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synced 2025-03-04 08:22:16 +00:00
This is an extremely extensive patch as it hits every cvar, and every usage of the cvars. Cvars no longer store the value they control, instead, they use a cexpr value object to reference the value and specify the value's type (currently, a null type is used for strings). Non-string cvars are passed through cexpr, allowing expressions in the cvars' settings. Also, cvars have returned to an enhanced version of the original (id quake) registration scheme. As a minor benefit, relevant code having direct access to the cvar-controlled variables is probably a slight optimization as it removed a pointer dereference, and the variables can be located for data locality. The static cvar descriptors are made private as an additional safety layer, though there's nothing stopping external modification via Cvar_FindVar (which is needed for adding listeners). While not used yet (partly due to working out the design), cvars can have a validation function. Registering a cvar allows a primary listener (and its data) to be specified: it will always be called first when the cvar is modified. The combination of proper listeners and direct access to the controlled variable greatly simplifies the more complex cvar interactions as much less null checking is required, and there's no need for one cvar's callback to call another's. nq-x11 is known to work at least well enough for the demos. More testing will come.
304 lines
7.9 KiB
304 lines
7.9 KiB
Client definitions
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#ifndef __client_h
#define __client_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include "QF/mathlib.h"
#include "QF/model.h"
#include "QF/quakefs.h"
#include "QF/sound.h"
#include "QF/render.h"
#include "client/chase.h"
#include "client/entities.h"
#include "client/input.h"
#include "client/state.h"
#include "client/view.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "netmain.h"
#include "protocol.h"
typedef struct usercmd_s {
vec3_t viewangles;
// intended velocities
float forwardmove;
float sidemove;
float upmove;
} usercmd_t;
// client_state_t should hold all pieces of the client state
typedef enum {
} signon_t;
#define MAX_DEMOS 8
#define MAX_DEMONAME 16
typedef enum {
ca_disconnected, // full screen console with no connection
ca_connected, // talking to a server
ca_active, // everything is in, so frames can be rendered
} cactive_t;
typedef enum {
} dltype_t; // download type
the client_static_t structure is persistant through an arbitrary number
of server connections
typedef struct {
// connection information
cactive_t state;
signon_t signon;
// network stuff
struct qsocket_s *netcon;
sizebuf_t message; // writing buffer to send to server
// demo loop control
int demonum; // -1 = don't play demos
char demos[MAX_DEMOS][MAX_DEMONAME]; // when not playing
QFile *demofile;
qboolean demorecording;
int demo_capture;
qboolean demoplayback;
int forcetrack; // -1 = use normal cd track
qboolean timedemo;
int td_lastframe; // to meter out one message a frame
int td_startframe; // host_framecount at start
double td_starttime; // realtime at second frame of timedemo
} client_static_t;
extern client_static_t cls;
#define FPD_NO_MACROS 0x0001 // Many clients ignore this, and it isn't used, but let's honor it
#define FPD_NO_TIMERS 0x0002 // We never allow timers anyway
#define FPD_NO_STRIGGER 0x0004 // Don't have soundtrigger yet, but this disables it
#define FPD_HIDE_PERCENTE 0x0020 // Ditto
#define FPD_HIDE_POINT 0x0080 // Can ignore if we do visibility checking for point
#define FPD_NO_TEAMSKIN 0x0100 // Disable skin force
#define FPD_NO_TEAMCOLOR 0x0200 // Disable color force
#define FPD_HIDE_ITEM 0x0400 // No idea what this does
#define FPD_LIMIT_PITCH 0x4000 // Limit pitchspeed
#define FPD_LIMIT_YAW 0x8000 // Limit yawspeed
// These limits prevent a usable RJ script, requiring > 0.1 sec of turning time.
