mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 12:42:32 +00:00
Some of them were actual leaks, but tracking memory should be a lot easier now. However, there's a lot of room for optimization of allocations (eg, recylcling of hierarchies. There is now 1 active allocation (according to tracy) when nq exits: Qgetline's string buffer (I think an api change is in order).
139 lines
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139 lines
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#ifndef __vid_vulkan_h
#define __vid_vulkan_h
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "QF/darray.h"
#include "QF/qtypes.h"
#include "QF/simd/types.h"
#include "tracy/TracyCVulkan.h"
#define qftCVkContextHostCalibrated(instance, physdev, device, instanceProcAddr, deviceProcAddr) TracyCVkContextHostCalibrated(instance, physdev, device, instanceProcAddr, deviceProcAddr)
#define qftCVkContextDestroy(ctx) TracyCVkDestroy( ctx )
#define qftCVkContextName(ctx, name, size) TracyCVkContextName(ctx, name, size)
#define qftCVkCollect(ctx, cmdbuf) TracyCVkCollect (ctx, cmdbuf)
static inline void __qftVkZoneEnd (___tracy_vkctx_scope ***zone)
TracyCVkZoneEnd (**zone);
#define __qftVkScoped(varname) \
__attribute__((cleanup(__qftVkZoneEnd))) \
___tracy_vkctx_scope **qfConcat(__qfScoped##varname, __COUNTER__) \
= &varname;
#define qftVkZone(ctx, cmdbuf, name) TracyCVkZone (ctx, cmdbuf, name)
#define qftVkScopedZone(ctx, cmdbuf, name) \
qftVkZone (ctx, cmdbuf, name) \
__qftVkScoped (___tracy_gpu_zone)
#define qftVkZoneC(ctx, cmdbuf, name, color) \
TracyCVkZoneC (ctx, cmdbuf, name, color)
#define qftVkScopedZoneC(ctx, cmdbuf, name, color) \
qftVkZoneC (ctx, cmdbuf, name, color) \
__qftVkScoped (___tracy_gpu_zone)
#define qftVkZoneEnd(varname) TracyCVkZoneEnd (varname)
#define qftVkContext(instance, physdev, device, queue, cmdbuf, instanceProcAddr, deviceProcAddr)
#define qftVkContextCalibrated(instance, physdev, device, queue, cmdbuf, instanceProcAddr, deviceProcAddr)
#define qftCVkContextHostCalibrated(instance, physdev, device, instanceProcAddr, deviceProcAddr)
#define qftCVkContextDestroy(ctx)
#define qftCVkContextName(ctx, name, size)
#define qftCVkCollect(ctx, cmdbuf)
#define qftVkZone(ctx, cmdbuf, name) \
do { (void)(ctx); (void) (cmdbuf); } while (0)
#define qftVkScopedZone(ctx, cmdbuf, name) qftVkZone (ctx, cmdbuf, name)
#define qftVkZoneC(ctx, cmdbuf, name, color) \
do { (void)(ctx); (void)(cmdbuf); (void)(name); (void)(color);} while (0)
#define qftVkScopedZoneC(ctx, cmdbuf, name, color) \
qftVkZoneC (ctx, cmdbuf, name, color)
#define qftVkZoneEnd(varname)
#define VA_CTX_COUNT 64
typedef struct vulkan_ctx_s {
void (*delete) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
void (*load_vulkan) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
void (*unload_vulkan) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
const char **required_extensions;
struct vulkan_presentation_s *presentation;
int (*get_presentation_support) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx,
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t queueFamilyIndex);
void (*choose_visual) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
void (*create_window) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
VkSurfaceKHR (*create_surface) (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
struct va_ctx_s *va_ctx;
struct qfv_instance_s *instance;
struct qfv_device_s *device;
struct qfv_swapchain_s *swapchain;
VkSampleCountFlagBits msaaSamples; // FIXME not here?
VkSurfaceKHR surface; //FIXME surface = window, so "contains" swapchain
uint32_t swapImageIndex;
struct scriptctx_s *script_context;
struct qfv_renderctx_s *render_context;
struct qfv_capturectx_s *capture_context;
struct qfv_mousepickctx_s *mousepick_context;
struct texturectx_s *texture_context;
struct matrixctx_s *matrix_context;
struct translucentctx_s *translucent_context;
struct aliasctx_s *alias_context;
struct bspctx_s *bsp_context;
struct iqmctx_s *iqm_context;
struct scenectx_s *scene_context;
struct palettectx_s *palette_context;
struct particlectx_s *particle_context;
struct planesctx_s *planes_context;
struct spritectx_s *sprite_context;
struct drawctx_s *draw_context;
struct lightingctx_s *lighting_context;
struct composectx_s *compose_context;
struct outputctx_s *output_context;
VkCommandPool cmdpool;
struct qfv_stagebuf_s *staging;
uint32_t curFrame;
struct qfv_tex_s *default_black;
struct qfv_tex_s *default_white;
struct qfv_tex_s *default_magenta;
struct qfv_tex_s *default_magenta_array;
// size of window
int window_width;
int window_height;
int twod_scale;
#define EXPORTED_VULKAN_FUNCTION(fname) PFN_##fname fname;
#define GLOBAL_LEVEL_VULKAN_FUNCTION(fname) PFN_##fname fname;
#include "QF/Vulkan/funclist.h"
} vulkan_ctx_t;
#define qfvPushDebug(ctx, x) \
do { \
if (developer & SYS_vulkan) { \
DARRAY_APPEND(&(ctx)->instance->debug_stack, (x)); \
} \
} while (0)
#define qfvPopDebug(ctx) \
do { \
if (developer & SYS_vulkan) { \
__auto_type ds = &(ctx)->instance->debug_stack; \
DARRAY_REMOVE_AT(ds, ds->size - 1); \
} \
} while (0)