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synced 2025-03-09 02:40:52 +00:00
It does make for cleaner could, though it would have been nice if NSData was null terminated :P
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108 lines
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#ifndef Project_h
#define Project_h
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define BASEPATHKEY "basepath"
#define MAPNAMESKEY "maps"
#define DESCKEY "desc"
#define WADSKEY "wads"
#define BSPFULLVIS "bspfullvis"
#define BSPFASTVIS "bspfastvis"
#define BSPNOVIS "bspnovis"
#define BSPRELIGHT "bsprelight"
#define BSPLEAKTEST "bspleaktest"
#define BSPENTITIES "bspentities"
#define SUBDIR_ENT @"progs" // subdir names in heirarchy
#define SUBDIR_MAPS @"maps"
#define SUBDIR_GFX @"gfx"
extern id project_i;
@interface Project: NSObject
id projectInfo; // dictionary storage of project info
id basepathinfo_i; // outlet to base path info textfield
id mapbrowse_i; // outlet to QuakeEd Maps browser
id currentmap_i; // outlet to current map textfield
struct plitem_s *mapList; // list of map names
struct plitem_s *descList; // list of map descriptions
struct plitem_s *wadList; // list of wad names
id pis_panel_i; // outlet to Project Info Settings (PIS)
// panel
id pis_basepath_i; // outlet to PIS->base path
id pis_wads_i; // outlet to PIS->wad browser
id pis_fullvis_i; // outlet to PIS->full vis command
id pis_fastvis_i; // outlet to PIS->fast vis command
id pis_novis_i; // outlet to PIS->no vis command
id pis_relight_i; // outlet to PIS->relight command
id pis_leaktest_i; // outlet to PIS->leak test command
id BSPoutput_i; // outlet to Text
NSString *path_projectinfo; // path of QE_Project file
NSString *path_basepath; // base path of heirarchy
NSString *path_progdir; // derived from basepath
NSString *path_mapdirectory; // derived from basepath
NSString *path_finalmapdir; // derived from basepath
char path_wad8[128]; // path of texture WAD for cmd-8 key
char path_wad9[128]; // path of texture WAD for cmd-9 key
char path_wad0[128]; // path of texture WAD for cmd-0 key
const char *string_fullvis; // cmd-line parm
const char *string_fastvis; // cmd-line parm
const char *string_novis; // cmd-line parm
const char *string_relight; // cmd-line parm
const char *string_leaktest; // cmd-line parm
const char *string_entities; // cmd-line parm
int showDescriptions; // 1 = show map descs in browser
- (id) initProject;
- (id) initVars;
- (NSString *) currentProjectFile;
- (id) setTextureWad: (const char *)wf;
- (id) addToOutput: (const char *)string;
- (id) clearBspOutput: (id)sender;
- (id) initProjSettings;
- (id) parseProjectFile; // read defaultsdatabase for project path
- (id) openProjectFile: (NSString *)path; // called by openProject, newProject
- (id) openProject;
- (id) clickedOnMap: sender; // called if clicked on map in browser
- (id) clickedOnWad: sender; // called if clicked on wad in browser
// methods to query the project file
- (NSString *) baseDirectoryPath;
- (NSString *) getMapDirectory;
- (NSString *) getFinalMapDirectory;
- (NSString *) getProgDirectory;
- (const char *) getWAD8;
- (const char *) getWAD9;
- (const char *) getWAD0;
- (const char *) getFullVisCmd;
- (const char *) getFastVisCmd;
- (const char *) getNoVisCmd;
- (const char *) getRelightCmd;
- (const char *) getLeaktestCmd;
- (const char *) getEntitiesCmd;
#endif // Project_h