Bill Currie a487595149 [ruamoko,libr] Begin implementation of __obj_forward
libr supplies an __obj_forward definition that links to a builtin, but
as it is the only def in its object file, it is readily replaceable by
an alternative Ruamoko implementation.

The builtin version currently simply errors out (rather facetiously),
but only as a stub to allow progs to load.
2020-03-09 19:09:08 +09:00

362 lines
8.1 KiB

#include <Object.h>
#include <AutoreleasePool.h>
static void link__obj_forward (void)
__obj_forward (nil, nil);
void *PR_FindGlobal (string name) = #0; //FIXME where?
void __obj_exec_class (struct obj_module *msg) = #0;
void (id object, int code, string fmt, ...) obj_error = #0;
void (id object, int code, string fmt, @va_list args) obj_verror = #0;
//obj_error_handler (objc_error_handler func) obj_set_error_handler = #0;
IMP (id receiver, SEL op) obj_msg_lookup = #0;
IMP (Super class, SEL op) obj_msg_lookup_super = #0;
id (id receiver, SEL op, ...) obj_msgSend = #0;
id obj_msgSend_super (Super *class, SEL op, ...) = #0;
@param (id receiver, SEL op, @va_list args) obj_msg_sendv = #0;
int obj_decrement_retaincount (id object) = #0;
int obj_increment_retaincount (id object) = #0;
int obj_get_retaincount (id object) = #0;
void *obj_malloc (int size) = #0;
void *obj_atomic_malloc (int size) = #0;
void *obj_valloc (int size) = #0;
void *obj_realloc (void *mem, int size) = #0;
void *obj_calloc (int nelem, int size) = #0;
void obj_free (void *mem) = #0;
//(void *) (void) obj_get_uninstalled_dtable = #0;
Class (string name) obj_get_class = #0;
Class (string name) obj_lookup_class = #0;
//Class (void **enum_stage) obj_next_class = #0;
string (SEL selector) sel_get_name = #0;
string (SEL selector) sel_get_type = #0;
SEL (string name) sel_get_uid = #0;
//SEL (string name) sel_get_any_uid = #0;
//SEL (string name) sel_get_any_typed_uid = #0;
//SEL (string name, string type) sel_get_typed_uid = #0;
SEL (string name) sel_register_name = #0;
//SEL (string name, string type) sel_register_typed_name = #0;
BOOL (SEL aSel) sel_is_mapped = #0;
Method *class_get_class_method (Class class, SEL aSel) = #0;
Method *class_get_instance_method (Class class, SEL aSel) = #0;
Class (Class imposter, Class superclass) class_pose_as = #0;
id (Class class) class_create_instance = #0;
string (Class class) class_get_class_name = #0;
int (Class class) class_get_instance_size = #0;
Class (Class class) class_get_meta_class = #0;
Class (Class class) class_get_super_class = #0;
int (Class class) class_get_version = #0;
BOOL (Class class) class_is_class = #0;
BOOL (Class class) class_is_meta_class = #0;
void (Class class, int version) class_set_version = #0;
void *class_get_gc_object_type (Class class) = #0;
void (Class class, string ivarname, BOOL gcInvisible) class_ivar_set_gcinvisible = #0;
IMP method_get_imp (Method *method) = #0;
IMP (Class class, SEL sel) get_imp = #0;
id (id object) object_copy = #0;
id (id object) object_dispose = #0;
Class (id object) object_get_class = #0;
string (id object) object_get_class_name = #0;
Class (id object) object_get_meta_class = #0;
Class (id object) object_get_super_class = #0;
BOOL (id object) object_is_class = #0;
BOOL (id object) object_is_instance = #0;
BOOL (id object) object_is_meta_class = #0;
@implementation Object (error)
- (void) error: (string)aString, ... = #0;
@static BOOL allocDebug;
@static Class autoreleaseClass;
@static SEL autoreleaseSelector;
@static IMP autoreleaseIMP;
@implementation Object
+ (void) initialize
//allocDebug = localinfo ("AllocDebug");
autoreleaseClass = [AutoreleasePool class];
autoreleaseSelector = @selector(addObject:);
autoreleaseIMP = [autoreleaseClass methodForSelector: autoreleaseSelector];
+ (id) alloc
return class_create_instance (self);
+ (Class) class
return self;
+ (Class) superclass
return class_get_super_class (self);
+ (string) description
return class_get_class_name (self);
+ (id) new
return [[self alloc] init];
+ (BOOL) isKindOfClass: (Class)aClass
if (aClass == [Object class])
return YES;
return NO;
+ (BOOL) conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *)aProtocol = #0;
+ (BOOL) instancesRespondToSelector: (SEL)aSelector
return class_get_instance_method (self, aSelector) != nil;
