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synced 2025-03-03 07:43:58 +00:00
469 lines
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469 lines
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Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#ifndef NET_SVC_H
#define NET_SVC_H
#include "QF/mathlib.h"
#include "QF/msg.h"
#include "bothdefs.h"
#include "pmove.h"
typedef enum
} net_status_t;
typedef struct net_svc_nop_s
} net_svc_nop_t;
typedef struct net_svc_disconnect_s
} net_svc_disconnect_t;
typedef struct net_svc_print_s
byte level;
const char *message;
} net_svc_print_t;
typedef struct net_svc_centerprint_s
const char *message;
} net_svc_centerprint_t;
typedef struct net_svc_stufftext_s
const char *commands;
} net_svc_stufftext_t;
typedef struct net_svc_damage_s
byte armor;
byte blood;
vec3_t from;
} net_svc_damage_t;
typedef struct net_svc_serverdata_s
int protocolversion;
int servercount; // FIXME: rename this
const char *gamedir;
byte playernum;
qboolean spectator;
const char *levelname;
movevars_t movevars;
} net_svc_serverdata_t;
typedef struct net_svc_setangle_s
vec3_t angles;
} net_svc_setangle_t;
typedef struct net_svc_lightstyle_s
byte stylenum;
const char *map;
} net_svc_lightstyle_t;
typedef struct net_svc_sound_s
short channel;
float volume;
float attenuation;
byte sound_num;
vec3_t position;
int entity;
} net_svc_sound_t;
typedef struct net_svc_stopsound_s
int entity;
int channel;
} net_svc_stopsound_t;
typedef struct net_svc_updatefrags_s
byte player;
short frags;
} net_svc_updatefrags_t;
typedef struct net_svc_updateping_s
byte player;
short ping;
} net_svc_updateping_t;
typedef struct net_svc_updatepl_s
byte player;
byte packetloss;
} net_svc_updatepl_t;
typedef struct net_svc_updateentertime_s
byte player;
float secondsago;
} net_svc_updateentertime_t;
typedef struct net_svc_spawnbaseline_s
short num;
byte modelindex;
byte frame;
byte colormap;
byte skinnum;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
} net_svc_spawnbaseline_t;
typedef struct net_svc_spawnstatic_s
byte modelindex;
byte frame;
byte colormap;
byte skinnum;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
} net_svc_spawnstatic_t;
typedef struct net_svc_tempentity_s
byte type;
vec3_t position;
byte gunshotcount; // gunshot sparks
byte colorstart; // palette start (I think?)
byte colorlength; // palette length
vec3_t beamend; // beam endpos
short beamentity; // beam entity
} net_svc_tempentity_t;
typedef struct net_svc_killedmonster_s
} net_svc_killedmonster_t;
typedef struct net_svc_foundsecret_s
} net_svc_foundsecret_t;
typedef struct net_svc_spawnstaticsound_s
vec3_t position;
byte sound_num;
byte volume;
byte attenuation; // FIXME: should be a float (convert usages)
} net_svc_spawnstaticsound_t;
typedef struct net_svc_updatestat_s
byte stat;
byte value;
} net_svc_updatestat_t;
typedef struct net_svc_updatestatlong_s
byte stat;
int value;
} net_svc_updatestatlong_t;
typedef struct net_svc_cdtrack_s
byte cdtrack;
} net_svc_cdtrack_t;
typedef struct net_svc_intermission_s
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
} net_svc_intermission_t;
typedef struct net_svc_finale_s
const char *message;
} net_svc_finale_t;
typedef struct net_svc_sellscreen_s
} net_svc_sellscreen_t;
typedef struct net_svc_smallkick_s
} net_svc_smallkick_t;
typedef struct net_svc_bigkick_s
} net_svc_bigkick_t;
typedef struct net_svc_muzzleflash_s
short player;
} net_svc_muzzleflash_t;
typedef struct net_svc_updateuserinfo_s
byte slot;
int userid;
const char *userinfo;
} net_svc_updateuserinfo_t;
typedef struct net_svc_setinfo_s
byte slot;
const char *key;
const char *value;
} net_svc_setinfo_t;
typedef struct net_svc_serverinfo_s
const char *key;
const char *value;
} net_svc_serverinfo_t;
typedef struct net_svc_download_s
short size;
byte percent;
const char *name; // only one of name or data will be set
const byte *data;
} net_svc_download_t;
typedef struct net_svc_playerinfo_s
byte playernum;
int flags;
vec3_t origin;
byte frame;
byte msec;
usercmd_t usercmd;
vec3_t velocity;
byte modelindex;
byte skinnum;
byte effects;
byte weaponframe;
} net_svc_playerinfo_t;
typedef struct net_svc_nails_s
byte numnails;
struct {
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
} net_svc_nails_t;
typedef struct net_svc_chokecount_s
byte count;
} net_svc_chokecount_t;
typedef struct net_svc_modellist_s
byte startmodel;
const char *models[MAX_MODELS + 1]; // space left for terminating
// empty string
byte nextmodel;
} net_svc_modellist_t;
typedef struct net_svc_soundlist_s
byte startsound;
const char *sounds[MAX_SOUNDS + 1]; // space left for terminating
// empty string
byte nextsound;
} net_svc_soundlist_t;
typedef struct net_svc_packetentities_s
int numwords, numdeltas;
unsigned int words[MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES * 2 + 1];
entity_state_t deltas[MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES];
} net_svc_packetentities_t;
typedef struct net_svc_deltapacketentities_s
int numwords, numdeltas;
byte from;
unsigned int words[MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES * 2 + 1];
entity_state_t deltas[MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES];
} net_svc_deltapacketentities_t;
typedef struct net_svc_maxspeed_s
float maxspeed;
} net_svc_maxspeed_t;
typedef struct net_svc_entgravity_s
float gravity;
} net_svc_entgravity_t;
typedef struct net_svc_setpause_s
byte paused;
} net_svc_setpause_t;
const char *NET_SVC_GetString (int type);
net_status_t NET_SVC_NOP_Emit (net_svc_nop_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_NOP_Parse (net_svc_nop_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Disconnect_Emit (net_svc_disconnect_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Disconnect_Parse (net_svc_disconnect_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Print_Emit (net_svc_print_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Print_Parse (net_svc_print_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Centerprint_Emit (net_svc_centerprint_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Centerprint_Parse (net_svc_centerprint_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Stufftext_Emit (net_svc_stufftext_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Stufftext_Parse (net_svc_stufftext_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Damage_Emit (net_svc_damage_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Damage_Parse (net_svc_damage_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_ServerData_Emit (net_svc_serverdata_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_ServerData_Parse (net_svc_serverdata_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SetAngle_Emit (net_svc_setangle_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SetAngle_Parse (net_svc_setangle_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_LightStyle_Emit (net_svc_lightstyle_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_LightStyle_Parse (net_svc_lightstyle_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Sound_Emit (net_svc_sound_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Sound_Parse (net_svc_sound_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_StopSound_Emit (net_svc_stopsound_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_StopSound_Parse (net_svc_stopsound_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateFrags_Emit (net_svc_updatefrags_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateFrags_Parse (net_svc_updatefrags_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdatePing_Emit (net_svc_updateping_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdatePing_Parse (net_svc_updateping_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdatePL_Emit (net_svc_updatepl_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdatePL_Parse (net_svc_updatepl_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateEnterTime_Emit (net_svc_updateentertime_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateEnterTime_Parse (net_svc_updateentertime_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SpawnBaseline_Emit (net_svc_spawnbaseline_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SpawnBaseline_Parse (net_svc_spawnbaseline_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SpawnStatic_Emit (net_svc_spawnstatic_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SpawnStatic_Parse (net_svc_spawnstatic_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_TempEntity_Emit (net_svc_tempentity_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_TempEntity_Parse (net_svc_tempentity_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_KilledMonster_Emit (net_svc_killedmonster_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_KilledMonster_Parse (net_svc_killedmonster_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_FoundSecret_Emit (net_svc_foundsecret_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_FoundSecret_Parse (net_svc_foundsecret_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SpawnStaticSound_Emit (net_svc_spawnstaticsound_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SpawnStaticSound_Parse (net_svc_spawnstaticsound_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateStat_Emit (net_svc_updatestat_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateStat_Parse (net_svc_updatestat_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateStatLong_Emit (net_svc_updatestatlong_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateStatLong_Parse (net_svc_updatestatlong_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_CDTrack_Emit (net_svc_cdtrack_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_CDTrack_Parse (net_svc_cdtrack_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Intermission_Emit (net_svc_intermission_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Intermission_Parse (net_svc_intermission_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Finale_Emit (net_svc_finale_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Finale_Parse (net_svc_finale_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SellScreen_Emit (net_svc_sellscreen_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SellScreen_Parse (net_svc_sellscreen_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SmallKick_Emit (net_svc_smallkick_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SmallKick_Parse (net_svc_smallkick_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_BigKick_Emit (net_svc_bigkick_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_BigKick_Parse (net_svc_bigkick_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_MuzzleFlash_Emit (net_svc_muzzleflash_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_MuzzleFlash_Parse (net_svc_muzzleflash_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateUserInfo_Emit (net_svc_updateuserinfo_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_UpdateUserInfo_Parse (net_svc_updateuserinfo_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SetInfo_Emit (net_svc_setinfo_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SetInfo_Parse (net_svc_setinfo_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_ServerInfo_Emit (net_svc_serverinfo_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_ServerInfo_Parse (net_svc_serverinfo_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Download_Emit (net_svc_download_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Download_Parse (net_svc_download_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Playerinfo_Emit (net_svc_playerinfo_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Playerinfo_Parse (net_svc_playerinfo_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Nails_Emit (net_svc_nails_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Nails_Parse (net_svc_nails_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_ChokeCount_Emit (net_svc_chokecount_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_ChokeCount_Parse (net_svc_chokecount_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Modellist_Emit (net_svc_modellist_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Modellist_Parse (net_svc_modellist_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Soundlist_Emit (net_svc_soundlist_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_Soundlist_Parse (net_svc_soundlist_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_PacketEntities_Emit (net_svc_packetentities_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_PacketEntities_Parse (net_svc_packetentities_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_DeltaPacketEntities_Emit (net_svc_deltapacketentities_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_DeltaPacketEntities_Parse (net_svc_deltapacketentities_t *block,
qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_MaxSpeed_Emit (net_svc_maxspeed_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_MaxSpeed_Parse (net_svc_maxspeed_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_EntGravity_Emit (net_svc_entgravity_t *block,
sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_EntGravity_Parse (net_svc_entgravity_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SetPause_Emit (net_svc_setpause_t *block, sizebuf_t *buf);
net_status_t NET_SVC_SetPause_Parse (net_svc_setpause_t *block, qmsg_t *msg);
#endif // NET_SVC_H