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bindings from the movement menu to the weapon menu. now the movment menu /just/ fits on a 320x200 screen.
487 lines
12 KiB
487 lines
12 KiB
Controls settings menu
Copyright (C) 2002 Robin Redeker <elmex@x-paste.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#include "menu.h"
#include "stringh.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "../include/string.h"
#include "options_util.h"
integer set_key_flag; // holds flag for the key-setting
// three global hashes for the main binding groups
integer movement_binding_hash;
integer misc_binding_hash;
integer weapon_binding_hash;
this function initializes the hashes for the binding menus
void ()
init_binding_hash =
DESIGN NOTES for the Menu:
binding config is loaded into hashes.
the key of the hash is the string, which will
be displayed as binding description.
The first value of the key is the command, which
is bound.
The second valu (loaded later) of the hash
will be the keyname. (see get_hash_keys())
// Movement keys
movement_binding_hash = StringHash_Create();
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Jump/Swin up", "+jump", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Walk forward", "+forward", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Backpedal", "+back", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Turn left", "+left", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Turn right", "+right", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Run", "+speed", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Step left", "+moveleft", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Step right", "+moveright", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Sidestep", "+strafe", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Look up", "+lookup", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Look down", "+lookdown", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Center view", "centerview", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Mouse look", "+mlook", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Keyboard look", "+klook", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Swim up", "+moveup", 0);
StringHash_Set(movement_binding_hash, "Swim down", "+movedown", 0);
// Misc keys
misc_binding_hash = StringHash_Create();
StringHash_Set(misc_binding_hash, "Pause game", "pause", 0);
StringHash_Set(misc_binding_hash, "Tog. m.-grab", "toggle in_grab", 0);
StringHash_Set(misc_binding_hash, "Messagemode", "messagemode", 0);
StringHash_Set(misc_binding_hash, "Screenshot", "screenshot", 0);
// Weapon keys
weapon_binding_hash = StringHash_Create();
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Attack", "+attack", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Next weapon", "impulse 10", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Axe", "impulse 1", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Shotgun", "impulse 2", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Super Shotgun", "impulse 3", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Nailgun", "impulse 4", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Super Nailgun", "impulse 5", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Grenade L. ", "impulse 6", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Rocket L. ", "impulse 7", 0);
StringHash_Set(weapon_binding_hash, "Thunderbolt", "impulse 8", 0);
Gets the string of the key, which is bound
to a special binding.
bindnum is the number of the binding.
As a command/binding can be bound to many keys,
you can get the second, third, etc. key by giving
the bindnum.
string (string binding, integer bindnum)
get_keyname =
local integer keynum;
local string keyname;
keynum = Key_LookupBinding(IMT_0, bindnum, binding);
if(keynum == -1) {
keyname = "";
} else {
keyname = Key_KeynumToString(keynum);
// cut away the "K_", thats maybe enough as description for now
keyname = String_Cut(0, 2, keyname);
return keyname;
gets the keys for a keybinding-hash
void (integer hash_id)
get_hash_keys =
local integer i,hlen;
local string binding, desc1 = "", desc2 = "";
hlen = StringHash_Length(hash_id);
for(i = 0;i < hlen; i++) {
binding = StringHash_GetIdx(hash_id, i, 0);
desc1 = get_keyname(binding, 1); // first key bound to
desc2 = get_keyname(binding, 2); // second key bound to
if(desc2 != "") {
desc1 += ", " + desc2;
StringHash_SetIdx(hash_id, i, desc1, 1);
Loads the kername for into the hashes
void ()
load_keybindings =
* Binding settings
DESIGN NOTE (by elmex):
Every sub-menu for control bindings
has its own hash for holding the keybindings.
Thats why there are three different functions, which
shadow the CB_MAIN_control_binding() function.
They get the binding from the correct hash.
The core function of all control_binding function.
Its taking the binding as argument.
This function is called by the real callbacks.
