Fork 0
mirror of https://git.code.sf.net/p/quake/quakeforge synced 2025-03-06 01:11:38 +00:00
Bill Currie d23300d58b Pass .m files through indent.
The result isn't perfect, but it cleans up the whitespace and makes the
code more consistent with the rest of the project.
2010-11-28 15:31:31 +09:00

522 lines
9.6 KiB

// QuakeEd Project Management
#include <unistd.h>
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "QuakeEd.h"
#include "Preferences.h"
#include "Dict.h"
#include "Things.h"
#include "TexturePalette.h"
id project_i;
@implementation Project
project_i = self;
return self;
// Project code
char *s;
s =[preferences_i getProjectPath];
// XXX StripFilename(s);
strcpy (path_basepath, s);
strcpy (path_progdir, s);
strcat (path_progdir, "/" SUBDIR_ENT);
strcpy (path_mapdirectory, s);
strcat (path_mapdirectory, "/" SUBDIR_MAPS); // source dir
strcpy (path_finalmapdir, s);
strcat (path_finalmapdir, "/" SUBDIR_MAPS); // dest dir
[basepathinfo_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:s]];
// in Project Inspector
#if 0
if ((s =[projectInfo getStringFor:BASEPATHKEY])) {
strcpy (path_basepath, s);
strcpy (path_progdir, s);
strcat (path_progdir, "/" SUBDIR_ENT);
strcpy (path_mapdirectory, s);
strcat (path_mapdirectory, "/" SUBDIR_MAPS); // source dir
strcpy (path_finalmapdir, s);
strcat (path_finalmapdir, "/" SUBDIR_MAPS); // dest dir
[basepathinfo_i setStringValue:s];
// in Project Inspector
if ((s =[projectInfo getStringFor:BSPFULLVIS])) {
strcpy (string_fullvis, s);
changeString ('@', '\"', string_fullvis);
if ((s =[projectInfo getStringFor:BSPFASTVIS])) {
strcpy (string_fastvis, s);
changeString ('@', '\"', string_fastvis);
if ((s =[projectInfo getStringFor:BSPNOVIS])) {
strcpy (string_novis, s);
changeString ('@', '\"', string_novis);
if ((s =[projectInfo getStringFor:BSPRELIGHT])) {
strcpy (string_relight, s);
changeString ('@', '\"', string_relight);
if ((s =[projectInfo getStringFor:BSPLEAKTEST])) {
strcpy (string_leaktest, s);
changeString ('@', '\"', string_leaktest);
if ((s =[projectInfo getStringFor:BSPENTITIES])) {
strcpy (string_entities, s);
changeString ('@', '\"', string_entities);
// Build list of wads
wadList =[projectInfo parseMultipleFrom:WADSKEY];
// Build list of maps & descriptions
mapList =[projectInfo parseMultipleFrom:MAPNAMESKEY];
descList =[projectInfo parseMultipleFrom:DESCKEY];
[self changeChar: '_' to: ' ' in:descList];
[self initProjSettings];
return self;
// Init Project Settings fields
[pis_basepath_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:path_basepath]];
[pis_fullvis_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:string_fullvis]];
[pis_fastvis_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:string_fastvis]];
[pis_novis_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:string_novis]];
[pis_relight_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:string_relight]];
[pis_leaktest_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:string_leaktest]];
return self;
// Add text to the BSP Output window
-addToOutput:(char *) string
int end;
end =[BSPoutput_i textLength];
[BSPoutput_i replaceCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (end, 0) withString: [NSString stringWithCString:string]];
end =[BSPoutput_i textLength];
[BSPoutput_i setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange (end, 0)];
// XXX [BSPoutput_i scrollSelToVisible];
return self;
int end;
end =[BSPoutput_i textLength];
[BSPoutput_i replaceCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0, end) withString:@""];
return self;
// XXX [BSPoutput_i printPSCode:self];
return self;
[self parseProjectFile];
if (projectInfo == NULL)
return self;
[self initVars];
[mapbrowse_i setReusesColumns:YES];
[mapbrowse_i loadColumnZero];
[pis_wads_i setReusesColumns:YES];
[pis_wads_i loadColumnZero];
[things_i initEntities];
return self;
// Change a character to another in a Storage list of strings
f to:(char)
t in:(id) obj
int i;
int max;
char *string;
max =[obj count];
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
string =[obj elementAt:i];
changeString (f, t, string);
return self;
// Fill the QuakeEd Maps or wads browser
// (Delegate method - delegated in Interface Builder)
-(int) browser: sender fillMatrix: matrix inColumn:(int) column
id cell, list;
int max;
char *name;
int i;
if (sender == mapbrowse_i)
list = mapList;
else if (sender == pis_wads_i)
list = wadList;
else {
list = nil;
Sys_Error ("Project: unknown browser to fill");
max =[list count];
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
name =[list elementAt:i];
[matrix addRow];
cell =[matrix cellAtRow: i column:0];
[cell setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:name]];
[cell setLeaf:YES];
[cell setLoaded:YES];
return i;
// Clicked on a map name or description!