+ (BOOL) respondsToSelector: (SEL)aSelector
return (class_get_class_method (self, aSelector) != nil);
Returns a pointer to the function providing the instance method that is
used to respond to messages with the selector held in aSelector.
+ (IMP) instanceMethodForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
if (!aSelector)
return nil;
return method_get_imp (class_get_instance_method (self, aSelector));
+ (void) poseAsClass: (Class)aClass
class_pose_as (self, aClass);
- (id) init
obj_increment_retaincount (self);
return self;
- (void) dealloc
object_dispose (self);
- (Class) class
return object_get_class (self);
- (Class) superclass
return object_get_super_class (self);
- (string) description
return object_get_class_name (self);
- (id) self
return self;
- (unsigned) hash = #0; // can't cast pointer to int
- (BOOL) isEqual: (id)anObject
return self == anObject;
- (BOOL) isKindOfClass: (Class)aClass
local Class class;
for (class = [self class]; class; class = class_get_super_class (class))
if (class == aClass)
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) isMemberOfClass: (Class)aClass
return ([self class] == aClass);
- (BOOL) respondsToSelector: (SEL)aSelector
return (class_get_instance_method ([self class], aSelector) != nil);
- (BOOL) conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *)aProtocol
return [[self class] conformsToProtocol: aProtocol];
Returns a pointer to the function providing the method used to respond to
aSelector. If "self" is an instance, an instance method is returned. If
it's a class, a class method is returned.
- (IMP) methodForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
local Class myClass = [self class];
if (!aSelector)
return nil;
return method_get_imp (object_is_instance (self)
? class_get_instance_method (myClass, aSelector)
: class_get_class_method (myClass, aSelector));
//+(struct objc_method_description *)descriptionForInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSel = #0;
//-(struct objc_method_description *)descriptionForMethod:(SEL)aSel = #0;
- (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
local IMP msg = nil; // FIXME teach qfcc about noreturn
if (!aSelector || !(msg = obj_msg_lookup (self, aSelector)))
[self error: "invalid selector passed to %s: %s",
object_get_class_name (self),
sel_get_name (aSelector)];
return msg (self, aSelector);
- (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector withObject: (void *)anObject
local IMP msg = nil; // FIXME teach qfcc about noreturn
if (!aSelector || !(msg = obj_msg_lookup (self, aSelector)))
[self error: "invalid selector passed to %s: %s",
object_get_class_name (self),
sel_get_name (aSelector)];
return msg (self, aSelector, anObject);
- (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
withObject: (void *)anObject
withObject: (void *)anotherObject
local IMP msg;
if (!aSelector || !(msg = obj_msg_lookup (self, aSelector))) {
[self error: "invalid selector passed to %s",
sel_get_name (_cmd)];
return nil; //FIXME teach qfcc about noreturn
return msg (self, aSelector, anObject, anotherObject);
- (void) doesNotRecognizeSelector: (SEL)aSelector
[self error: "%s does not recognize %s",
object_get_class_name (self),
sel_get_name (aSelector)];
These methods handle the manual garbage collection scheme.
- (id) retain
obj_increment_retaincount (self);
return self;
- (/*oneway*/ void) release
int rc;
rc = obj_decrement_retaincount (self);
if (rc < 0)
obj_error (self, 0, "retain count went negative");
if (rc == 0)
[self dealloc];
- (id) autorelease
autoreleaseIMP (autoreleaseClass, autoreleaseSelector, self);
return self;
- (unsigned) retainCount
return obj_get_retaincount (self);
/* The class implementations of autorelease, retain and release are dummy
methods with no effect. They allow class objects to be stored in
containers that send retain and release messages. Thus, the class
implementation of retainCount always returns the maximum unsigned value.
+ (id) autorelease
return self;
+ (id) retain
return self;
+ (/*oneway*/ void) release
+ (unsigned) retainCount
return UINT_MAX;
These methods exist only so that certain methods always work.
- (id) copy
return self;
- (id) mutableCopy
return self;