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synced 2025-03-03 15:51:06 +00:00
The renderer can now render as many entities as can be crammed into the currently visible set of nodes.
374 lines
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374 lines
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private refresh defs
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#ifndef _R_LOCAL_H
#define _R_LOCAL_H
#include "QF/mathlib.h"
#include "QF/vid.h"
#include "QF/model.h"
#include "r_shared.h"
#define ALIAS_BASE_SIZE_RATIO (1.0 / 11.0)
// normalizing factor so player model works out to about
// 1 pixel per triangle
#define BMODEL_FULLY_CLIPPED 0x10 // value returned by R_BmodelCheckBBox ()
// if bbox is trivially rejected
// color shifts =============================================================
typedef struct
int destcolor[3];
int percent; // 0-255
} cshift_t;
#define CSHIFT_BONUS 2
#define NUM_CSHIFTS 4
// viewmodel lighting =======================================================
typedef struct {
int ambientlight;
int shadelight;
float *plightvec;
} alight_t;
// clipped bmodel edges =====================================================
typedef struct bedge_s
mvertex_t *v[2];
struct bedge_s *pnext;
} bedge_t;
typedef struct {
float fv[3]; // viewspace x, y
} auxvert_t;
extern struct cvar_s *r_draworder;
extern struct cvar_s *r_speeds;
extern struct cvar_s *r_timegraph;
extern struct cvar_s *r_graphheight;
extern struct cvar_s *r_clearcolor;
extern struct cvar_s *r_waterwarp;
extern struct cvar_s *r_fullbright;
extern struct cvar_s *r_drawentities;
extern struct cvar_s *r_aliasstats;
extern struct cvar_s *r_dspeeds;
extern struct cvar_s *r_drawflat;
extern struct cvar_s *r_ambient;
extern struct cvar_s *r_reportsurfout;
extern struct cvar_s *r_maxsurfs;
extern struct cvar_s *r_numsurfs;
extern struct cvar_s *r_reportedgeout;
extern struct cvar_s *r_maxedges;
extern struct cvar_s *r_numedges;
extern float cl_wateralpha;
#define XCENTERING (1.0 / 2.0)
#define YCENTERING (1.0 / 2.0)
#define CLIP_EPSILON 0.001
#define DIST_NOT_SET 98765
// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
typedef struct clipplane_s
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
struct clipplane_s *next;
byte leftedge;
byte rightedge;
byte reserved[2];
} clipplane_t;
extern clipplane_t view_clipplanes[4];
void R_RenderWorld (void);
extern mplane_t screenedge[4];
extern vec3_t r_origin;
extern vec3_t r_entorigin;
extern float screenAspect;
extern float verticalFieldOfView;
extern float xOrigin, yOrigin;
extern int r_visframecount;
extern int vstartscan;
void R_ClearPolyList (void);
void R_DrawPolyList (void);
// current entity info
extern qboolean insubmodel;
extern vec3_t r_worldmodelorg;
void R_DrawSprite (void);
void R_RenderFace (msurface_t *fa, int clipflags);
void R_RenderPoly (msurface_t *fa, int clipflags);
void R_RenderBmodelFace (bedge_t *pedges, msurface_t *psurf);
void R_TransformPlane (mplane_t *p, float *normal, float *dist);
void R_TransformFrustum (void);
void R_SetSkyFrame (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock (void);
texture_t *R_TextureAnimation (msurface_t *surf);
void R_GenSkyTile (void *pdest);
void R_SurfPatch (void);
void R_DrawSubmodelPolygons (model_t *pmodel, int clipflags);
void R_DrawSolidClippedSubmodelPolygons (model_t *pmodel);
void R_AddPolygonEdges (emitpoint_t *pverts, int numverts, int miplevel);
surf_t *R_GetSurf (void);
void R_AliasDrawModel (alight_t *plighting);
void R_BeginEdgeFrame (void);
void R_ScanEdges (void);
void D_DrawSurfaces (void);
void R_InsertNewEdges (edge_t *edgestoadd, edge_t *edgelist);
void R_StepActiveU (edge_t *pedge);
void R_RemoveEdges (edge_t *pedge);
extern void R_Surf8Start (void);
extern void R_Surf8End (void);
extern void R_EdgeCodeStart (void);
extern void R_EdgeCodeEnd (void);
extern void R_RotateBmodel (void);
extern int c_faceclip;
extern int r_polycount;
extern int r_wholepolycount;
extern model_t *cl_worldmodel;
extern int *pfrustum_indexes[4];
// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
#define NEAR_CLIP 0.01
extern int ubasestep, errorterm, erroradjustup, erroradjustdown;
extern int vstartscan;
extern fixed16_t sadjust, tadjust;
extern fixed16_t bbextents, bbextentt;
#define MAXBVERTINDEXES 1000 // new clipped vertices when clipping bmodels
// to the world BSP
extern mvertex_t *r_ptverts, *r_ptvertsmax;
extern vec3_t sbaseaxis[3], tbaseaxis[3];
extern float entity_rotation[3][3];
extern int reinit_surfcache;
extern int r_currentkey;
extern int r_currentbkey;
typedef struct btofpoly_s {
int clipflags;
