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synced 2025-03-03 07:43:58 +00:00
Add return-type information to all methods, split up lines properly where I could find them, and ran the whole thing through uncrustify. Looks purty now. :)
113 lines
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113 lines
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#ifndef TexturePalette_h
#define TexturePalette_h
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include "QF/qtypes.h"
typedef union {
byte chan[4];
unsigned p;
} pixel32_t;
typedef struct {
char texture[16];
float rotate;
float shift[2];
float scale[2];
} texturedef_t;
typedef struct {
char name[16];
int width;
int height;
NSBitmapImageRep *rep;
void *data;
pixel32_t flatcolor;
} qtexture_t;
#define MAX_TEXTURES 1024
extern int tex_count;
extern qtexture_t qtextures[MAX_TEXTURES];
qtexture_t *TEX_ForName (const char *name);
typedef struct {
NSImageRep *image;
NSRect r;
char *name;
int index;
int display; // flag (on/off)
} texpal_t;
#define TEX_INDENT 10
#define TEX_SPACING 16
extern id texturepalette_i;
@interface TexturePalette: NSObject
char currentwad[1024];
id textureList_i;
id textureView_i;
id searchField_i;
id sizeField_i;
id field_Xshift_i;
id field_Yshift_i;
id field_Xscale_i;
id field_Yscale_i;
id field_Rotate_i;
int viewWidth;
int viewHeight;
int selectedTexture;
- (const char *) currentWad;
- (id) initPaletteFromWadfile: (const char *)wf;
- (id) computeTextureViewSize;
- (id) alphabetize;
- (id) getList;
- (int) getSelectedTexture;
- (id) setSelectedTexture: (int)which;
- (int) getSelectedTexIndex;
// Called externally
- (const char *) getSelTextureName;
- (id) setTextureByName: (const char *)name;
// New methods to replace the 2 above ones
- (id) setTextureDef: (texturedef_t *)td;
- (id) getTextureDef: (texturedef_t *)td;
// Action methods
- (id) searchForTexture: sender;
- (id) clearTexinfo: sender;
- (id) incXShift: sender;
- (id) decXShift: sender;
- (id) incYShift: sender;
- (id) decYShift: sender;
- (id) incRotate: sender;
- (id) decRotate: sender;
- (id) incXScale: sender;
- (id) decXScale: sender;
- (id) incYScale: sender;
- (id) decYScale: sender;
- (id) texturedefChanged: sender;
- (id) onlyShowMapTextures: sender;
- (int) searchForTextureInPalette: (const char *)texture;
- (id) setDisplayFlag: (int)index
to: (int)value;
#endif // TexturePalette_h