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So I don't have to keep duplicating file names all over the place, I've decided to use the "dox" extension on text files that are formatted for doxygen processing. This way, doxygen can search for them using wildcards, and unformated text files won't cause any headaches.
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//unfortunately, have to wrap the docs in a C comment for doxygen
\page key_binding New Bind System
To: Colin Thompson
Subject: Re: toggle console problem
From: Bill Currie
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 01:15:16 -0700
On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 07:33:38AM -0000, Colin Thompson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I noticed a problem with binding a key to toggle the console. the
> 'traditional' key is usually tilde but it only brings the console down -
> after that the keypress is is captured by the console code and won't send it
> back up again....
This is actually by design.
> I'm not sure if this is classed as a bug or not, but I noticed that Taniwha
> is working with the console code so I thought this list would be more
> appropriate...
Yeah, I've been busy of late (finally got back into the swing of things:).
> Should the console be capturing only certain keys? or everything?
Well, the console /is/ capturing the keys. They're just not bound to any
action. qf 0.5 has a rather powerful key binding system (thanks to Mercury)
that can drasticly simplify config scripts. Rather than the one key binding
table you're used to, qf has eighteen: one for the console (IMT_CONSOLE) and
17 for in-game (IMT_0 to IMT_16). There is also IMT_DEFAULT, but that just
maps to IMT_0. The way to bind keys in this system is (eg): in_bind
imt_console k_backquote toggleconsole (there, even answered your main
question:). IMT -> input mapping table. Here's another, longer example:
exec configs/common/alias/zoom.cfg
bind mwheeldown z_out
bind mwheelup z_in
in_bind imt_1 m_wheel_down "impulse 12"
in_bind imt_1 m_wheel_up "impulse 10"
in_bind imt_0 k_capslock +goto_imt_1
// unbound keys in imt_[1-16] fall through to imt_0
alias +goto_imt_1 "imt imt_1"
alias -goto_imt_1 "imt imt_0"
Now, bind acts as a compatability layer taking the old bind syntax (and key
names), converting them to the new using the imt specified in the in_bind_imt
cvar (which defaults to imt_default (which points to imt_0: the main game
imt)). The imt command selects the current imt that the input engine is to
check for a binding.
What this setup does is give me variable zoom using my mouse wheel by default.
When I hold down the capslock key, the wheel cycles though my weapons.
As stated in the comment in the config, if the input engine doesn't find a
binding for a key in tables 1-16, it will look in table 0. If it still doesn't
find a binding, it drops the key.
imt_console is /totally/ independent of imt 0-16. /any/ time you leave the
game, imt_console is made the `default' and imt_0 to imt_16 are ignored. In
game, imt_0 is default with imt_1 to imt_16 being available.
Ways to leave the game: bring down the console (or have it forced down via
disconnect); go to the menu (they're not functional yet, but I'm making
progress); messagemode1 and messagemode2.
PS: incase nobodie's noticed: chat now has input history. just use the up/down
arrow keys.
Leave others their otherness. -- Aratak