Bill Currie bbca22c722 [vulkan] Add support for IQM models
Despite the base IQM specification not supporting blend-shapes, I think
IQM will become the basis for QF's generic model representation (at
least for the more advanced renderers). After my experience with .mu
models (KSP) and unity mesh objects (both normal and skinned), and
reviewing the IQM spec, it looks like with the addition of support for
blend-shapes, IQM is actually pretty good.

This is just the preliminary work to get standard IQM models loading in
vulkan (seems to work, along with unloading), and they very basics into
the renderer (most likely not working: not tested yet). The rest of the
renderer seems to be unaffected, though, which is good.
2022-05-04 14:07:27 +09:00

254 lines
6.1 KiB

setLayouts = {
texture_set = {
bindings = (
binding = 0;
descriptorType = combined_image_sampler;
descriptorCount = 1;
stageFlags = fragment;
pipelineLayouts = {
iqm_layout = {
setLayouts = (matrix_set, texture_set);
pushConstantRanges = (
stageFlags = vertex;
offset = 0;
size = "16 * 4 + 4";
stageFlags = fragment;
offset = 68;
size = "3 * 4 + 2 * 4 * 4 + 4";
depthStencil = {
test_and_write = {
depthTestEnable = true;
depthWriteEnable = true;
depthCompareOp = less_or_equal;
depthBoundsTestEnable = false;
stencilTestEnable = false;
test_only = {
depthTestEnable = true;
depthWriteEnable = false;
depthCompareOp = less_or_equal;
depthBoundsTestEnable = false;
stencilTestEnable = false;
disable = {
depthTestEnable = false;
depthWriteEnable = false;
depthCompareOp = less_or_equal;
depthBoundsTestEnable = false;
stencilTestEnable = false;
inputAssembly = {
iqm = {
topology = triangle_list;
primitiveRestartEnable = false;
vertexInput = {
iqm = {
bindings = (
{ binding = 0; stride = 20; inputRate = vertex; },
{ binding = 1; stride = 40; inputRate = vertex; },
attributes = (
{ location = 0; binding = 0; format = r32g32b32_sfloat; offset = 0; }, // position
{ location = 1; binding = 0; format = r8g8b8a8_uint; offset = 0; }, // bonindices
{ location = 2; binding = 0; format = r8g8b8a8_unorm; offset = 4; }, // boneweights
{ location = 3; binding = 1; format = r32g32_sfloat; offset = 0; }, // texcoord
{ location = 4; binding = 1; format = r32g32b32_sfloat; offset = 8; }, // normal
{ location = 5; binding = 1; format = r32g32b32a32_sfloat; offset = 20; }, // tangent
{ location = 6; binding = 1; format = r8g8b8a8_unorm; offset = 36; }, // color
rasterization = {
cw_cull_back = {
depthClampEnable = false;
rasterizerDiscardEnable = false;
polygonMode = fill;
cullMode = back;
frontFace = clockwise;
depthBiasEnable = false;
lineWidth = 1;
counter_cw_cull_back = {
depthClampEnable = false;
rasterizerDiscardEnable = false;
polygonMode = fill;
cullMode = back;
frontFace = counter_clockwise;
depthBiasEnable = false;
lineWidth = 1;
multisample = {
rasterizationSamples = $msaaSamples;
sampleShadingEnable = false;
minSampleShading = 0.5f;
alphaToCoverageEnable = false;
alphaToOneEnable = false;
viewport = {
viewports = (
x = 0; y = 0;
width = 640; height = 480;
minDepth = 0; maxDepth = 1;
scissors = (
offset = { x = 0; y = 0 };
extent = { width = 640; height = 480; };
attachmentBlendOp = {
disabled = {
blendEnable = false;
srcColorBlendFactor = src_alpha;
dstColorBlendFactor = one_minus_src_alpha;
colorBlendOp = add;
srcAlphaBlendFactor = src_alpha;
dstAlphaBlendFactor = one_minus_src_alpha;
alphaBlendOp = add;
colorWriteMask = r|g|b|a;
alpha_blend = {
blendEnable = true;
srcColorBlendFactor = src_alpha;
dstColorBlendFactor = one_minus_src_alpha;
colorBlendOp = add;
srcAlphaBlendFactor = src_alpha;
dstAlphaBlendFactor = one_minus_src_alpha;
alphaBlendOp = add;
colorWriteMask = r|g|b|a;
pipelines = {
iqm_shadow = {
subpass = 0;
stages = (
stage = vertex;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm_shadow.vert;
vertexInput = {
bindings = (
attributes = (
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.iqm;
viewport = $properties.viewport;
rasterization = $properties.rasterization.cw_cull_back;
multisample = $properties.multisample;
depthStencil = $properties.depthStencil.test_and_write;
colorBlend = $properties.pipelines.iqm_gbuf.colorBlend;
dynamic = {
dynamicState = ( viewport, scissor );
layout = iqm_layout;
iqm_depth = {
subpass = 0;
stages = (
stage = vertex;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm_depth.vert;
vertexInput = {
// depth pass doesn't use UVs
bindings = (
attributes = (
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.iqm;
viewport = $properties.viewport;
rasterization = $properties.rasterization.cw_cull_back;
multisample = $properties.multisample;
depthStencil = $properties.depthStencil.test_and_write;
colorBlend = $properties.pipelines.iqm_gbuf.colorBlend;
dynamic = {
dynamicState = ( viewport, scissor );
layout = iqm_layout;
renderPass = renderpass;
iqm_gbuf = {
subpass = 2;
stages = (
stage = vertex;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm.vert;
stage = fragment;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm_gbuf.frag;
vertexInput = $properties.vertexInput.iqm;
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.iqm;
viewport = $properties.viewport;
rasterization = $properties.rasterization.cw_cull_back;
multisample = $properties.multisample;
depthStencil = $properties.depthStencil.test_only;
colorBlend = {
logicOpEnable = false;
attachments = (
dynamic = {
dynamicState = ( viewport, scissor, blend_constants );
layout = iqm_layout;
renderPass = renderpass;