Zephaniah E. Hull 3715430479 This is changing more then I wanted to at once, however.
The major change is that we no longer require libGL to even exist on the
system at compile time for the GL targets, we dynamicly link to the
libGL of choice at run time. (This probably breaks most non-linux
systems, and all GL targets except -glx, some fixup will be needed.)
(This also kills glquake, dead dead DEAD! GONE FOREVER! WHEE!)

Some gl_draw cleanup.

Commented out equake alias model occlusion test stuff, very experimental.

Added the .lo and .la patterns to the .gitignore files.

Some minor sbar cleanup. (We don't use the disc in use symbol for
2001-06-24 09:25:55 +00:00

316 lines
7.9 KiB

model loading and caching
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
// models are the only shared resource between a client and server running
// on the same machine.
# include "config.h"
# include <string.h>
# include <strings.h>
#include "compat.h"
#include "QF/console.h"
#include "QF/model.h"
#include "QF/qendian.h"
#include "QF/skin.h"
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "QF/GL/qf_textures.h"
byte player_8bit_texels[320 * 200];
extern model_t *loadmodel;
extern char loadname[];
extern aliashdr_t *pheader;
extern stvert_t stverts[MAXALIASVERTS];
extern mtriangle_t triangles[MAXALIASTRIS];
// a pose is a single set of vertexes. a frame may be
// an animating sequence of poses
extern trivertx_t *poseverts[MAXALIASFRAMES];
extern int posenum;
Fill background pixels so mipmapping doesn't have haloes - Ed
typedef struct {
short x, y;
} floodfill_t;
extern unsigned int d_8to24table[];
// must be a power of 2
#define FLOODFILL_FIFO_SIZE 0x1000
#define FLOODFILL_STEP( off, dx, dy ) \
{ \
if (pos[off] == fillcolor) \
{ \
pos[off] = 255; \
fifo[inpt].x = x + (dx), fifo[inpt].y = y + (dy); \
inpt = (inpt + 1) & FLOODFILL_FIFO_MASK; \
} \
else if (pos[off] != 255) fdc = pos[off]; \
Mod_FloodFillSkin (byte * skin, int skinwidth, int skinheight)
byte fillcolor = *skin; // assume this is the pixel to fill
floodfill_t fifo[FLOODFILL_FIFO_SIZE];
int inpt = 0, outpt = 0;
int filledcolor = -1;
int i;
if (filledcolor == -1) {
filledcolor = 0;
// attempt to find opaque black
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
if (d_8to24table[i] == (255 << 0)) // alpha 1.0
filledcolor = i;
// can't fill to filled color or to transparent color (used as visited
// marker)
if ((fillcolor == filledcolor) || (fillcolor == 255)) {
//printf ("not filling skin from %d to %d\n", fillcolor, filledcolor);
fifo[inpt].x = 0, fifo[inpt].y = 0;
inpt = (inpt + 1) & FLOODFILL_FIFO_MASK;
while (outpt != inpt) {
int x = fifo[outpt].x, y = fifo[outpt].y;
int fdc = filledcolor;
byte *pos = &skin[x + skinwidth * y];
outpt = (outpt + 1) & FLOODFILL_FIFO_MASK;
if (x > 0)
FLOODFILL_STEP (-1, -1, 0);
if (x < skinwidth - 1)
if (y > 0)
FLOODFILL_STEP (-skinwidth, 0, -1);
if (y < skinheight - 1)
FLOODFILL_STEP (skinwidth, 0, 1);
skin[x + skinwidth * y] = fdc;
int Mod_Fullbright (byte * skin, int width, int height, char *name);
void *
Mod_LoadSkin (byte * skin, int skinsize, int snum, int gnum, qboolean group)
char name[32];
int fbtexnum;
Mod_FloodFillSkin (skin, pheader->mdl.skinwidth, pheader->mdl.skinheight);
// save 8 bit texels for the player model to remap
if (!strcmp (loadmodel->name, "progs/player.mdl")) {
byte *texels;
if (skinsize > sizeof (player_8bit_texels))
Sys_Error ("Player skin too large");
texels = Hunk_AllocName (skinsize, loadname);
pheader->texels[snum] = texels - (byte *) pheader;
memcpy (texels, skin, skinsize);
memcpy (player_8bit_texels, skin, skinsize);
if (group) {
snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "fb_%s_%i_%i", loadmodel->name, snum,
} else {
snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "fb_%s_%i", loadmodel->name, snum);
fbtexnum =
Mod_Fullbright (skin + 1, pheader->mdl.skinwidth,
pheader->mdl.skinheight, name);
if ((loadmodel->hasfullbrights = (fbtexnum))) {
pheader->gl_fb_texturenum[snum][gnum] = fbtexnum;
if (group) {
snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "%s_%i_%i", loadmodel->name, snum, gnum);
} else {
snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "%s_%i", loadmodel->name, snum);
pheader->gl_texturenum[snum][gnum] =
GL_LoadTexture (name, pheader->mdl.skinwidth,
pheader->mdl.skinheight, skin, true, false, 1);
// alpha param was true for non group skins
return skin + skinsize;
void *
Mod_LoadAllSkins (int numskins, daliasskintype_t *pskintype, int *pskinindex)
int i, j, k;
int skinsize;
byte *skin;
daliasskingroup_t *pinskingroup;
int groupskins;
daliasskininterval_t *pinskinintervals;
if (numskins < 1 || numskins > MAX_SKINS)
Sys_Error ("Mod_LoadAliasModel: Invalid # of skins: %d\n", numskins);
skinsize = pheader->mdl.skinwidth * pheader->mdl.skinheight;
for (i = 0; i < numskins; i++) {
if (pskintype->type == ALIAS_SKIN_SINGLE) {
skin = (byte *) (pskintype + 1);
skin = Mod_LoadSkin (skin, skinsize, i, 0, false);
for (j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
pheader->gl_texturenum[i][j] = pheader->gl_texturenum[i][j - 1];
pheader->gl_fb_texturenum[i][j] =
pheader->gl_fb_texturenum[i][j - 1];
} else {
// animating skin group. yuck.
// Con_Printf("Animating Skin Group, if you get this message
// please notify warp@debian.org\n");
pinskingroup = (daliasskingroup_t *) pskintype;
groupskins = LittleLong (pinskingroup->numskins);
pinskinintervals = (daliasskininterval_t *) (pinskingroup + 1);
pskintype = (void *) (pinskinintervals + groupskins);
skin = (byte *) pskintype;
for (j = 0; j < groupskins; j++) {
skin = Mod_LoadSkin (skin, skinsize, i, j & 3, true);
k = j;
for ( /* */ ; j < 4; j++) {
pheader->gl_texturenum[i][j] = pheader->gl_texturenum[i][j - k];
pheader->gl_fb_texturenum[i][j] =
pheader->gl_fb_texturenum[i][j - k];
pskintype = (daliasskintype_t *) skin;
return pskintype;
void *
Mod_LoadAliasFrame (void *pin, maliasframedesc_t *frame)
trivertx_t *pinframe;
int i;
daliasframe_t *pdaliasframe;
pdaliasframe = (daliasframe_t *) pin;
strcpy (frame->name, pdaliasframe->name);
frame->firstpose = posenum;
frame->numposes = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// byte values, don't worry about endianness
frame->bboxmin.v[i] = pdaliasframe->bboxmin.v[i];
frame->bboxmax.v[i] = pdaliasframe->bboxmax.v[i];
pinframe = (trivertx_t *) (pdaliasframe + 1);
poseverts[posenum] = pinframe;
pinframe += pheader->mdl.numverts;
return (void *) pinframe;
void *
Mod_LoadAliasGroup (void *pin, maliasframedesc_t *frame)
daliasgroup_t *pingroup;
int i, numframes;
daliasinterval_t *pin_intervals;
void *ptemp;
pingroup = (daliasgroup_t *) pin;
numframes = LittleLong (pingroup->numframes);
frame->firstpose = posenum;
frame->numposes = numframes;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// these are byte values, so we don't have to worry about endianness
frame->bboxmin.v[i] = pingroup->bboxmin.v[i];
frame->bboxmax.v[i] = pingroup->bboxmax.v[i];
pin_intervals = (daliasinterval_t *) (pingroup + 1);
frame->interval = LittleFloat (pin_intervals->interval);
pin_intervals += numframes;
ptemp = (void *) pin_intervals;
for (i = 0; i < numframes; i++) {
poseverts[posenum] = (trivertx_t *) ((daliasframe_t *) ptemp + 1);
ptemp = (trivertx_t *) ((daliasframe_t *) ptemp + 1) + pheader->mdl.numverts;
return ptemp;