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// QuakeEd Project Management
#import "qedefs.h"
#import "Preferences.h"
Project * project;
@implementation Project
- init
project = self;
return self;
// Project code
- initVars
NSString *s = [[Preferences sharedInstance] objectForKey: ProjectPath];
_basePath = [s stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
_progsPath = [_basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent: EntSubdir];
_mapPath = [_basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent: MapSubdir];
_finalMapPath = [_basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent: MapSubdir];
[pBasePathField setStringValue: s]; // in Project Inspector
if ((s = [projectInfo objectForKey: BSPFullVis])) {
_fullVisCommand = [[[s componentsSeparatedByString: @"@"]
componentsJoinedByString: @"\""] retain];
if ((s = [projectInfo objectForKey: BSPFastVis])) {
_fastVisCommand = [[[s componentsSeparatedByString: @"@"]
componentsJoinedByString: @"\""] retain];
if ((s = [projectInfo objectForKey: BSPNoVis])) {
_noVisCommand = [[[s componentsSeparatedByString: @"@"]
componentsJoinedByString: @"\""] retain];
if ((s = [projectInfo objectForKey: BSPRelight])) {
_relightCommand = [[[s componentsSeparatedByString: @"@"]
componentsJoinedByString: @"\""] retain];
if ((s = [projectInfo objectForKey: BSPLeakTest])) {
_leakTestCommand = [[[s componentsSeparatedByString: @"@"]
componentsJoinedByString: @"\""] retain];
if ((s = [projectInfo objectForKey: BSPEntities])) {
_entitiesCommand = [[[s componentsSeparatedByString: @"@"]
componentsJoinedByString: @"\""] retain];
// Build list of wads
wadNames = [projectInfo objectForKey: WadFiles];
// Build list of maps & descriptions
mapNames = [projectInfo objectForKey: MapNames];
descriptions = [projectInfo objectForKey: Descriptions];
[self changeString: @"_" to: @" " in: descriptions];
[self initProjectSettings];
return self;
- (void) initProjectSettings
[ppBasePath setStringValue: _basePath];
[ppFullVisField setStringValue: _fullVisCommand];
[ppFullVisField setStringValue: _fastVisCommand];
[ppNoVisField setStringValue: _noVisCommand];
[ppRelightField setStringValue: _relightCommand];
[ppLeakTestField setStringValue: _leakTestCommand];
// Add text to the BSP Output window
- (void) addToOutput: (NSString *) string
NSRange range = NSMakeRange([pBSPOutputView textLength], 0);
[pBSPOutputView replaceCharactersInRange: range withString: string];
range = NSMakeRange([pBSPOutputView textLength], 0);
[pBSPOutputView scrollRangeToVisible: range];
- (void) clearBspOutput: (id) sender
[pBSPOutputView selectAll: self];
[pBSPOutputView delete: self];
//- (void) print
// [pBSPOutputView printPSCode: self];
// return;
- initProject
[self parseProjectFile];
if (!projectInfo)
return self;
[self initVars];
// [pMapBrowser reuseColumns: YES];
[pMapBrowser loadColumnZero];
// [ppWadBrowser reuseColumns: YES];
[ppWadBrowser loadColumnZero];
[things_i initEntities];
return self;
// Change a character to another in a Storage list of strings
- (void) changeString: (NSString *) f to: (NSString *) t in: (id) obj
NSMutableArray *newObj = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 10];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [obj objectEnumerator];
id currentString;
while ((currentString = [enumerator nextObject])) {
[newObj addObject: [[currentString componentsSeparatedByString: f]
componentsJoinedByString: t]];
[currentString release];
[obj release];
obj = newObj;
// Fill the Maps or Wads browser
// (Delegate method - delegated in Interface Builder)
- (int) browser: (id) sender fillMatrix: (id) matrix inColumn: (int) column
NSString *name;
NSArray *list;
NSCell *cell;
int max;
int i;
if (sender == pMapBrowser) {
list = mapNames;
} else {
if (sender == ppWadBrowser) {
list = wadNames;
} else {
list = nil;
NSLog (@"Project: Unknown browser to fill");
max = [list count];
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
name = [[list objectAtIndex: i] stringValue];
[matrix addRow];
cell = [matrix cellAtRow: i column: 0];
[cell setStringValue: name];
// [cell setLeaf: YES];
// [cell setLoaded: YES];
return i;
// Clicked on a map name or description!