#define FPD_MAXPITCH 1000
#define FPD_MAXYAW 2000
the client_state_t structure is wiped completely at every server signon
typedef struct client_state_s {
qboolean loading;
int movemessages; // Since connecting to this server throw out
// the first couple, so the player doesn't
// accidentally do something the first frame
usercmd_t cmd; // Last command sent to the server
// information for local display
int stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; // Health, etc
float item_gettime[32]; // cl.time of aquiring item, for blinking
float faceanimtime; // Use anim frame if cl.time < this
// The client maintains its own idea of view angles, which are sent to the
// server each frame. The server sets punchangle when the view is temporarily
// offset, and an angle reset commands at the start of each level and after
// teleporting.
int frameIndex;
vec3_t frameViewAngles[2]; // During demo playback viewangles is lerped
// between these
vec4f_t frameVelocity[2]; // Update by server, used for lean+bob
// (0 is newest)
viewstate_t viewstate;
movestate_t movestate;
chasestate_t chasestate;
qboolean paused; // Sent over by server
float crouch; // Local amount for smoothing stepups
qboolean inwater;
int intermission; // Don't change view angle, full screen, etc
int completed_time; // Latched from time at intermission start
double mtime[2]; // The timestamp of last two messages
double time; // Clients view of time, should be between
// servertime and oldvertime to generate a
// lerp point for other data
double oldtime; // Previous cl.time, time-oldtime is used
// to decay light values and smooth step ups
double last_ping_request; // while showing scoreboard
double last_servermessage; // (realtime) for net trouble icon
/* information that is static for the entire time connected to a server */
struct sfx_s *sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS];
int numsounds;
char levelname[40]; // for display on solo scoreboard
int spectator;
int playernum;
int viewentity; // cl_entitites[cl.viewentity] = player
unsigned protocol;
float stdver;
int gametype;
int maxclients;
// serverinfo mirrors
int sv_cshifts;
int no_pogo_stick;
int teamplay;
int watervis;
int fpd;
int fbskins;
// refresh related state
int num_entities; // held in cl_entities array
int cdtrack; // cd audio
// all player information
player_info_t *players;
lightstyle_t lightstyle[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
} client_state_t;
// cvars
extern char *cl_name;
extern int cl_color;
extern int cl_shownet;
extern int cl_nolerp;
extern char *cl_name;
extern int cl_writecfg;
extern int cl_cshift_bonus;
extern int cl_cshift_contents;
extern int cl_cshift_damage;
extern int cl_cshift_powerup;
extern int noskins;
extern client_state_t cl;
extern struct entity_s *cl_entities[MAX_EDICTS];
extern double cl_msgtime[MAX_EDICTS];
extern struct set_s cl_forcelink;
extern int fps_count;
extern void (*write_angles) (sizebuf_t *sb, const vec3_t angles);
// cl_main
struct cbuf_s;
void CL_Init (struct cbuf_s *cbuf);
void CL_InitCvars (void);
void CL_ClearMemory (void);
int CL_ReadConfiguration (const char *cfg_name);
void CL_EstablishConnection (const char *host);
void CL_Signon1 (void);
void CL_Signon2 (void);
void CL_Signon3 (void);
void CL_Signon4 (void);
void CL_Disconnect (void);
void CL_Disconnect_f (void);
void CL_NextDemo (void);
// cl_input
void CL_Init_Input (struct cbuf_s *cbuf);
void CL_Init_Input_Cvars (void);
void CL_SendCmd (void);
void CL_SendMove (usercmd_t *cmd);
void CL_ClearState (void);
int CL_ReadFromServer (void);
void CL_WriteToServer (usercmd_t *cmd);
void CL_BaseMove (usercmd_t *cmd);
// cl_demo.c
void CL_StopPlayback (void);
void CL_StopRecording (void);
void CL_Record (const char *argv1, int track);
int CL_GetMessage (void);
void CL_Demo_Init (void);
extern int demo_gzip;
extern float demo_speed;
// cl_parse.c
struct skin_s;
void CL_ParseServerMessage (void);
void CL_NewTranslation (int slot, struct skin_s *skin);
// cl_tent
void CL_SignonReply (void);
void CL_RelinkEntities (void);
void CL_ClearEnts (void);
struct entity_s *CL_GetEntity (int num);
extern double realtime;
extern qboolean recording;
struct cvar_s;
void Cvar_Info (void *data, const struct cvar_s *cvar);
void CL_UpdateScreen (double realtime);
void CL_SetState (cactive_t state);
void CL_Cmd_ForwardToServer (void);
#endif // __client_h