mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 00:40:47 +00:00
glquake.h to mathlib.h (along with the declaration for frustum) and the extern inline keyworws protected by an ifndef so that mathlib.c can cause R_CullBox to be compiled publicly. The definition of frustrum has been moved from its verious locations into mathlib.c.
238 lines
6.2 KiB
238 lines
6.2 KiB
OpenGL-specific definitions and prototypes
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#ifndef __glquake_h
#define __glquake_h
# include "config.h"
# include <windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "QF/cvar.h"
#include "QF/model.h"
#include "QF/qfgl_ext.h"
#include "QF/wad.h"
void GL_BeginRendering (int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height);
void GL_EndRendering (void);
extern int texture_extension_number;
extern int texture_mode;
extern float gldepthmin, gldepthmax;
void GL_Upload8 (byte *data, int width, int height, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha);
void GL_Upload8_EXT (byte *data, int width, int height, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha);
int GL_LoadTexture (char *identifier, int width, int height, byte *data, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha, int bytesperpixel);
int GL_FindTexture (char *identifier);
typedef struct {
float x, y, z;
float s, t;
float r, g, b;
} glvert_t;
extern glvert_t glv;
extern int glx, gly, glwidth, glheight;
#define ALIAS_BASE_SIZE_RATIO (1.0 / 11.0)
// normalizing factor so player model works out to about
// 1 pixel per triangle
#define MAX_LBM_HEIGHT 480
#define MAX_GLTEXTURES 2048
#define TILE_SIZE 128 // size of textures generated by R_GenTiledSurf
#define SKYSHIFT 7
#define SKYSIZE (1 << SKYSHIFT)
#define SKYMASK (SKYSIZE - 1)
#define SKY_TEX 2000 // Quake 2 environment sky
extern qboolean envmap;
extern int currenttexture;
extern int cnttextures[2];
extern int particletexture;
extern int netgraphtexture;
extern int netgraphtexture; // netgraph texture
extern int playertextures;
extern int player_fb_textures;
extern int skytexturenum; // index in cl.loadmodel, not gl texture object
extern cvar_t *r_novis;
extern cvar_t *r_particles;
extern cvar_t *r_norefresh;
extern cvar_t *r_drawviewmodel;
extern cvar_t *r_shadows;
extern cvar_t *r_wateralpha;
extern cvar_t *r_waterripple;
extern cvar_t *r_dynamic;
extern cvar_t *r_netgraph;
extern cvar_t *r_lightmap;
extern cvar_t *r_mirroralpha;
extern cvar_t *gl_affinemodels;
extern cvar_t *gl_clear;
extern cvar_t *gl_cull;
extern cvar_t *gl_poly;
extern cvar_t *gl_texsort;
extern cvar_t *gl_smoothmodels;
extern cvar_t *gl_affinemodels;
extern cvar_t *gl_polyblend;
extern cvar_t *gl_fb_bmodels;
extern cvar_t *gl_fb_models;
extern cvar_t *gl_dlight_lightmap;
extern cvar_t *gl_dlight_polyblend;
extern cvar_t *gl_dlight_smooth;
extern cvar_t *gl_keeptjunctions;
extern cvar_t *gl_reporttjunctions;
extern cvar_t *gl_flashblend;
extern cvar_t *gl_multitexture;
extern cvar_t *gl_nocolors;
extern cvar_t *gl_doubleeyes;
extern cvar_t *gl_ztrick;
extern cvar_t *gl_finish;
extern cvar_t *gl_clear;
extern cvar_t *gl_subdivide_size;
extern cvar_t *gl_particles;
extern cvar_t *gl_fires;
extern cvar_t *gl_fb_models;
extern cvar_t *gl_fb_bmodels;
extern cvar_t *gl_poly;
extern cvar_t *gl_polyblend;
extern cvar_t *gl_max_size;
extern cvar_t *gl_playermip;
extern cvar_t *r_skyname;
extern cvar_t *gl_skymultipass;
extern cvar_t *gl_sky_clip;
extern cvar_t *gl_sky_divide;
extern int mirrortexturenum; // quake texturenum, not gltexturenum
extern qboolean mirror;
extern qboolean lighthalf;
extern mplane_t *mirror_plane;
extern int gl_lightmap_format;
extern int gl_solid_format;
extern int gl_alpha_format;
extern unsigned char lighthalf_v[3];
extern const char *gl_vendor;
extern const char *gl_renderer;
extern const char *gl_version;
extern const char *gl_extensions;
void GL_Bind (int texnum);
// Multitexture
#define TEXTURE0_SGIS 0x835E
#define TEXTURE1_SGIS 0x835F
#ifndef APIENTRY
# ifndef _WIN32
# define APIENTRY /* */
# endif
typedef void (APIENTRY *lpMTexFUNC) (GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat);
typedef void (APIENTRY *lpSelTexFUNC) (GLenum);
extern lpMTexFUNC qglMTexCoord2fSGIS;
extern lpSelTexFUNC qglSelectTextureSGIS;
extern lpMTexFUNC qglMTexCoord2f;
extern lpSelTexFUNC qglSelectTexture;
extern qboolean gl_mtexable;
void GL_SubdivideSurface (msurface_t *fa);
// Multitexturing
extern QF_glActiveTextureARB qglActiveTexture;
extern QF_glMultiTexCoord2fARB qglMultiTexCoord2f;
extern qboolean gl_mtex_capable;
extern GLenum gl_mtex_enum;
// convenience check
#define gl_mtex_active (gl_mtex_capable && gl_multitexture->int_val)
void GL_DisableMultitexture (void);
void GL_EnableMultitexture (void);
void GL_BuildLightmaps (void);
void GL_Upload8_EXT (byte *data, int width, int height, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha) ;
void GL_Set2D (void);
void GL_CheckGamma (unsigned char *pal);
void GL_CheckBrightness (unsigned char *pal);
typedef struct {
int key; // allows reusability
vec3_t origin, owner;
float size;
float die, decay; // duration settings
float minlight; // lighting threshold
float color[3]; // RGB
} fire_t;
struct entity_s;
void R_AddFire (vec3_t, vec3_t, struct entity_s *ent);
fire_t *R_AllocFire (int);
void R_DrawFire (fire_t *);
void R_UpdateFires (void);
void R_DrawBrushModel (struct entity_s *e);
void R_DrawWorld (void);
void R_RenderDlights (void);
void R_DrawSky (void);
void R_DrawSkyChain (msurface_t *s);
void EmitWaterPolys (msurface_t *fa);
void R_RotateForEntity (struct entity_s *e);
void EmitWaterPolys (msurface_t *fa);
void R_NetGraph (void);
void R_LoadSkys (const char *sky);
extern float bubble_sintable[], bubble_costable[];
extern float v_blend[4];
void AddLightBlend (float, float, float, float);
extern int c_brush_polys, c_alias_polys;
extern float r_world_matrix[16];
#endif // __glquake_h