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#ifndef __ruamoko_gui_InputLine_h
#define __ruamoko_gui_InputLine_h
#include <gui/View.h>
/** \defgroup inputline Low level intputline interface.
\ingroup gui
Interface functions to the engine implementation.
/** Opaque handle to an inputline.
\warning Not a real pointer. Dereferencing leads to nasal-dragon
infested lands.
typedef struct _inputline_t *inputline_t;
/** Create a new inputline.
The inputline will be positioned at 0,0 with the cursor enabled.
\param lines The number of lines of input history.
\param size The maximum length of the input string.
\param prompt The prompt to display.
\return The inputline handle.
@extern inputline_t InputLine_Create (int lines, int size, int prompt);
/** Set the visual location of the input line.
The coordinates are defined by the display system (pixels for clients,
character cells for servers).
\param il The inputline handle.
\param x The X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the inputline.
\param y The Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the inputline.
@extern void InputLine_SetPos (inputline_t il, int x, int y);
/** Turn the inputline's cursor on or off.
\param il The inputline handle.
\param cursor 0 turns off the cursor, non-0 turns it on.
@extern void InputLine_SetCursor (inputline_t il, int cursor);
typedef void (il_enterfunc)(string, void*);
/** Set the callback function for when the enter key is pressed.
\param il The inputline handle.
\param f The callback function. The first parameter is the text
of the input line and the second is \a data.
\param data Pointer to a data block to be passed to the callback
@extern @overload void InputLine_SetEnter (inputline_t il, il_enterfunc f, void *data);
/** Set the callback method for when the enter key is pressed.
The method will be called with a single string parameter representing the
text of the inputline. eg:
-enter: (string) text;
\param il The inputline handle.
\param imp The implementation of the method.
\param obj The object receiving the message.
\param sel The selector representing the message.
@extern @overload void InputLine_SetEnter (inputline_t il, IMP imp, id obj, SEL sel);
/** Set the visible width of the inputline.
\param il The inputline handle.
\param width The width of the inputline in character cells.
@extern void InputLine_SetWidth (inputline_t il, int width);
/** Destroy an inputline, freeing its resources.
\param il The inputline handle.
@extern void InputLine_Destroy (inputline_t il);
/** Clear the inputline's text.
\param il The inputline handle.
\param save If true, the current text will be saved to the history.
@extern void InputLine_Clear (inputline_t il, int save);
/** Process a keystroke.
\param il The inputline handle.
\param key The Quake key code for the key press.
@extern void InputLine_Process (inputline_t il, int key);
/** Draw the inputline to the screen.
Drawing is handled by the engine.
\param il The inputline handle.
@extern void InputLine_Draw (inputline_t il);
/** Set the text of the inputline
\param il The inputline handle.
\param str The text to which the inputline will be set.
@extern void InputLine_SetText (inputline_t il, string str);
/** Retrieve the text of the inputline.
\param il The inputline handle.
\return The current text of the intputline.
@extern string InputLine_GetText (inputline_t il);
/** \addtogroup gui */
/** Class representation of the low-level inputline objects.
@interface InputLine: View
inputline_t il; ///< The inputline handle.
/** Initialize.
\note The size of the bounds parameter is interpreted differently to
usual. The width is in character cells and the hight is used
for the number of lines of history.
\param aRect The bounds of the inputline.
\param char The prompt character.
\todo the size thing is stupid and broken.
- (id) initWithBounds: (Rect)aRect promptCharacter: (int)char;
/** Set the visible width of the inputline.
\param width The visible width of the inputline.
\todo the size thing is stupid and broken.
- (void) setWidth: (int)width;
/** Set up the XXX for when the enter key is pressed.
The method will be called with a single string parameter representing the
text of the inputline. eg:
-enter: (string) text;
\param obj The object receiving the message.
\param msg The selector representing the message.
\todo -(void) set[X]Action: (SEL)aSelector;
\todo -(void) setTarget: (id)ahnObject;
- (void) setEnter: obj message:(SEL) msg;
/** Turn the inputline's cursor on or off.
\param cursor 0 turns off the cursor, non-0 turns it on.
- (void) cursor: (BOOL)cursor;
/** Process a keystroke.
\param key The Quake key code for the key press.
- (void) processInput: (int)key;
/** Set the text of the inputline
\param text The text to which the inputline will be set.
- (id) setText: (string)text;
/** Retrieve the text of the inputline.
\return The current text of the intputline.
- (string) text;
@interface InputLineBox: View
InputLine *input_line;
/** Initialize.
\note The size of the bounds parameter is interpreted differently to
usual. The width is in character cells and the hight is used
for the number of lines of history.
\param aRect The bounds of the inputline.
\param char The prompt character.
\todo the size thing is stupid and broken.
- (id) initWithBounds: (Rect)aRect promptCharacter: (int)char;
/** Set the visible width of the inputline.
\param width The visible width of the inputline.
\todo the size thing is stupid and broken.
- (void) setWidth: (int)width;
/** Set up the target/action for when the enter key is pressed.
The method will be called with a single string parameter representing the
text of the inputline. eg:
-enter: (string) text;
\param obj The object receiving the message.
\param msg The selector representing the message.
\todo -(void) set[X]Action: (SEL)aSelector;
\todo -(void) setTarget: (id)ahnObject;
- (void) setEnter: obj message:(SEL) msg;
/** Turn the inputline's cursor on or off.
\param cursor 0 turns off the cursor, non-0 turns it on.
- (void) cursor: (BOOL)cursor;
/** Process a keystroke.
\param key The Quake key code for the key press.
- (void) processInput: (int)key;
/** Set the text of the inputline
\param text The text to which the inputline will be set.
- (id) setText: (string)text;
/** Retrieve the text of the inputline.
\return The current text of the intputline.
- (string) text;
#endif //__ruamoko_gui_InputLine_h