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synced 2025-03-04 00:11:12 +00:00
Yay for coming up with a solution for enums short names that start with a number, makes things more readable.
71 lines
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71 lines
1.5 KiB
images = {
shadow = {
flags = cube_compatible;
imageType = `2d;
format = x8_d24_unorm_pack32;
samples = 1;
extent = {
width = 256; // FIXME config
height = 256; // FIXME config
depth = 1;
mipLevels = 1;
arrayLayers = 2048; // FIXME config
tiling = optimal;
usage = depth_stencil_attachment|sampled;
initialLayout = undefined;
imageViews = {
shadow = {
image = depth;
format = $properties.images.shadow.format;
components = {
r = identity;
g = identity;
b = identity;
a = identity;
subresourceRange = {
aspectMask = depth;
levelCount = 1;
layerCount = $properties.images.shadow.arrayLayers;
framebuffer = {
renderPass = $properties.renderpass;
attachments = (shadown);
width = $properties.images.shadow.extent.width;
height = $properties.images.shadow.extent.height;
layers = $properties.images.shadow.arrayLayers;
clearValues = (
{ depthStencil = { depth = 1; stencil = 0; }; },
renderpass = {
attachments = (
format = $properties.images.depth.format;
samples = 1;
loadOp = dont_care;
storeOp = store;
stencilLoadOp = dont_care;
stencilStoreOp = dont_care;
initialLayout = undefined;
finalLayout = shader_read_only_optimal;
subpasses = (
{ // 0 depth
pipelineBindPoint = graphics;
depthStencilAttachment = {
attachment = 0;
layout = depth_stencil_attachment_optimal;