- (void) mapWasClicked: (id) sender
NSString *fname;
id matrix;
int row;
id panel;
matrix = [sender matrixInColumn: 0];
row = [matrix selectedRow];
fname = [_mapPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:
[[mapNames objectAtIndex: row]
stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"map"
panel = NSGetInformationalAlertPanel (@"Loading...",
@"Loading map. Please wait...", nil, nil, nil);
[panel orderFront: self];
[quakeed_i doOpen: fname];
[panel performClose: self];
NSReleaseAlertPanel (panel);
- (void) setTextureWad: (NSString *) wadFile
int i, c;
NSString *name;
NSLog (@"loading %s", wadFile);
// set the row in the settings inspector wad browser
c = [wadNames count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
name = [[wadNames objectAtIndex: i] stringValue];
if ([name isEqualToString: wadFile]) {
[ppWadBrowser selectCellAtRow: i column: 0];
// update the texture inspector
[texturepalette_i initPaletteFromWadfile: wadFile];
[[map_i objectAtIndex: 0] setObject: wadFile forKey: @"wad"];
// [inspcontrol_i changeInspectorTo:i_textures];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
// Clicked on a wad name
- (void) wadWasClicked: (id) sender
id matrix;
int row;
NSString *name;
matrix = [sender matrixInColumn: 0];
row = [matrix selectedRow];
name = [wadNames objectAtIndex: row];
[self setTextureWad: name];
// Read in the <name>.QE_Project file
- (void) parseProjectFile
NSString *path;
int rtn;
if (!(path = [[Preferences sharedInstance] objectForKey: ProjectPath])) {
rtn = NSRunAlertPanel (@"Project Error",
@"A default project has not been found.\n"
, @"Open Project", nil, nil);
if ([self openProject] == nil)
while (1) // can't run without a project
[NSApp terminate: self];
[self openProjectWithFile: path];
// Loads and parses a project file
- (void) openProjectWithFile: (NSString *) path
[_projectPath release];
_projectPath = path;
[projectInfo release];
projectInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: path];
// Open a project file
- (id) openProject
int result;
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"forge"];
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[openPanel setCanChooseDirectories: NO];
result = [openPanel runModalForTypes: fileTypes];
if (result == NSOKButton) {
NSArray *filenames = [[openPanel filenames] autorelease];
NSString *directory = [[openPanel directory] autorelease];
NSString *path = [directory stringByAppendingPathComponent: [filenames objectAtIndex: 0]];
[self openProjectWithFile: path];
return self;
return nil;
// Search for a string in an array
- (BOOL) searchForString: (NSString *) str in: (NSArray *) obj
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [obj objectEnumerator];
id name;
while ((name = [enumerator nextObject])) {
if ([[name stringValue] isEqualToString: str])
return YES;
return NO;
- (NSString *) currentProject
return _projectPath;
- (NSString *) mapDirectory
return _mapPath;
- (NSString *) finalMapDirectory
return _finalMapPath;
- (NSString *) progDirectory
return _progsPath;
- (NSString *) wad8
return _wad8 ? _wad8 : nil;
- (NSString *) wad9
return _wad9 ? _wad9 : nil;
- (NSString *) wad0
return _wad0 ? _wad0 : nil;
- (NSString *) fullVisCommand
return _fullVisCommand ? _fullVisCommand : nil;
- (NSString *) fastVisCommand
return _fastVisCommand ? _fastVisCommand : nil;
- (NSString *) noVisCommand
return _noVisCommand ? _noVisCommand : nil;
- (NSString *) relightCommand
return _relightCommand ? _relightCommand : nil;
- (NSString *) leakTestCommand
return _leakTestCommand ? _leakTestCommand : nil;
- (NSString *) entitiesCommand
return _entitiesCommand ? _entitiesCommand : nil;
// C Functions
// Change a character to a different char in a string
void changeString(char cf,char ct,char *string)
int j;
for (j = 0;j < strlen(string);j++)
if (string[j] == cf)
string[j] = ct;