msurface_t *psurf;
} btofpoly_t;
#define MAX_BTOFPOLYS 5000 // FIXME: tune this
extern int numbtofpolys;
extern btofpoly_t *pbtofpolys;
void R_InitTurb (void);
void R_ZDrawSubmodelPolys (model_t *clmodel);
// Alias models ===========================================
extern int numverts;
extern int a_skinwidth;
extern mtriangle_t *ptriangles;
extern int numtriangles;
extern aliashdr_t *paliashdr;
extern mdl_t *pmdl;
extern float leftclip, topclip, rightclip, bottomclip;
extern int r_acliptype;
extern finalvert_t *pfinalverts;
extern auxvert_t *pauxverts;
qboolean R_AliasCheckBBox (void);
// turbulence stuff =======================================
#define AMP 8*0x10000
#define AMP2 3
#define SPEED 20
// particle stuff =========================================
void R_DrawParticles (void);
void R_InitParticles (void);
void R_ClearParticles (void);
void R_ReadPointFile_f (void);
void R_InitSprites (void);
void R_SurfacePatch (void);
extern float r_gravity;
// renderer stuff again ===================================
extern int r_amodels_drawn;
extern edge_t *auxedges;
extern int r_numallocatededges;
extern edge_t *r_edges, *edge_p, *edge_max;
extern edge_t *newedges[MAXHEIGHT];
extern edge_t *removeedges[MAXHEIGHT];
extern int screenwidth;
// FIXME: make stack vars when debugging done
extern edge_t edge_head;
extern edge_t edge_tail;
extern edge_t edge_aftertail;
extern int r_bmodelactive;
extern vrect_t *pconupdate;
extern float aliasxscale, aliasyscale, aliasxcenter, aliasycenter;
extern float r_aliastransition, r_resfudge;
extern int r_outofsurfaces;
extern int r_outofedges;
extern mvertex_t *r_pcurrentvertbase;
extern int r_maxvalidedgeoffset;
void R_AliasClipTriangle (mtriangle_t *ptri);
extern float r_time1;
extern float dp_time1, dp_time2, db_time1, db_time2, rw_time1, rw_time2;
extern float se_time1, se_time2, de_time1, de_time2, dv_time1, dv_time2;
extern int r_frustum_indexes[4*6];
extern int r_maxsurfsseen, r_maxedgesseen, r_cnumsurfs;
extern qboolean r_surfsonstack;
extern qboolean r_dowarpold, r_viewchanged;
extern mleaf_t *r_viewleaf, *r_oldviewleaf;
extern int r_clipflags;
extern int r_dlightframecount;
extern qboolean r_fov_greater_than_90;
extern struct entity_s *r_ent_queue;
struct dlight_s;
void R_StoreEfrags (const efrag_t *ppefrag);
void R_TimeRefresh_f (void);
void R_TimeGraph (void);
void R_ZGraph (void);
void R_PrintAliasStats (void);
void R_PrintTimes (void);
void R_PrintDSpeeds (void);
void R_AnimateLight (void);
int R_LightPoint (const vec3_t p);
void R_SetupFrame (void);
void R_cshift_f (void);
void R_EmitEdge (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1);
void R_ClipEdge (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1, clipplane_t *clip);
void R_RecursiveMarkLights (const vec3_t lightorigin, struct dlight_s *light,
int bit, mnode_t *node);
void R_MarkLights (const vec3_t lightorigin, struct dlight_s *light, int bit,
model_t *model);
void R_LoadSkys (const char *);
void R_LowFPPrecision (void);
void R_HighFPPrecision (void);
void R_SetFPCW (void);
void R_AliasProjectFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av);
void R_Alias_clip_left (finalvert_t *pfv0, finalvert_t *pfv1,
finalvert_t *out);
void R_Alias_clip_right (finalvert_t *pfv0, finalvert_t *pfv1,
finalvert_t *out);
void R_Alias_clip_bottom (finalvert_t *pfv0, finalvert_t *pfv1,
finalvert_t *out);
void R_Alias_clip_top (finalvert_t *pfv0, finalvert_t *pfv1, finalvert_t *out);
void R_AliasSetUpTransform (int trivial_accept);
void R_AliasTransformVector (vec3_t in, vec3_t out);
void R_AliasTransformFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv, auxvert_t *av,
trivertx_t *pverts, stvert_t *pstverts);
void R_AliasTransformAndProjectFinalVerts (finalvert_t *fv, stvert_t *pstverts);
void R_GenerateSpans (void);
void R_InitVars (void);
void R_LoadSky_f (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock_mip0 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock_mip1 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock_mip2 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock_mip3 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock16_mip0 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock16_mip1 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock16_mip2 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock16_mip3 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32_mip0 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32_mip1 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32_mip2 (void);
void R_DrawSurfaceBlock32_mip3 (void);
#endif // _R_LOCAL_H