Bill Currie 2fbe44a72e [vulkan] Get point light shadows working
Other than the rather bad shadow acne, this is actually quake itself
working nicely. Still need to get directional lights working for
community maps, and all sorts of other little things (hide view model,
show player, fix brush backfaces, etc).
2023-08-03 00:15:42 +09:00

30 lines
842 B

#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
layout (set = 0, binding = 0) buffer ShadowMatrices {
mat4 shadow_mats[];
layout (set = 3, binding = 0) uniform samplerCubeArrayShadow shadow_map[32];
shadow (uint map_id, uint layer, uint mat_id, vec3 pos, vec3 lpos)
vec3 dir = pos - lpos;
vec3 adir = abs(dir);
adir = max (adir.yzx, adir.zxy);
uint ind = dir.x <= -adir.x ? 5
: dir.x >= adir.x ? 4
: dir.y <= -adir.y ? 0
: dir.y >= adir.y ? 1
: dir.z <= -adir.z ? 3
: dir.z >= adir.z ? 2 : 0;
vec4 p = shadow_mats[mat_id + ind] * vec4 (pos, 1);
p = p / (p.w - 0.5); //FIXME hard-coded bias
float depth = p.z;
dir = mat3(vec3( 0, 0, 1),
vec3(-1, 0, 0),
vec3( 0, 1, 0)) * dir;
return texture (shadow_map[map_id], vec4 (dir, layer), depth);
#include "lighting_main.finc"