Bill Currie 40b319bf42 [vulkan] Support swizzles in resource image views
Using swizzles in an image view allows the same shader to be used with
different image "types" (eg, color vs coverage).

Of course, this needed to abandon QFV_CreateImageView, but that is
likely for the best.
2022-11-20 15:31:23 +09:00

75 lines
1.6 KiB

#ifndef __QF_Vulkan_resource_h
#define __QF_Vulkan_resource_h
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
typedef enum {
qfv_res_buffer = 1,
} qfv_res_type;
typedef struct qfv_resobj_s {
const char *name;
qfv_res_type type;
union {
struct {
VkDeviceSize size;
VkBufferUsageFlags usage;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceSize offset;
} buffer;
struct {
unsigned buffer;
VkFormat format;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize size;
VkBufferView view;
} buffer_view;
struct {
int cubemap;
VkImageType type;
VkFormat format;
VkExtent3D extent;
uint32_t num_mipmaps;
uint32_t num_layers;
VkSampleCountFlags samples;
VkImageUsageFlags usage;
VkImage image;
VkDeviceSize offset;
} image;
struct {
unsigned image;
VkImageViewType type;
VkFormat format;
VkImageAspectFlags aspect;
VkComponentMapping components;
VkImageView view;
} image_view;
} qfv_resobj_t;
typedef struct qfv_resource_s {
const char *name;
struct va_ctx_s *va_ctx;
VkMemoryPropertyFlags memory_properties;
unsigned num_objects;
qfv_resobj_t *objects;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDeviceSize size;
} qfv_resource_t;
struct qfv_device_s;
int QFV_CreateResource (struct qfv_device_s *device, qfv_resource_t *resource);
void QFV_DestroyResource (struct qfv_device_s *device,
qfv_resource_t *resource);
struct tex_s;
void QFV_ResourceInitTexImage (qfv_resobj_t *image, const char *name,
int mips, const struct tex_s *tex);