classname]; // don't reset for world
classent = [entity_classes_i classForName:classname];
flagname = [ent valueForQKey: "spawnflags"];
if (!flagname)
flags = 0;
flags = atoi(flagname);
[flags_i setAutodisplay: NO];
for (r=0 ; r<4 ; r++)
for (c=0 ; c<3 ; c++)
cell = [flags_i cellAtRow: r column: c];
if (c < 2)
flagname = [classent flagName: c*4 + r];
[cell setTitle: [NSString stringWithCString:flagname]];
[cell setIntValue: (flags & (1<< ((c*4)+r)) ) > 0];
[flags_i setAutodisplay: YES];
[flags_i display];
// [keyInput_i setStringValue: ""];
// [valueInput_i setStringValue: ""];
[keypairview_i calcViewSize];
[keypairview_i display];
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder: quakeed_i];
return self;
// Clicked in the Keypair view - set as selected
- setSelectedKey:(epair_t *)ep;
[keyInput_i setStringValue:[NSString stringWithCString:ep->key]];
[valueInput_i setStringValue:[NSString stringWithCString:ep->value]];
[valueInput_i selectText:self];
return self;
- clearInputs
// [keyInput_i setStringValue: ""];
// [valueInput_i setStringValue: ""];
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder: quakeed_i];
return self;
// Action methods
char *key, *value;
key = (char *)[keyInput_i stringValue];
value = (char *)[valueInput_i stringValue];
[ [map_i currentEntity] setKey: key toValue: value ];
[keypairview_i calcViewSize];
[keypairview_i display];
[self clearInputs];
[quakeed_i updateXY];
return self;
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder: quakeed_i];
[ [map_i currentEntity] removeKeyPair: (char *)[keyInput_i stringValue] ];
[keypairview_i calcViewSize];
[keypairview_i display];
[self clearInputs];
[quakeed_i updateXY];
return self;
// Set the key/value fields to "angle <button value>"
- setAngle:sender
const char *title;
char value[10];
title = [[sender selectedCell] title];
if (!strcmp(title,"Up"))
strcpy (value, "-1");
else if (!strcmp(title,"Dn"))
strcpy (value, "-2");
strcpy (value, title);
[keyInput_i setStringValue:"angle"];
[valueInput_i setStringValue:value];
[self addPair:NULL];
[self clearInputs];
[quakeed_i updateXY];
return self;
- setFlags:sender
int flags;
int r, c, i;
id cell;
char str[20];
[self clearInputs];
flags = 0;
for (r=0 ; r<4 ; r++)
for (c=0 ; c<3 ; c++)
cell = [flags_i cellAtRow: r column: c];
i = ([cell intValue] > 0);
flags |= (i<< ((c*4)+r));
if (!flags)
[[map_i currentEntity] removeKeyPair: "spawnflags"];
sprintf (str, "%i", flags);
[[map_i currentEntity] setKey: "spawnflags" toValue: str];
[keypairview_i calcViewSize];
[keypairview_i display];
return self;
// Fill the Entity browser
// (Delegate method - delegated in Interface Builder)
- (int)browser:sender fillMatrix:matrix inColumn:(int)column
id cell;
int max;
int i;
id object;
max = [entity_classes_i count];
i = 0;
object = [entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:i];
[matrix addRow];
cell = [matrix cellAtRow:i++ column:0];
[cell setStringValue:[NSString stringWithCString:[object classname]]];
[cell setLeaf:YES];
[cell setLoaded:YES];
return i;