id matrix;
int row;
char fname[1024];
id panel;
matrix =[sender matrixInColumn:0];
row =[matrix selectedRow];
sprintf (fname, "%s/%s.map", path_mapdirectory, (char *)[mapList elementAt:row]);
panel = NSGetAlertPanel (@"Loading...",
@"Loading map. Please wait.", NULL, NULL, NULL);
[panel orderFront:NULL];
[quakeed_i doOpen:fname];
[panel performClose:NULL];
// NSFreeAlertPanel(panel);
return self;
-setTextureWad:(char *) wf
int i, c;
char *name;
qprintf ("loading %s", wf);
// set the row in the settings inspector wad browser
c =[wadList count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
name = (char *)[wadList elementAt:i];
if (!strcmp (name, wf)) {
[[pis_wads_i matrixInColumn: 0] selectCellAtRow: i column:0];
// update the texture inspector
[texturepalette_i initPaletteFromWadfile:wf];
[[map_i objectAtIndex: 0] setKey: "wad" toValue:wf];
// [inspcontrol_i changeInspectorTo:i_textures];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
// Clicked on a wad name
id matrix;
int row;
char *name;
matrix =[sender matrixInColumn:0];
row =[matrix selectedRow];
name = (char *)[wadList elementAt:row];
[self setTextureWad:name];
return self;
// Read in the <name>.QE_Project file
char *path;
int rtn;
path =[preferences_i getProjectPath];
if (!path || !path[0] || access (path, 0)) {
rtn = NSRunAlertPanel (@"Project Error!",
@"A default project has not been found.\n",
@"Open Project", NULL, NULL);
if ([self openProject] == nil)
while (1) // can't run without a project
[NSApp terminate:self];
return self;
[self openProjectFile:path];
return self;
// Loads and parses a project file
-openProjectFile:(char *) path
FILE *fp;
struct stat s;
strcpy (path_projectinfo, path);
projectInfo = NULL;
fp = fopen (path, "r+t");
if (fp == NULL)
return self;
stat (path, &s);
lastModified = s.st_mtime;
projectInfo =[(Dict *)[Dict alloc] initFromFile:fp];
fclose (fp);
return self;
-(char *) currentProjectFile
return path_projectinfo;
// Open a project file
char path[128];
id openpanel;
int rtn;
NSString *projtypes[] = { @"qpr" };
NSArray *filenames;
const char *dir;
openpanel =[NSOpenPanel new];
// [openpanel allowMultipleFiles:NO];
// [openpanel chooseDirectories:NO];
rtn =[openpanel runModalForTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: projtypes count:1]];
if (rtn == NSOKButton) {
filenames =[openpanel filenames];
dir =[[openpanel directory] cString];
sprintf (path, "%s/%s", dir,[[filenames objectAtIndex:0] cString]);
strcpy (path_projectinfo, path);
[self openProjectFile:path];
return self;
return nil;
// Search for a string in a List of strings
-(int) searchForString:(char *)
str in:(id) obj
int i;
int max;
char *s;
max =[obj count];
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
s = (char *)[obj elementAt:i];
if (!strcmp (s, str))
return 1;
return 0;
-(char *) getMapDirectory
return path_mapdirectory;
-(char *) getFinalMapDirectory
return path_finalmapdir;
-(char *) getProgDirectory
return path_progdir;
// Return the WAD name for cmd-8
-(char *) getWAD8
if (!path_wad8[0])
return NULL;
return path_wad8;
// Return the WAD name for cmd-9
-(char *) getWAD9
if (!path_wad9[0])
return NULL;
return path_wad9;
// Return the WAD name for cmd-0
-(char *) getWAD0
if (!path_wad0[0])
return NULL;
return path_wad0;
// Return the FULLVIS cmd string
-(char *) getFullVisCmd
if (!string_fullvis[0])
return NULL;
return string_fullvis;
// Return the FASTVIS cmd string
-(char *) getFastVisCmd
if (!string_fastvis[0])
return NULL;
return string_fastvis;
// Return the NOVIS cmd string
-(char *) getNoVisCmd
if (!string_novis[0])
return NULL;
return string_novis;
// Return the RELIGHT cmd string
-(char *) getRelightCmd
if (!string_relight[0])
return NULL;
return string_relight;
// Return the LEAKTEST cmd string
-(char *) getLeaktestCmd
if (!string_leaktest[0])
return NULL;
return string_leaktest;
-(char *) getEntitiesCmd
if (!string_entities[0])
return NULL;
return string_entities;
// C Functions
// Change a character to a different char in a string
changeString (char cf, char ct, char *string)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < strlen (string); j++)
if (string[j] == cf)
string[j] = ct;