integer (string binding, integer key)
CB_MAIN_control_binding =
local integer retval = 0, bindcnt = 0;
if(set_key_flag) {
bindcnt = Key_CountBinding(IMT_0, binding);
/* we are not binding keys for more than one command
by the menu (maybe extended later) */
if(bindcnt < 2) {
Key_SetBinding (IMT_0, key, binding);
} else {
// else, remove a binding and assign a new one
dprint ("FOO\n");
Key_SetBinding (IMT_0, Key_LookupBinding(IMT_0, 1, binding), "");
Key_SetBinding (IMT_0, key, binding);
set_key_flag = 0;
retval = 1;
} else {
if(key == QFK_RETURN) {
set_key_flag = 1;
retval = 1;
} else if(key == QFK_BACKSPACE || key == QFK_DELETE) {
Key_SetBinding (IMT_0, Key_LookupBinding(IMT_0, 1, binding), "");
retval = 1;
return retval;
Callback for the basic control bindings menu
integer (string text, integer key)
CB_basic_control_binding =
local string binding = StringHash_GetIdx(movement_binding_hash, stoi(text), 0);
local integer ret = CB_MAIN_control_binding(binding, key);
// fetch all keynames (possible to optimize.. but not very neccessary)
return ret;
Loading basic keynames when entering the
integer ()
CB_ME_basic_control_binding =
Draws the menu for the basic control bindins
integer ()
DRAW_basic_control_binding =
local integer cursor_pad = 40, bind_desc_pad;
local integer i, hl;
bind_desc_pad = 120;
Draw_String (20, 10, "Backspace/Delete: Del binding");
Draw_String (20, 20, "Enter: New binding");
hl = StringHash_Length(movement_binding_hash);
for(i=0;i < hl; i++) {
draw_val_item (20, 40+(i*10), bind_desc_pad,
StringHash_GetIdx(movement_binding_hash, i, -1),
StringHash_GetIdx(movement_binding_hash, i, 1));
opt_cursor (12, (Menu_GetIndex() * 10) + cursor_pad);
return 1;
Menu making function for the control bindings
void ()
MENU_basic_control_binding =
local integer i,hl;
Menu_Begin (54, 40, "Movement bindings");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_Draw (DRAW_basic_control_binding);
hl = StringHash_Length(movement_binding_hash);
for (i = 0; i < hl; i++) {
Menu_Item (20, 40 + i*10, itos(i), CB_basic_control_binding, 1);
Menu_End ();
Callback for misc control bindings.
integer (string text, integer key)
CB_misc_control_binding =
local string binding = StringHash_GetIdx(misc_binding_hash, stoi(text), 0);
local integer ret = CB_MAIN_control_binding(binding, key);
// fetch all keynames (possible to optimize.. but not very neccessary)
return ret;
Loading misc keynames when entering the
integer ()
CB_ME_misc_control_binding =
Draw the bindings for the misc controls
integer ()
DRAW_misc_control_binding =
local integer cursor_pad = 40, bind_desc_pad;
local integer i, hl;
bind_desc_pad = 120;
Draw_String (20, 10, "Backspace/Delete: Del binding");
Draw_String (20, 20, "Enter: New binding");
hl = StringHash_Length(misc_binding_hash);
for(i=0;i < hl; i++) {
draw_val_item (20, 40+(i*10), bind_desc_pad,
StringHash_GetIdx(misc_binding_hash, i, -1),
StringHash_GetIdx(misc_binding_hash, i, 1));
opt_cursor (12, (Menu_GetIndex() * 10) + cursor_pad);
return 1;
Menu maker function for the misc control binding
void ()
MENU_misc_control_binding =
local integer i,hl;
Menu_Begin (54, 50, "Misc bindings");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_Draw (DRAW_misc_control_binding);
hl = StringHash_Length(movement_binding_hash);
for (i = 0; i < hl; i++) {
Menu_Item (20, 40 + i*10, itos(i), CB_misc_control_binding, 1);
Menu_End ();
Callback function for the weapons control bindings
integer (string text, integer key)
CB_weapon_control_binding =
local string binding = StringHash_GetIdx(weapon_binding_hash, stoi(text),0);
local integer ret = CB_MAIN_control_binding(binding, key);
// fetch all keynames (possible to optimize.. but not very neccessary)
return ret;
Loading weapon keynames when entering the
integer ()
CB_ME_weapon_control_binding =
Draw the weapon binding menu
integer ()
DRAW_weapon_control_binding =
local integer cursor_pad = 40, bind_desc_pad;
local integer i,hl;
bind_desc_pad = 120;
Draw_String (20, 10, "Backspace/Delete: Del binding");
Draw_String (20, 20, "Enter: New binding");
hl = StringHash_Length(weapon_binding_hash);
for(i=0;i < hl; i++) {
draw_val_item (20, 40+(i*10), bind_desc_pad,
StringHash_GetIdx(weapon_binding_hash, i, -1),
StringHash_GetIdx(weapon_binding_hash, i, 1));
opt_cursor (12, (Menu_GetIndex() * 10) + cursor_pad);
return 1;
Menu maker for the weapons menu
void ()
MENU_weapon_control_binding =
local integer i,hl;
Menu_Begin (54, 60, "Weapon bindings");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_Draw (DRAW_weapon_control_binding);
hl = StringHash_Length(movement_binding_hash);
for (i = 0; i < hl; i++) {
Menu_Item (20, 40 + i*10, itos(i), CB_weapon_control_binding, 1);
Menu_End ();
Main controls menu, for selecting the sub control menus
void ()
MENU_control_binding =
init_binding_hash (); // init the keybinding hashes
Menu_Begin (54, 60, "Bindings");
Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
MENU_basic_control_binding ();
MENU_misc_control_binding ();
Menu_End ();